Why do many people on diets have no results or insignificant results? A general rule for all diets leading to weight loss: for a diet to be successful, you should reduce calorie content and then stick to this limit. This article is for those who find it difficult to optimize their Duromine meal plan.
If you have problems with excess weight, doctors may prescribe Duromine (Phentermine). The drug suppresses appetite and helps solve the problem of overeating.
Before starting treatment, finding or making a Duromine diet plan is necessary.
Here is what should you consider in this plan:
Treatment goals.
Obesity degree.
Related diseases, if any.
Past obesity treatment experience.
Food is the most powerful lever for improving your health. And when you make the body burn fat, remember that the body shouldn’t have a deficit of microelements.
Struggling to find the right meal plan for Duromine? Look no further. Visit MyHealthyWeight today to discover balanced, dietitian-approved plans that complement your weight loss journey. Start now!
What to eat when on Duromine 30mg (within reasonable limits) to eliminate body fat and not suddenly gain weight?
Whole-grain carbohydrates. You should select those with the lowest glycemic index.
Vegetable oils. They contain essential microelements necessary for proper growth, body development and general health maintenance.
Various fruits and vegetables. They can be frozen, canned, fresh or dried.
Proteins (animal and plant). They increase satiety by increasing free amino acid levels and accelerating muscle mass growth.
Fat fish (salmon, trout and sardines). It is an excellent source of essential fatty acids and healthy proteins.
The primary purpose of a diet is to force the body to destroy fat cells. It is impossible to quickly reduce the percentage of body fat if you eat high-calorie foods such as:
Sweet desserts and drinks.
Hard margarine.
Fried foods rich in trans fats.
Mayonnaise, ketchup and most other sauces.
Instant noodles and cereals.
Fast food, chips, crackers and similar products.
Important advice! Before selecting a Duromine diet menu, you should consult a professional nutritionist. He will help you choose the best diet for you.
Usually, doctors prescribe the minimum dose of 15 mg in the following cases:
High doses cause side effects.
You have related diseases.
So, the question “What to eat when on Duromine 15 mg” may have several answers. For example, if you have hypertension, eat foods low in salt. You can adjust your diet if you have adverse gastrointestinal reactions.
Duromine 30 mg eating plan
You can use the dose of 30 mg at the beginning and throughout treatment. You should be aware that you can and must change the Duromine food plan over time.
By the end of treatment, you should clearly know what to eat and what not to eat. And most importantly, you should be ready to stop the appetite suppressant and fight hunger on your own.
Duromine and intermittent fasting
All mammals can go without food for many hours or even days, and we are no exception. Our bodies have evolved to survive in a variety of conditions. There is nothing wrong with temporarily refusing food; if done correctly, it can be beneficial.
In its simplest form, intermittent fasting means splitting the day into two parts:
Fasting window.
Eating window.
For example, the “16:8 method” means limiting your eating window to 8 hours daily, such as noon to 8 pm or 10:00 to 18:00.
This variant may be the most effective for your health and weight loss. However, others may be more comfortable with small meals up to 5-6 times a day.
If you use Duromine capsules as recommended in the morning, the optimal anorexigenic effect appears around midday. Consider this information when selecting your fasting and eating windows.
Duromine and Keto
Following a ketogenic diet may be beneficial in fighting obesity. Most nutritionists and health organizations support this opinion.
Ketosis is a condition characterized by high levels of ketones in the blood. You have it when you eat too few carbohydrates. The body begins to burn fat because the cells need energy.
Following this diet, you will have to eliminate nearly all carbohydrates. This goes for all types of carbohydrates, whether simple (such as sweets, pastries, and white bread) or complex (such as rice, beans, and nuts). You should replace carbohydrates with fats and proteins.
There are several popular keto diets. Select the right one for you based on your tastes, preferences, and lifestyle. You can use Duromine for any of them.
So, what to eat when taking Duromine?
Our conclusion is that following a diet doesn’t guarantee weight loss. You will only lose weight if you stick to a healthy diet that burns more calories than you consume.
It is individual, and human bodies are different. There is no universal Duromine weight loss eating plan equally suitable for everyone. If something works for one person, it doesn’t mean it will work for you.
So, you should select a meal plan based on your lifestyle, your goals and your individual needs. The trial and error method always works. Don’t be afraid to experiment on your path to success.
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Carika Olivier
2 years ago
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All the side effects is is veel like vomiting and swelling and dizziness dry mouth more awakening and low sex drive suddenly hard beat and slightly hi bloed pressure and so on ppl you must reede the pumflet in the box when you get that pil. And tel your dr if you have a medical record ore are using meds that he must know off he will tel you if you may ore may not use this pil. I have epilepsy and have hi bloed pressure my wait is 136kg i just startid yesterday whit this pil and i love it i all way feel drained no energy but now i have it i love it i can do what i whant and i get it done i am happy i am using Deromine yeah i have sum side effects but that doesn’t stop me ore worried me. Btw u may struggel to pee ore 💩 constipation. But i am good.
2 years ago
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Hello , I am 28 years of age and my blood pressure keeps going up and down .. which I was advise by the doctor to take this drugs to help reduce my weight so I can control my pressure .. cus my weight was 109 kg and it’s like obesity… I have started the doses and it’s makes me feel sleepless .. wil this
Affect me ???
Theresa Yeboah
2 years ago
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Hi, I took duromine for 3days straight and on the 3day I could not sleep at all. So the fourth day to seventh day , I missed the dose, I slept well and ate at the same time with duromine ( no cravings at all just like with duromine)
Initial start weight was 89kg now at 85kg after a week.
I would like to take the duromine twice a week, maximum 3times a week. Please advise if the intervals will have side effects to my body.
I intend to start after the 4days break.
2 years ago
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Hi I am taking durmine and my mouth is so dry I drink alot of water seams to make it worse I have MIT’s on me to help produce saliver and I eat a cearial breakfast to what foods should I eat to help prevent this
2 years ago
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Hi I have been on duromine almost a month now and feel like I am doing something wrong I eat less than 600 calories a day. I lost 2kg in the first week and 2kg in the 2nd week and nothing in the 3rd week. Any suggestions?
3 years ago
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Iam 4 days in now and I can’t sleep at All I take 7 o’clock everyday can I take it at 6 or must u start at 7 iam drinking alot of water and the Chai seeds drinks
First day taking it and I got quite alot of energy more then what I had before I’ve eaten at dinner time but the cravings have stopped .
Had only 1litre of water dry mouth so drinking more now
Haven’t weighed myself yet will do tomorrow
Getting optifast meal replacement smoothie as I did notice I didn’t really feel hungry
Will now be going for walks aswell try help with results
I started taking duromjne 4 days ago. my starting weight was 86.8kgs, I’m 84.5 this morning. I take it at 2.30am so that I am not buzzing from it at night. I have 2 meals a day . a bowl of all bran flakes with full fat milk after my workout ( 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes abs) then at night I eat a small bowl of whatever the family is eating. I have been drinking lots of water.
I plan on taking duromine for a month.
it seems to be working so far.
5 years ago
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Hi there, I am on Day 4 of 30mg.
I haven’t yet weighed myself as I wanted to give it a full week before seeing results, but already I feel better. I am starting a structured meal plan tomorrow but for the last 4 days I have wanted to transition my body so I have been fasting 16:8 and eating two meals a day. This has mainly consisted of raw vegetables and a tablespoon of hummus for lunch and maybe a small handful of nuts late afternoon. Dinner has been a protein and vege. I have been drinking absolutely loads of water as I am thirsty. I am normally a 2-3 litre a day person and I am close to 4 – 4.5 litres now. My eyes are super clear from all the water. For the first 2 days I had one decaf coffee each day, but the last 2 days I have had a half strength coffee around 7-8am. The caffeine didn’t seem to effect me. I have been in quite a calorie deficit on these 4 days as I have had so much energy, I have doubled my workouts. My sleep hasn’t been fantastic but I did sleep better last night. I took this morning’s dose at 5am so hopefully that makes even more of a difference. I have no other side effects other than the dry mouth (but that makes drinking extra water easier) and the poor sleep. I am hopeful as my body adjusts the sleep will improve.
