Duromine vs Sibutramine

Duromine vs. Sibutramine

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 – Updated January 12, 2023
, reviewed by
 – Updated January 12, 2023
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Obesity has been a devastating and nasty condition, striking an increasing number of people during the last few decades. Thus, for multiple years, doctors and pharmacists have been looking for an optimal weight loss aid, that would help to reduce the appetite and boost the fat burning process. Recent innovations terminated the condition as multiple effective and quality excess weight treatments have been discovered.

Duromine and Sibutramine are two of such drugs frequently prescribed as potent aids in the weight loss process. Each of these drugs does its work.

Duromine and Sibutramine act through appetite suppression and help the patients:

  • forget about hunger pangs and focus on quickly weight loss;
  • refuse or limit consumption of sweet and high-calorie foods.;
  • stably lose weight, reduce BMI and waist circumference.

Duromine and Sibutramine differences

Despite the fact that Sibutramine and Duromine are effective anti-obesity drugs, the desirable effect is achieved through different means. It may play a crucial role for patients suffering from diverse related conditions, like heart problems, diabetes of any type, high cholesterol and other health issues.

Thus, even though the drugs have a great anorexigenic effect, the active components are different, and the results differ correspondingly.

Duromine consists of Phentermine as the main component that is a time tested and reliable aid to treat obesity. Being Phentermine derivative, Duromine has the same drastic effect on the body as its original counterpart.

This drug is commonly prescribed for severely obese people who cannot deal with the problem by means of a low-calorie diet and exercising only.

Apart from changing different life habits, this medication boosts the inner processes vital for weight loss. First of all, the treatment course of obesity with Duromine:

  • improves the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbs;
  • stimulates greater energy production and its fast consumption.

Affecting the work of the central nervous system, this medication is definitely effective to influence the condition and reduce extra weight enormously. During Duromine use, side effects may occur, but benefits of this drug outweigh the potential risks.

Sibutramine, on the other hand, is another effective weight loss medication that has been known and popular at the pharmaceutical market for many years. Despite great advantages of this drug, its production has been slowed down and almost stopped because of a number of factors.

Multiple researches have proved that Sibutramine is dangerous for the cardiovascular system, and around 20% of patients who use this drug have suffered from related conditions. Thus, the benefit from the medication intake is much lower than possible risks and side effects. However, if your doctor has recommended this medication, then it is safe for you and the effect will be only positive.

Duromine and Sibutramine similarities

Having diverse active components, these medications surely differ, though they also have some common features. First of all, both drugs should be combined with other weight loss measures, including:

  • regular workouts;
  • low-calorie diet;
  • change in habits.

Do not use these medications without first consulting your doctor, as they can potentially cause different side effects, striking both nervous and cardiovascular system and emotional health of the patient. Be aware of contraindications and precautions before the treatment course to avoid various risks and dangers.

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