Phentermine to Adderall conversion

Phentermine Vs Adderall: What is Better for You

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 – Updated May 8, 2023
, reviewed by
 – Updated May 8, 2023
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It’s no secret that reduced appetite and weight loss are closely related, and increased appetite and excessive food intake often cause excess weight.

In this article, we will talk about Phentermine and Adderall, the drugs often compared as weight loss pills. Let’s consider their main similarities and differences and find out which is better for you.

Comparison table.

Drug classAnorectics, CNS stimulantsCNS stimulants
Available dosage formsTablets, capsuleTablets, capsule
World market launch19601959
Status in AustraliaApproved by the TGANot approved by the TGA
Active ingredientPhentermineAmphetamine and Dextroamphetamine

It should be noted that you can use both drugs for purposes not mentioned in this review or the package leaflet. Important condition: only a doctor must decide whether you can take prescription drugs, especially CNS stimulants.

Why to compare these drugs if they have different indications?

That is because many people using Adderall report weight loss. Moreover, doctors prescribe drugs containing Amphetamine for obesity (in the USA).

Specifically, Adderall causes:

  • loss of appetite in 22% of people;
  • loss of weight in 4% of people.

DailyMed provided this information. In this case, reduced appetite and weight loss are adverse reactions. People who underwent ADHD treatment experienced these reactions, and not all of them were on a low-calorie diet and were physically active.

Phentermine to Adderall conversion

Dose conversion coefficients may apply when switching from one drug to another. It is necessary so that you can successfully continue the treatment with the new drug using the optimal dose rather than the starting dose.

Phentermine and Adderall are approved to treat completely different conditions. We found no reliable information on the Phentermine to Adderall conversion coefficients or vice versa.


A doctor must approve and monitor medication or dosage changes.


Adderall and Phentermine are CNS stimulants, but officially they have different indications.

Phentermine is the best solution if your goal is to lose extra kilograms with obesity. It is officially an anorexigenic drug that acts on the centers of appetite in the central nervous system. Adderall may cause weight loss but is not a drug commonly used in the pharmacological treatment of obesity.

Use medicines only for the purpose approved by the pharmacovigilance services and as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, do not start treatment. 

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