My weight is (was) currently at 73 kilos. My goal weight is to return to where my body seems most comfortable around 60-62 kilos. We’ll see how that feels when I get there. I had put the weight on for a range of reasons and had tried my usual approach previously when the weight has crept on, which was a low carb lifestyle combined with fasting. The scales (or clothes) didn’t budge. So, then I tried keto and the scales didn’t budge then either. Previously these diets have worked for me. For some reason my body seems to want to store fat! Maybe too much calorie deficit.. ? Anyway, I usually work out first thing fasted – 3 x 1 hour cardio sessions a week, and 3 x 1 hour strength/weights sessions a week plus walk the dog every day and a hike with hubby most weekends. Over the past 4 days I have added another workout late afternoon or after dinner. I feel really energised. Cross your fingers the scales are kind to me with this help!
5 years ago
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Hello iv started Duromine 5 days ago have had not lost any weight looking for advice on what I’m doing wrong , feel like giving up.
I know it’s early days but I had hoped to see a little different. I’m still feeling hungry and I find I’m thinking of food constantly. Iv started walking only 1.7k at the moment increasing steps from less than 600 to 5000 per day, please help me before I give up
Hello Debbie. Sometimes, people need to take Duromine for 10 days in a row until they feel the effects. I think you should give it 5 more days. Make sure that you didn’t cut your calories to a drastically small amount.
6 years ago
Hi Angela,
I am starting Duromine 15mg on Friday. My weight has slowly increased over the past 2 years after I quit smoking. I have tried many different diets and eat healthily majority of the time.
I am on night shift so when should I take my dose??
I need to lose 20kg to get back to a reasonable weight.
Hello Mark! First, I wish you all the luck for this weight loss journey and hope that it goes nice and smooth. Secondly, your actual work schedule might be the one affecting your weight, so I am not 100% sure what results you will get with Duromine. However, if you do provide yourself with some decent sleep during the day in a completely dark and noiseless room, it might work. Oh, and, of course, you need to get your portion of dayight as well. May be buy the special lamp and use it. It’s important for a normal body functioning.
Well, it is logic to take your duromine when you wake up or are gtting ready for work, which, in your case means the evening. Since you’re on the lowest dose, you might be lucky to fall asleep easily in the morning when you get back home, but only time will tell how it goes and whether you should take Duromine earlier in the evening to avoid the daytime sleeplesness. Hope that helps.
Also, I would strongly advise you to make a food diary – it helps tracking all you eat and allows you to take a peak in the past and see what you were eating (right or wrong) and adjust your current menu, if you need. Adding some exercises will also help with the weight loss, so please consider adding these to your schedule, as well. not necessarily visiting a gym. Start with at home workouts (plenty of videos on youtube) and increase the load as your fitness level improves. Again, best of luck and keep us posted how you go.
6 years ago
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When im start my weight is 70 kilo. Im expecting that i lose 5 kilo for 1 week
6 years ago
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Hi, im using duromine 40 mg . I started 31 of oct.then until now. But my weight is 69.4 why is not very fast to lose gain. Is there anything wrong to my diet? Can you help me to solve my problem
Hello Sheryl. I am sorry that I could not answer earlier. How are you doing? Did you manage to reach your goal? Your weight doesn’t seem to be excessive, so may be that’s why you weren’t losing as much as you wanted to.
6 years ago
Hai I had just been prescribed Duromine 30mg I was wondering if is it safe to do Banting diet and take Duromine, since Banting is very high on fat and low carb diet, plz help :hmm: :hmm:
You’re very welcome, and I have to say you’re bravo for not giving up! I am sure you will succeed and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your health problem cures. I will be looking forward to your updates with my fingers crossed on nice results! Keep it up!
Hello! You see, if this meal plan goes well for your body, it goes well for you while on Duromine. The main thing is to understand that every diet is something of short duration, and yo ugain back everything that you lose while on it, if you don’t comply with it further. So… just think of it. Whether you do the banting diet or change your eating behavior in a way that you can comply with after the end of Duromine course, thus maintaining the result or progressing with your weight loss. Best of luck and you are very welcome to share your experience!
Hello! You see, if this meal plan goes well for your body, it goes well for you while on Duromine. The main thing is to understand that every diet is something of short duration, and yo ugain back everything that you lose while on it, if you don’t comply with it further. So… just think of it. Whether you do the banting diet or change your eating behavior in a way that you can comply with after the end of Duromine course, thus maintaining the result or progressing with your weight loss. Best of luck and you are very welcome to share your experience!
6 years ago
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Hi All
I started my first day today, I took the pill at 5am and was expecting strong suppressed feelings but didn’t really get a lot and felt the tablet were off by 2pm in the afternoon, even managed to have a brief afternoon nap.
Will the pills become more affective after several days ?
Hello Sam! Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I wish you the best of luck and a fantastic weight loss journey. I am sorry, though, you have to struggle with these very unpleasant common side effects of Duromine. I hope that these subside in a couple of days. Usually, they don’t last any longer than a week. Do you take your Duromine early in the morning? I am sure you aware of the fact that taking it very early can help you avoid or mitigate insomnia. Keep it up and don’t forget about increasing your physical activity!
Hello! Did you lose about 3 kg a week, each week? That is a great result! If you need to lose 30 kg overall, you’re almost reached half of your way. And now to ups and downs. There may be several reasons for that. 1. You stopped drinking as much water as you did. 2. Your body is not ready to keep losing so much weight, which is normal (our bodies are not ‘designed’ to lose 3 kg of fat weekly)… 3. You didn’t up your exercises (though I don’t see you mentioning any exercises at all). 4. This might be the week when you don’t lose much on scales, but lose a lot in your body volumes.
What you can do to solve the issue… 1. Add exercises. If you didn’t exercise until now, this will help kick start fast weight loss again. If you were exercising, add something new or increase the intensity/weight you use for your workouts. 2. Bring water intake to the level you used drink when you started. 3. Make sure you are not eating under 1200 calories. If you do, your body might switch to saving mode. While eating little calories might help you lose some weight at the beginning, it might totally hinder your further weight loss and ‘spoil’ your metabolism. 4. Try having fruits only in the first part of the day, as well as starchy foods. 5. One more thing people sometimes do to kick start weight loss or appetite suppressing effect is they skip one day on Duromine, and continue as before.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. And BRAVO! For the great result! Keep it up!
Hello Adel. Thank you for your question. It refers to the medical area, and here’s some information about the drug interaction of Duromine and Fluoxetine:
“Talk to your doctor before using FLUoxetine together with phentermine. FLUoxetine may increase the effects of phentermine, and side effects such as jitteriness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and racing thoughts have been reported. Combining these medications can also increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucination, seizure, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, shivering or shaking, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, incoordination, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases may result in coma and even death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking the medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Source: drugs.com
Better play it safe and discuss the possibility of using the two drugs together before you begin. Bets of luck!
6 years ago
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Hi there
I have just started taking this as per instruction from my doctor. I do not have too much weight to loose however have been struggling with weight loss despite my efforts
My general diet consists of rice oats with a fruit for breakfast, roast veg/salad with a protien for lunch and dinner.
For snacks I have nuts, fruits and veg – maybe a little too many nuts sometimes
I am on day one of this and had no hunger at all and so much energy so I did feel great however only managed to eat 800 calories.
Is it going to have a negative effect on me eating so low while taking this? I am quite tall aswell so guessing I may need more.
However on a 1600 calorie diet without Duromine I was seeing no results !
Hi Ella! Your diet sounds rather great. Looks like you have all that your body needs. And yes, if you eat 800 calories for too long, it might not be the perfect decision, especially if you do not need to lose A LOT of weight. Try to up the caloric value of your menu to 1200 at least two days a week. Such alternation might help shift the weight. If you have a lot of energy, start exercising. No time for gym? Choose a workout on youtube that you like the most and just do it! Best of luck!
Thankyou for the response
I do already go to the gym 5-6 days a week and have not seen results through my lifestyle – I am 22 and feel this should be fairly easy
I am worried about eating too low on this drug and my body holding onto fat due to starvation mode, do you think this is possible?
6 years ago
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I’ve been taking duromine for 6 days and am having trouble sleeping and feeling a little nervous should I stop taking them
Hello Kathy! Not sure if you are still on Duromine… Insomnia should subside by day 4-7 after the beginning of the course, and you can take an OTC sleeping pill to address the issue (tell the pharmacist that you’re on Duromine before you buy the pills). If you stopped Duromine already, you may give it another try in 3-4 days after stopping – the sensations might differ quite much.
7 years ago
Starting it Next week, and reading up on all this, must you have breakfast or can you take your pill in the morning and have brunch , lunch snack and dinner, not sure if i must eat immediate after drinking the pill in the morning, any advise please?
Hello Danny. It doesn’t really matter. There is no precise recommendation on when to take Duromine concerning the meal. The main thing is to do your best to take it as early in the morning, as possible. Some people set an alarm clock to 5:30 take the pill and go back to sleep. This is to avoid possible insomnia. At that, someone just has the pill, others have a small tube of yogurt with it. Those who eat something with Duromine say that doing so helps them avoid nausea. No one can tell for sure how your body will react to Duromine. You might even need to take it later in the morning, so that the appetite suppression lasts till late night. Depends on your life schedule. Best of luck and feel free to ask your questions.
Hi Angela, I have been on Dreaming for 4 weeks now the first week I lost 1.5 kg the second week 3kg and the third 2kg this week I am not sure yet.
I have been eating a healthy plain my dietitian gave me a few years back and I have been on and off it since.
My question is in the first week I only when to the toilet (number 2) once and have struggled with constipation since starting Duromine, never had a problem before, I drink about 1-2,L of water per day. Is this a normal side affect? Apart from that and the dry mouth which I get from another medication as well I am happy with how it is going. I can see the loss but can’t really fell much of a difference in clothes yet or people have not noticed my loss either. The scales say I have lost and can notice a small difference around my back and face but not much. I also feel as tho it may have stopped and as I was unable to get my next box until today I have missed the last to days. Hoping it will kick start again. I do 20 mins of exercise each day as well. Any advice would be great. Thank-you. Em
Hello Emily. Thank you for your question, it is very good that you decided to ask. Unfortunately, Duromine can cause constipation, especially in insufficient hydration, and I would say that 1-2 L of water a day is not enough when you’re on Duromine. You will have to add at least 1L to those 2 that you already consume. divide the amount into glasses or bottles and set certain time frames, so that you manage to drink evenly during the day, and not swallow a liter before going to bed, just because you forgot to do it during the day. your body will get used to this higher water income in about 10 days, and you will not be bothered by frequent no.1 by then, and it might help you cope with the no.2. in the meantime, you should be aware of the fact that constipation is bad for your weight loss and your health, and you need to do something about it. Usually, people are advised to start with consuming prunes/prune juice and kiwis, and increasing water intake. If none of these help, you will need to take a laxative. This problem should be solved as soon as possible. And you need to monitor the frequency of your no.2.
Missing a couple of days on Duromine definitely can help kick start its action again. As for the weight loss that you don’t see despite the scales, it takes some time for people to notice it, especially for those who lose weight. overall you have a loss of about 8 kg (roughly, don’t know your progress in last week). If your weight is not 150 kg, you will see it soon. On the other had, weight loss can come in waves – you lose in kg for some time, then you almost stop losing in kg and lose A LOT in cms. Besides weighing yourself, also use a tape measure to monitor your progress. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you have.
PS. It is best to increase the intensity or change your exercises approx. every 2 weeks, as our body gets used to everything in about 2 weeks, so shake it from time to time.
7 years ago
I have been taking this for two weeks 15mg. Have lost 2kgs. I am eating healthy 3 meals a day, about 1000 calories, 2 liters of water and exercising 25-30 minutes brisk walking every day. I did have more energy, however this has slowly diminished. I am not hungry enough to snack anymore but understand the need to eat healthy. I’m 50, 85kgs so about 20kg to loose, all my health checks are fine. Why would I be losing the weight so slowly?
Hello! Well, the first possible cause for the slower weight loss, compared to many Duromine users (not all), may be the fact that this is just the way your body works. There are plenty of stories when people lose weight quite slowly, BUT they manage to maintain it easily when discontinuing Duromine. Another cause might be insufficient calorie content of your menu, or the fact that you need to add some strength exercises, at least some (like 5-7 minutes a day). Last thing might be the fact that 15 mg is not sufficient to give you the kick start to a faster weight loss. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of increasing the dose. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
7 years ago
Hi there,
I have been on Jenny Craig for a few months now and have lost a total of 8kgs. I have now plateaued so have been prescribed duromine. Do you think it will still work effectively even though I am on Jenny Craig eating the same amount of calories?
Hi Stephanie. Duromine might give you the kick start that you need. However, if you also change at least something, either increase or decrease your daily caloric value by 10-20% for 1-2 days, or change something in your trainings routine, it might get even better. Best of luck!
7 years ago
Hi! I have just started on duramine but also have chronic fatigue so exercise can be difficult. Any thoughts or advice?
Hello Louise. I am sorry you have to fight with chronic exercise. However, Duromine might provide you with an energy boost that you should immediately use to get into exercising, since it usually doesn’t last for too long. However, if the energy boost does not kick in, you still have to exercise, though changing your mindset and attitude towards exercising. You need to understand that it is important that you consume enough protein, and you shouldn’t generally starve while on Duromine. Fueling your body property might help you get on increasing your physical activity. I would advice you to give a good search on youtube for ‘exercising with chronic fatigue syndrome’. Besides, you might consider yoga, and start very slowly, with literally couple of minutes a day, and slowly increasing your exercising time as your body gets stronger. Best of luck to you and hope that you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals!
Hello Bang! Congrats on such a serious weight loss in just a week! I really love your eating principle. I am sure you will go far, if you manage to comply with it AND add the gym. If you never visited a gym, I would strongly advise you to get a couple of sessions with a Personal trainer, so that he teaches you to work correctly with the simulators. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself or overdo it and by completely out of sports for a long time. Best of luck!!!!!
7 years ago
Hello Ntokozo! First, I Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey and hope you will achieve your goals and start feeling healthier and happier about your appearance, as well as proud of your achievements. The eating plan sounds pretty nice. I would only add some berries or nuts (just a little) to your oatmeal in the morning. Health benefits are huge. Don’t forget about the eggs, which you also can have for breakfast and, if you don’t feel like having any bread, have tomatoes and a bit of avocado with them, or cottage cheese in any of its versions (salty with greens and cucumbers, sweet with cinnamon and fruits or berries, or baked in either of two variants). I would suggest adding a bit more vegetables, still I am sure you will be alternating them, just like the protein variety, right? Fish is also a good choice and will help you not get bored with what you eat. Just to make it easier for you to adjust your menu, I would suggest you google best carbs for weight loss and choose the ones that you do like to eat (I am not sure that my suggestions will be to your liking). As for the portion size… I have no idea what your weight&height is, as well as the level of physical activity. I would strongly advise you to check a couple of calorie calculators which will tell you how many calories you should consume to lose weight. Based on this indicator, you can allocate the caloric value of your meals properly and enjoy a good weight loss.
I am sorry that I did not provide you with a more comprehensive information, but I did my best according to the information you provided. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you wish. I would also suggest you to join a forum. Losing weight with a support is always easier.
7 years ago
Hi all, I am about to start Duromine in the morning. I’m a littler nerves after reading up on the side effects and previous comments regarding headaches etc but I guess everyone’s different so will see how I go.
My starting weight is 88kgs and I would love to get back down to 70kgs over the next 3 months, will keep you posted!!
Hi Angela,
Ok so first week is nearly complete and wow the headaches have been a little intense however nothing nurofen and water cant fix. My main issue has been the lack of sleep. I would say in total over the past 7 days I’ve had about 18 hours sleep max! Is there anything you can recommend? As soon as I nod off within an hour im back wide awake again. Thanks Jade.
7 years ago
Hi- I am thinking of getting Duramine but cant swollow capsules- can the capsules be broken and the contents inside poured into water and be drinken? TIA
Hello Mel. You should discuss this issue with your doctor, but I would strongly advise you not to open the capsules. Duromine is a modified release drug, and both the contents of the capsule and the insides are intended to be released slowly into your system. Besides, it is a potent drug and is supposed to be released namely in your stomach and not the esophagus. Who knows what reaction you might have… I wouldn’t risk…
Did you try taking a mouthful of water, then pushing the capsule through your lips and just swallowing all this water without trying to find the capsule in, or moving your tongue anyhow?
Best of luck to you, Mel! I hope everything turns well for you!
Sam S
7 years ago
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Hi, started duromine 30mg 3 days ago. Have been eating clean food. Drinking plenty of water. Lost 1.3 kgs so far. Struggling to sleep, 2-3 hrs of broken sleep at the most. Having to use panadols 4-6 per day to encounter headaches. Excited about the progress so far though.
Hello Tam! Bravo for quitting smoking! It’s a HUGE achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! I hope that Duromine works great for you, just as it did before and you will manage to lose those 20 kg during the course. Just remember that everything’s in your hands and any restrictions are just for three months. Good luck to you!!!
Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ll have to sit down and develop a proper eating plan. You need to fuel your body properly, especially on days, when you train. Your headaches can be caused by the low food intake. Besides, you need to develop a plan that you’ll stick to when you’re off Duromine. Otherwise, you will gain all the weight back. This is not a quick fix. Duromine requires making lifetyle changes permanent. Best of luck!
Hello Sam! Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I wish you the best of luck and a fantastic weight loss journey. I am sorry, though, you have to struggle with these very unpleasant common side effects of Duromine. I hope that these subside in a couple of days. Usually, they don’t last any longer than a week. Do you take your Duromine early in the morning? I am sure you aware of the fact that taking it very early can help you avoid or mitigate insomnia. Keep it up and don’t forget about increasing your physical activity!
7 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
When I was thinking of a meal while on Duromine, I decided I will simply cut out fast food, alcoholic drinks, coffee, deep-friend and fried food, red meat and foods rich in carbs. I was mostly eating tons of fresh leafy greens, steamed or grilled chicken/fish, steamed and fresh vegetables. So now it’s the end of my first week on Duromine and I lost already 4 kilos, and that’s without much exercising. Though, of course, I know it’s more of a water weight, so will be hitting the gym next week to enhance the results. Hope this helps to anyone who tries to lose weight.
Hello Bang! Congrats on such a serious weight loss in just a week! I really love your eating principle. I am sure you will go far, if you manage to comply with it AND add the gym. If you never visited a gym, I would strongly advise you to get a couple of sessions with a Personal trainer, so that he teaches you to work correctly with the simulators. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself or overdo it and by completely out of sports for a long time. Best of luck!!!!!
I m on duromine for a month and I lost on average 3kgs. In this week it shows ups and down and make me frustrated . I am on diet plan. I add vitamin b + c. I need to lose 30kg overall. I only take small potion of rice once a week. I eat 2 eggs/ oats’/ milk / chicken/ fruits and salads.
Please help me to achieve my target as I know duromine can only b consume in 3 months. I am on 30mg. 🙁 😛 🙁
Hello! Did you lose about 3 kg a week, each week? That is a great result! If you need to lose 30 kg overall, you’re almost reached half of your way. And now to ups and downs. There may be several reasons for that. 1. You stopped drinking as much water as you did. 2. Your body is not ready to keep losing so much weight, which is normal (our bodies are not ‘designed’ to lose 3 kg of fat weekly)… 3. You didn’t up your exercises (though I don’t see you mentioning any exercises at all). 4. This might be the week when you don’t lose much on scales, but lose a lot in your body volumes.
What you can do to solve the issue… 1. Add exercises. If you didn’t exercise until now, this will help kick start fast weight loss again. If you were exercising, add something new or increase the intensity/weight you use for your workouts. 2. Bring water intake to the level you used drink when you started. 3. Make sure you are not eating under 1200 calories. If you do, your body might switch to saving mode. While eating little calories might help you lose some weight at the beginning, it might totally hinder your further weight loss and ‘spoil’ your metabolism. 4. Try having fruits only in the first part of the day, as well as starchy foods. 5. One more thing people sometimes do to kick start weight loss or appetite suppressing effect is they skip one day on Duromine, and continue as before.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. And BRAVO! For the great result! Keep it up!
Not 3kg a week but in a month.I did skip a day of duromine but still no changes. Today is my second month on it and the weight remain the same that is 87kg from 90kg.I drink enought alkaline water hg level ph10 to alkaline my body. I use electric vibration slimming belt for exercise. I have slip disc recently L5 to s3. Cannot do hard movement..
Very slow progress. Dryness
Hello again! I see why you are sad… serious physical condition…. Did you ever discuss with your doctor the possibility of swimming exercises to improve the condition? Is it possible? Could you please discuss it and, if he says you can, get into the pool as soon as possible. I believe your body does need increased activity to kick start an intensive weight loss. Can you walk? Or not allowed to move more at all? Are you planning on having a surgery for the discs? If yes, you might consider postponing the weight loss until you get the surgery and recover and start moving… just a suggestion.
And now… did your doctor make your diet plan? How many calories it implies you consuming? I heard doctors making their patients consume 500 calories to lose weight. do you eat often in small servings? Do you consume any dairy products besides the milk? You get protein from chicken and eggs, I see. eat fruits in the first part of the day. In the second opt for proteins and vegetables.
I know a couple of people, whose weight loss was very low, but they don’t give up, and little by little, it accumulates in good numbers. Don’t give up! Discuss possibilities with your doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Tq angela for your sweet advice. I never give up. I’m still working for it. Will update with ur upon my progress. By the way no sugery. Only on medication and light exercises for sciatica pain.
I love to read the group discussions it is helpful and motivated for me to keep up achieving my goal.
You’re very welcome, and I have to say you’re bravo for not giving up! I am sure you will succeed and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your health problem cures. I will be looking forward to your updates with my fingers crossed on nice results! Keep it up!
7 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
After reading all the info and the comments below, I’ve come to the conclusion that while on Duromine, it is best to keep the diet simple and go back to basics. Fruit, veg, lean meats etc. I was following lchf but have determined that this type of eating will not necessarily work with the Duromine. I am 3 days in and also have a cold so I am struggling. I think I may pause the duromine until I feel better.
Hello xXx, thank you for your comment. Yet, I would like to tell you that not every person “works” the same. It’s the same thing that we see with side effects of Duromine. Some people have plenty and strong, while others have none. Plus, talking to someone about your weight loss can help you stick to your goal, not back down if you don’t succeed at once, or get back on track if you failed.
If someone asks for my help or an advice, and I can provide these, I am always willing to help and hope that my advice does help someone lose weight and become healthier. =)) So smile and stay positive!
Hello Jen! I hope you will enjoy your weight loss process, and yes, you did come to the right conclusion. Indeed, keeping to healthy eating principles and eating in small portions is the key to losing weight AND maintaining your weight after you finish Duromine.
Sure, if you feel bad, you should wait until your cold passes, and go on with Duromine course. Since it’s just 3 months, I always advice people to bring their efforts to maximum, i.e. proper eating and exercising, since you have to teach yourself new habits. Exercising is an essential part of a weight loss process, just like the eating, so don’t postpone it once you continue moving towards your goal.
Get better and wish you all the best and high achievements on your way!
Hi Jen! How is your weight loss process going? Did you add some exercising? If not… and it’s just the first month gone… you can add exercises now, starting from month 2 – to not lose the weight loss pace, or even increase it. Best of luck!
7 years ago
Day 1 of Duramine, I quit smoking nearly 2 months ago but have gained 20 kgs over the last 5 years. I have used duramine before, with great success, no questions but I may have some soon 🙂 starting at 96k with bmi of 32.5
Hello Tam! Bravo for quitting smoking! It’s a HUGE achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! I hope that Duromine works great for you, just as it did before and you will manage to lose those 20 kg during the course. Just remember that everything’s in your hands and any restrictions are just for three months. Good luck to you!!!
Hello xXx, thank you for your comment. Yet, I would like to tell you that not every person “works” the same. It’s the same thing that we see with side effects of Duromine. Some people have plenty and strong, while others have none. Plus, talking to someone about your weight loss can help you stick to your goal, not back down if you don’t succeed at once, or get back on track if you failed.
If someone asks for my help or an advice, and I can provide these, I am always willing to help and hope that my advice does help someone lose weight and become healthier. =)) So smile and stay positive!
8 years ago
hi. I need an advice. I need to lose just 11 kilos and I am on Duromine for 4 days already. I managed to lose 1.7 kilos. I though, there will be a greater weight loss. However, I am not sure if I am eating properly. I need an advice on what I am doing wrong, because I really don’t want to be on Duromine for more than 1 month. I usually have a cup of decaf coffee in the morning (can have a boiled egg or a toast with it). Lunch – usually some meat/fish with rice and/or salad. Dinner mostly like the lunch.
Thanks in advance!
Hi, niki! I would suggest you to have something more serious for breakfast, like a whole-wheat toast with e.g. avocado, cucumber, soft-boiled egg. You can add other veggies or have a slice of grilled chicken breast, or a piece of cheese, or cottage cheese. In fact, breakfast is the time when you should be having your carbs. The rice you eat in the second half of the day (twice) is quite bad for a successful weight loss, because it is bad carbs. Either you replace it with brown rice, or skip at all, and eat your proteins with salad (perfect combination). If you really need to snack, choose a fruit, a vegetable, or some nuts. Don’t forget to drink enough water and engage into exercising, if you still haven’t good luck!
Thanks for your advice, Angela. I feel a lot better now and I think the weight loss progress actually accelerated a bit. I also increased the water intake. Figured it was insufficient. And the headaches disappeared. I thought I have to endure them till the end of the course. The weight loss for the week is 3.8 kg. I think, it’s a good result. What do you say? Not too little?
Hi Niki. Congrats with no more headaches and biggest congratulations on you r weight loss. It is a fantastic result, considering the fact that you don’t have that much to lose. It’s a very good result! Keep it up and remember, you’d better lose weight steadily, instead of gaining it back once you’re off Duromine! take care!
Hi Angela, hope you can help me. I am planning on starting duromine and working out my eating plan. This is what I have made so far : breakfast:1 cup oats + milk
snack-1 apple
lunch-spinach+ chicken
dinner-chicken +pumpkin
Please also advise on the amounts(measurements) of each serving. I have managed to cut bread out so I am not really keen on having toast for breakfast. Do i really need to eat carbs, if so, can I get them from another source besides breads, pastas or rice etc? Thanks
Hello Ntokozo! First, I Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey and hope you will achieve your goals and start feeling healthier and happier about your appearance, as well as proud of your achievements. The eating plan sounds pretty nice. I would only add some berries or nuts (just a little) to your oatmeal in the morning. Health benefits are huge. Don’t forget about the eggs, which you also can have for breakfast and, if you don’t feel like having any bread, have tomatoes and a bit of avocado with them, or cottage cheese in any of its versions (salty with greens and cucumbers, sweet with cinnamon and fruits or berries, or baked in either of two variants). I would suggest adding a bit more vegetables, still I am sure you will be alternating them, just like the protein variety, right? Fish is also a good choice and will help you not get bored with what you eat. Just to make it easier for you to adjust your menu, I would suggest you google best carbs for weight loss and choose the ones that you do like to eat (I am not sure that my suggestions will be to your liking). As for the portion size… I have no idea what your weight&height is, as well as the level of physical activity. I would strongly advise you to check a couple of calorie calculators which will tell you how many calories you should consume to lose weight. Based on this indicator, you can allocate the caloric value of your meals properly and enjoy a good weight loss.
I am sorry that I did not provide you with a more comprehensive information, but I did my best according to the information you provided. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you wish. I would also suggest you to join a forum. Losing weight with a support is always easier.
niki, be careful with such a fast weight loss. Your skin can suffer and you can end up with sagging skin. Better take 2 months and lose slowly and steadily, good luck!
Thanks Edyth, sounds like quite a sane idea. Need massage to solve the issue. Lost 3 kilos in 2 weeks. Was hoping for more, but still good. I don’t have that much to lose.
8 years ago
want to try vegetarian eating style. what do you think? Will it help lose weight faster on Duromine? Starting it in a couple of days, when I get to the pharmacy.
Hello Vic. You can try, however, if you get to the vegetarianism seriously, you will have to develop a very diversified diet. You will need to get all the protein. Remember, your weight loss should be a healthy one, which won’t harm your health. I would suggest you read more info about what a vegetarian eating style is, and I would suggest you simply introduce more vegetables in your nutrition, and cut the bad stuff. It works most times. If you make such serious changes like totally stopping to eat meat, you might crack under such pressure and all your efforts will go to nothing. You have to start developing new eating habits that you can keep to after you finish Duromine course, as well. Think about it well, or discuss it with your doctor. Best of luck with your weight loss!
Hi Angela. Thanks for a prompt reply. I made a more thorough research over the internet, gave it a good thinking, and I might abandon the idea of vegetarianism. It does require a lot of time and commitment. And I know myself. I won’t be able to do it. Do you have any suggestions or know any tricks to boost the weight loss?
Hi Vic. Ok, I get your point. As for the tricks, there are none, in fact. You should eat healthy and comply with the daily caloric value of 1200 cal. You should introduce more leafy greens and vegetables, and have them with lean meat/fish/eggs/dairy foods. If you eat anything that is rich in starch, better have it in the morning. If you feel you’re hungry and you still have time till the next meal, you can try drinking a glass of warm water and wait 10 minutes to check if you didn’t confuse hunger with thirst. If you’re still hungry, have a fruit, or a vegetable, or some nuts.
The important aspect of your weight loss is the exercising. You should not expect the extra weight to be coming off you like in a fairy tale. You will have to work, and remember you only have 3 months on Duromine, so use them wisely. Good luck!
Thank you guys for your tips. End of week 2 on Duromine. No hunger at all. Still eat, a toast with an egg or ham, or cheese with vegies on top for breakfast, a steak with boiled or baked potatoes or rice for lunch, and usually stir fry vegies with chicken for dinner. Lost 5 kilos by now. Very happy!
Congratulations Vic! That’s an outstanding result! Sounds like you are doing it all correctly! Keep it up and I am sure you will get to your goal weight! Best of luck!
Hello Anna! You can take Duromine for no longer than 3 months in a row, after which you need to take a break of 1-2 months, depending on what your doctor says. Remember, if you want to achieve the desired result, you need to combine Duromine treatment with increased physical activity and adequate nutrition, i.e. 3 small main meals + 2-3 healthy snacks (depending on the length of your activity day), which contain all important substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, microelements), increased hydration and no alcohol. Avoid starvation and insufficient water consumption, since these can enhance side effects. Stay consistent and you might find one 3-month course sufficient to achieve your goal. Best of luck!
The main trick is to comply with the plan every day, not every other day or every third day. If you start exercising and eating less, do it every day. Best of luck with your weight loss, dude.
8 years ago
Hi, can I eat all fruits? I sometimes hear that diets do not allow eating bananas and grapes. Is it true? Are any other fruits forbidden?
Hello. When it comes to fruits, your individual reactions to them also matter. For example, some people eat an apple when they’re hungry, and feel full and satisfied. The others, after having an apple, are ready to eat an elephant a couple of minutes later, because of the high acidity of the fruit and their own peculiarities of the digestive system.
Indeed, bananas and grapes are not considered the best friend of a dieter. Still, I would advice you to consume them in the first half of the day. Like a snack. It doesn’t mean that you have to eat a kilogram of these fruits at once. One banana, 7-10 grapes, if it’s a large variety, not more than a cup if it’s a middle-sized variety, and a handful, if it’s a variety with very small grapes. This restriction comes from the fact that both banana and grapes are very high on carbs content, compared to other fruits. To compare with, Cantaloupe has only 7 carbs, and orange has 10 carbs, while grapes have 16 and banana has 20 carbs per 100 g. If you are following a diet that strictly limits the amount of your daily carbs consumption, you should have these numbers in mind. Best of luck!
Hi Niki. Congrats with no more headaches and biggest congratulations on you r weight loss. It is a fantastic result, considering the fact that you don’t have that much to lose. It’s a very good result! Keep it up and remember, you’d better lose weight steadily, instead of gaining it back once you’re off Duromine! take care!
8 years ago
why do they say that it is better to eat often? I just don’t get it.. if I eat now once a day and don’t lose weight. How can I lose weight if I eat 5-6 times a day.
Hello Clair. The reason for such eating regime is explained by the metabolic processes. When you eat once a day, your body is in starvation mode for most part of the day, and the next time you eat, it tries to accumulate something for the next starvation period. You don’t give any comfort to your body. It is under constant stress.
If you eat very small portions of healthy food and make sure your overall caloric value for the day doesn’t exceed 1200 calories, you make your body work like a clock and the nutrients you give it are digested and assimilated properly. It is proven that you always benefit if you switch to a schedule of eating and exercising. Same thing with the sleep-wake mode. You can improve your sleep (if you have any issues with it) by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Same thing with all the processes in our body. Best of luck to you!
I am not sure, Angela, if it will work for me. How do you teach yourself to have breakfast, if you have been skipping them for like 10-15 years? Is there any method? I am thinking about eating something in the morning and already feel nauseous.
Hi Clair! I know it can be hard, but it’s your health and your beauty, and your youth you have to fight for. Start from little. Have half a boiled egg, or a tablespoon of cottage cheese or porridge, something like that. it will take some time for both of you, your mind and your body to get used to this, but it’s worth it. Make a schedule and convince yourself that you must comply with this eating schedule no matter what. Good luck!
Started Duromine 3 days ago. NO HUNGER! I was thinking how I can solve the breakfast problem, and now I have to convince myself to eat anything at all. That’s really tough. I am happy though that no more evening hunger or cravings for sweets. That’s so cool!
Hi Clair, I didn’t eat breakfast for over 25 years and as soon as I started eating 5 – 6 small intakes per day the weight feel off me. I went from 118kg to 65kgs. Of course included in that was an exercise program that I built up over time as I lost the weight. I have maintained my loss for nearly 2 years and I am now also a personal trainer. All the best with your weight loss journey ?
Hello Jen! I hope you will enjoy your weight loss process, and yes, you did come to the right conclusion. Indeed, keeping to healthy eating principles and eating in small portions is the key to losing weight AND maintaining your weight after you finish Duromine.
Sure, if you feel bad, you should wait until your cold passes, and go on with Duromine course. Since it’s just 3 months, I always advice people to bring their efforts to maximum, i.e. proper eating and exercising, since you have to teach yourself new habits. Exercising is an essential part of a weight loss process, just like the eating, so don’t postpone it once you continue moving towards your goal.
Get better and wish you all the best and high achievements on your way!
Hi Jen! How is your weight loss process going? Did you add some exercising? If not… and it’s just the first month gone… you can add exercises now, starting from month 2 – to not lose the weight loss pace, or even increase it. Best of luck!
Hello Mel. You should discuss this issue with your doctor, but I would strongly advise you not to open the capsules. Duromine is a modified release drug, and both the contents of the capsule and the insides are intended to be released slowly into your system. Besides, it is a potent drug and is supposed to be released namely in your stomach and not the esophagus. Who knows what reaction you might have… I wouldn’t risk…
Did you try taking a mouthful of water, then pushing the capsule through your lips and just swallowing all this water without trying to find the capsule in, or moving your tongue anyhow?
Best of luck to you, Mel! I hope everything turns well for you!
You won’t, if you keep eating HUGE meals 5-6 times a day instead of 1. Divide you huge meal into 5-6 portions, and eat it like this. Give your body at least a possibility to digest it all properly.
8 years ago
Hello. Starting Duromine next week. I’ve been thinking of using meal replacement shakes with it, to boost weight loss. I am not really good with making up eating plans. What do you think?
Hello Michael. I know it can be hard sometimes to start cooking healthy meals, if you are used to frying everything, or don’t cook at all. However, meal replacement shakes are not the best idea, in my opinion. Let’s take a look in the future, when you stop using Duromine. Are you planning to keep on to replacement shakes till the rest of your life? I don’t think so.
The idea of using Duromine also includes the development of healthy eating habits, and this is exactly what you should be working on right now. Focus on having simple and healthy meals. You always can pour boiling milk over a couple of tbsp of oatmeal and add 5-10 raisins, let it soak, and get a healthy nutritious breakfast in 5 minutes. Then have a fruit, or some berries, or some nuts as a snack. For lunch, you can have a simple salad of leafy greens and veggies, seasoned with a tbsp.. of olive oil and some lemon juice + grilled fish/chicken breast/ even a steak, cooked without oil or butter. You can season your food the way you like. Have a cucumber or a couple of tbsp’s of cottage cheese, or an egg, or a cup of yogurt. And choose something healthy for the evening meal, as well. Have it 3-4 hours before bedtime. Drink plenty of water. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. That’s it!
Good luck!
Michael, I think that Duromine is capable of providing the kick-start you need. Let’s see how it goes. Cutting junk foods already is conductive to weight loss. If you cut the amount of bad food coming into your body, you already will start losing weight, trust me. Is today your first day on Duromine? Hope, you’re feeling fine.
Day 5 on Duromine. Felt quite bad the first four days. Tonight was the first night I actually managed to sleep 5 hours without waking up and tossing in bed. Don’t feel nauseous and no headache so far. A good start of the day, I should say (touch wood). Been having a really dry mouth. Drink lots of water and the first two days it wasn’t really helping. Hopefully, gets better today.
Hello Michael. Looks like your body finally is getting used to Duromine and insomnia finally subsided. The dry mouth can persist a bit longer, or till the end of the course. However, you might benefit from this side effect and to never forget drink enough water during the day. How is it going? Did you weigh yourself?
Had my weight in today. Lost 2.7 kg in the first week. Not too much and not too little. I am going to continue and see how it goes. Not sure to go through the entire 3 month course, but this month I am still in “business”.
Congratulations Vic! That’s an outstanding result! Sounds like you are doing it all correctly! Keep it up and I am sure you will get to your goal weight! Best of luck!
8 years ago
Hi. Starting Duromine next week. Been browsing thru many diets on the internet. Dunno which one to choose. High-protein low-fat? Not a vegetarian. Love the meat. Any suggestions?
Hi Matt. I never suggest people getting on any certain diet unless they are ready to turn it into their lifestyle till the end of the days. You should always aim for healthy food in small quantities. Meat is good. Complement it with non-starchy vegetables, and enjoy your steak. Try to consume leaner cuts. Fish, of course, is indispensable, so if you’re not a fan, you should figure which kind of fish you “don’t like” less, and have it. Also dairy products, eggs, non-sweet fruit. You can add up something little by little to your nutrition after you finish the course of Duromine, and check, which of the foods make you gain weight. Then you can exclude them or replace with something similar. After all, maintaining weight after weight loss is a very difficult task for those, who haven’t developed healthy eating habits. Good luck!
Hi, just started with duromine 3days now I’m always thirsty, I drink 3to 4ltr per day I got slightly headache but it’s not bad. My problem is I dont feel hungry at all I ate just not to starve myself. Good thing about them is that i got lot of energy and it helps me when i go to gym .
Hello again! I see why you are sad… serious physical condition…. Did you ever discuss with your doctor the possibility of swimming exercises to improve the condition? Is it possible? Could you please discuss it and, if he says you can, get into the pool as soon as possible. I believe your body does need increased activity to kick start an intensive weight loss. Can you walk? Or not allowed to move more at all? Are you planning on having a surgery for the discs? If yes, you might consider postponing the weight loss until you get the surgery and recover and start moving… just a suggestion.
And now… did your doctor make your diet plan? How many calories it implies you consuming? I heard doctors making their patients consume 500 calories to lose weight. do you eat often in small servings? Do you consume any dairy products besides the milk? You get protein from chicken and eggs, I see. eat fruits in the first part of the day. In the second opt for proteins and vegetables.
I know a couple of people, whose weight loss was very low, but they don’t give up, and little by little, it accumulates in good numbers. Don’t give up! Discuss possibilities with your doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ll have to sit down and develop a proper eating plan. You need to fuel your body properly, especially on days, when you train. Your headaches can be caused by the low food intake. Besides, you need to develop a plan that you’ll stick to when you’re off Duromine. Otherwise, you will gain all the weight back. This is not a quick fix. Duromine requires making lifetyle changes permanent. Best of luck!
Hey. Try food combining. Worked great for me. Google it. It’s simple to keep
Linley Boulden
8 years ago
Hello Andy. I am glad to hear that Duromine helps you so well. However, you should not starve. If your goal is weight loss, you should eat and do it the right way. Please, read the post above and you will understand why it is essential that you eat. Remember, a good weight loss is the one that doesn’t harm your health and helps you not only lose kilos, but also bring your body in a good shape. You can get a good shape through exercising. Exercising requires energy and nutrients in your body. If you have any questions about what exactly you should eat and you don’t get them in our ‘Meal plan for Duromine’ review, feel free to ask.
Hi Angela, it’s Andy. 8th day on Duromine already. Weight loss result is 1,4 kilos a week. I was hoping for more. Did what you said. Trying to eat healthy. May be I should do as I wanted to do and I will get better results.
Nice hearing from you, Andy. I am not aware of the weight you started with. However, 1.4 kilos a week is a good result. It’s better than zero and a lot better than gaining another kilo. Besides, do the calculations and you will see that you will lose at least 5.6 kilos in a month, that’s 11 kilos in 2 months and 16 kilos in 3 months. I have to assure you that losing weight slowly is a lot better than to lose 15 kilos a month a gain 25 back after you finish “starving”. You’re doing just fine. Yet, I would recommend you engage in physical activity. I am sure, it will help you boost your weight loss results and you will feel a lot better and motivated.
Hey again, Angela. Remember me? I am off Duromine now. Been three months on it and I should admit it was a successful experience! I managed to lose a total of 17 kilos. I lost 7 kilo sin the first month, then 5.5 in the second, and 4.5 in the third month. I was exercising, and the eating habits change did a great job for me. Had to struggle with dry mouth for the first two weeks or so. Then, it got better, or, may be, it happened simply because I got used to drinking enough water. I made myself a drinking schedule. I read that it’s better if you drink often in very small portions instead of having a couple glasses of water in 2 seconds. Now, I don’t even need the reminder, and drink as I should. I also changed the way I eat during the day. I never though I will find enough time during the day to eat 6 times. Yet, it turned out that it’s a lot easier when you actually start doing it the right way. By the way, I love cooking now. It was hard to get off the ready-made meals or semi-cooked foods, but I knew what my aim was. What else… Thank you very much for giving me that first push. Sometimes, a right word at the right moment can save a life. Best wishes, Andy – the healthy, fit and sexy one =)).
Hi Vic. Ok, I get your point. As for the tricks, there are none, in fact. You should eat healthy and comply with the daily caloric value of 1200 cal. You should introduce more leafy greens and vegetables, and have them with lean meat/fish/eggs/dairy foods. If you eat anything that is rich in starch, better have it in the morning. If you feel you’re hungry and you still have time till the next meal, you can try drinking a glass of warm water and wait 10 minutes to check if you didn’t confuse hunger with thirst. If you’re still hungry, have a fruit, or a vegetable, or some nuts.
The important aspect of your weight loss is the exercising. You should not expect the extra weight to be coming off you like in a fairy tale. You will have to work, and remember you only have 3 months on Duromine, so use them wisely. Good luck!
8 years ago
Hello Andy. I am glad to hear that Duromine helps you so well. However, you should not starve. If your goal is weight loss, you should eat and do it the right way. Please, read the post above and you will understand why it is essential that you eat. Remember, a good weight loss is the one that doesn’t harm your health and helps you not only lose kilos, but also bring your body in a good shape. You can get a good shape through exercising. Exercising requires energy and nutrients in your body. If you have any questions about what exactly you should eat and you don’t get them in our ‘Meal plan for Duromine’ review, feel free to ask.
Hello Adel. Thank you for your question. It refers to the medical area, and here’s some information about the drug interaction of Duromine and Fluoxetine:
“Talk to your doctor before using FLUoxetine together with phentermine. FLUoxetine may increase the effects of phentermine, and side effects such as jitteriness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and racing thoughts have been reported. Combining these medications can also increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucination, seizure, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, shivering or shaking, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, incoordination, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases may result in coma and even death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking the medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Source: drugs.com
Better play it safe and discuss the possibility of using the two drugs together before you begin. Bets of luck!
Hello Sheryl. I am sorry that I could not answer earlier. How are you doing? Did you manage to reach your goal? Your weight doesn’t seem to be excessive, so may be that’s why you weren’t losing as much as you wanted to.
8 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
Hi, been on Duromine for 2 days. Don’t feel hungry at all, just thirsty. I think I will lose weight a lot faster if I don’t eat anything. It’s my main goal – to lose weight, and I don’t want to wait several months to achieve it. How long can a person starve?
This is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read. You need food to survive. Eat lean meats and vegetables, also nuts and fruit. You will lose weight in a more healthy way and be less prone to putting it back on.
Hello Ryan. Thank you very much for showing a proper approach to a healthy nutrition and giving a good advice to someone who needs it. I support every word you have written. Take care!
if you are over weight like me i am 110kg if you only drink water you can go up to 30 to 40 days without food
8 years ago
Hi. I have a question to ask and I hope you will be able to help me out. I have been taking Duromine for 17 days now, and I did manage to lose 5 kgs during the first 12 days. It is the fifth day that I am not seeing any changes in my weight and I am a bit desperate. Why does it happen like this. Is there any way I can boost the weight loss? I really need this… Please, give any advice. I would appreciate any tips!
Hello Meg. Congratulations on such a great weight loss! It can happen so that your weight will be stable for a couple of days, or even a week, and you will continue losing it further. Many people have to deal with such a phase in weight loss.
Don’t be desperate and simply continue with your weight loss program, or up the exercises a bit. Your body might have gotten used to the load. Best of luck!
hi Angela. I skipped a day of Duromine. This helped kick-start it again. Still sticking to my eating regime and added swimming 2 times a week. A lot better! Happy for now
Dr. Susan Jameson is a registered chiropractor and also a qualified osteopath and homeopath. She has many years' experience in helping people regain and maintain their health. Susan uses traditional spinal and cranial adjusting techniques, massage, dry needling and therapeutic stretches and exercises to relieve pain and restore normal function. Nutritional and homeopathic medicines may be recommended to promote health and recovery.
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Carika Olivier
2 years ago
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All the side effects is is veel like vomiting and swelling and dizziness dry mouth more awakening and low sex drive suddenly hard beat and slightly hi bloed pressure and so on ppl you must reede the pumflet in the box when you get that pil. And tel your dr if you have a medical record ore are using meds that he must know off he will tel you if you may ore may not use this pil. I have epilepsy and have hi bloed pressure my wait is 136kg i just startid yesterday whit this pil and i love it i all way feel drained no energy but now i have it i love it i can do what i whant and i get it done i am happy i am using Deromine yeah i have sum side effects but that doesn’t stop me ore worried me. Btw u may struggel to pee ore 💩 constipation. But i am good.
2 years ago
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Hello , I am 28 years of age and my blood pressure keeps going up and down .. which I was advise by the doctor to take this drugs to help reduce my weight so I can control my pressure .. cus my weight was 109 kg and it’s like obesity… I have started the doses and it’s makes me feel sleepless .. wil this
Affect me ???
Theresa Yeboah
2 years ago
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Hi, I took duromine for 3days straight and on the 3day I could not sleep at all. So the fourth day to seventh day , I missed the dose, I slept well and ate at the same time with duromine ( no cravings at all just like with duromine)
Initial start weight was 89kg now at 85kg after a week.
I would like to take the duromine twice a week, maximum 3times a week. Please advise if the intervals will have side effects to my body.
I intend to start after the 4days break.
2 years ago
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Hi I am taking durmine and my mouth is so dry I drink alot of water seams to make it worse I have MIT’s on me to help produce saliver and I eat a cearial breakfast to what foods should I eat to help prevent this
2 years ago
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Hi I have been on duromine almost a month now and feel like I am doing something wrong I eat less than 600 calories a day. I lost 2kg in the first week and 2kg in the 2nd week and nothing in the 3rd week. Any suggestions?
3 years ago
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Iam 4 days in now and I can’t sleep at All I take 7 o’clock everyday can I take it at 6 or must u start at 7 iam drinking alot of water and the Chai seeds drinks
First day taking it and I got quite alot of energy more then what I had before I’ve eaten at dinner time but the cravings have stopped .
Had only 1litre of water dry mouth so drinking more now
Haven’t weighed myself yet will do tomorrow
Getting optifast meal replacement smoothie as I did notice I didn’t really feel hungry
Will now be going for walks aswell try help with results
I started taking duromjne 4 days ago. my starting weight was 86.8kgs, I’m 84.5 this morning. I take it at 2.30am so that I am not buzzing from it at night. I have 2 meals a day . a bowl of all bran flakes with full fat milk after my workout ( 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes abs) then at night I eat a small bowl of whatever the family is eating. I have been drinking lots of water.
I plan on taking duromine for a month.
it seems to be working so far.
5 years ago
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Hi there, I am on Day 4 of 30mg.
I haven’t yet weighed myself as I wanted to give it a full week before seeing results, but already I feel better. I am starting a structured meal plan tomorrow but for the last 4 days I have wanted to transition my body so I have been fasting 16:8 and eating two meals a day. This has mainly consisted of raw vegetables and a tablespoon of hummus for lunch and maybe a small handful of nuts late afternoon. Dinner has been a protein and vege. I have been drinking absolutely loads of water as I am thirsty. I am normally a 2-3 litre a day person and I am close to 4 – 4.5 litres now. My eyes are super clear from all the water. For the first 2 days I had one decaf coffee each day, but the last 2 days I have had a half strength coffee around 7-8am. The caffeine didn’t seem to effect me. I have been in quite a calorie deficit on these 4 days as I have had so much energy, I have doubled my workouts. My sleep hasn’t been fantastic but I did sleep better last night. I took this morning’s dose at 5am so hopefully that makes even more of a difference. I have no other side effects other than the dry mouth (but that makes drinking extra water easier) and the poor sleep. I am hopeful as my body adjusts the sleep will improve.
My weight is (was) currently at 73 kilos. My goal weight is to return to where my body seems most comfortable around 60-62 kilos. We’ll see how that feels when I get there. I had put the weight on for a range of reasons and had tried my usual approach previously when the weight has crept on, which was a low carb lifestyle combined with fasting. The scales (or clothes) didn’t budge. So, then I tried keto and the scales didn’t budge then either. Previously these diets have worked for me. For some reason my body seems to want to store fat! Maybe too much calorie deficit.. ? Anyway, I usually work out first thing fasted – 3 x 1 hour cardio sessions a week, and 3 x 1 hour strength/weights sessions a week plus walk the dog every day and a hike with hubby most weekends. Over the past 4 days I have added another workout late afternoon or after dinner. I feel really energised. Cross your fingers the scales are kind to me with this help!
5 years ago
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Hello iv started Duromine 5 days ago have had not lost any weight looking for advice on what I’m doing wrong , feel like giving up.
I know it’s early days but I had hoped to see a little different. I’m still feeling hungry and I find I’m thinking of food constantly. Iv started walking only 1.7k at the moment increasing steps from less than 600 to 5000 per day, please help me before I give up
Hello Debbie. Sometimes, people need to take Duromine for 10 days in a row until they feel the effects. I think you should give it 5 more days. Make sure that you didn’t cut your calories to a drastically small amount.
6 years ago
Hi Angela,
I am starting Duromine 15mg on Friday. My weight has slowly increased over the past 2 years after I quit smoking. I have tried many different diets and eat healthily majority of the time.
I am on night shift so when should I take my dose??
I need to lose 20kg to get back to a reasonable weight.
Hello Mark! First, I wish you all the luck for this weight loss journey and hope that it goes nice and smooth. Secondly, your actual work schedule might be the one affecting your weight, so I am not 100% sure what results you will get with Duromine. However, if you do provide yourself with some decent sleep during the day in a completely dark and noiseless room, it might work. Oh, and, of course, you need to get your portion of dayight as well. May be buy the special lamp and use it. It’s important for a normal body functioning.
Well, it is logic to take your duromine when you wake up or are gtting ready for work, which, in your case means the evening. Since you’re on the lowest dose, you might be lucky to fall asleep easily in the morning when you get back home, but only time will tell how it goes and whether you should take Duromine earlier in the evening to avoid the daytime sleeplesness. Hope that helps.
Also, I would strongly advise you to make a food diary – it helps tracking all you eat and allows you to take a peak in the past and see what you were eating (right or wrong) and adjust your current menu, if you need. Adding some exercises will also help with the weight loss, so please consider adding these to your schedule, as well. not necessarily visiting a gym. Start with at home workouts (plenty of videos on youtube) and increase the load as your fitness level improves. Again, best of luck and keep us posted how you go.
6 years ago
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When im start my weight is 70 kilo. Im expecting that i lose 5 kilo for 1 week
6 years ago
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Hi, im using duromine 40 mg . I started 31 of oct.then until now. But my weight is 69.4 why is not very fast to lose gain. Is there anything wrong to my diet? Can you help me to solve my problem
Hello Sheryl. I am sorry that I could not answer earlier. How are you doing? Did you manage to reach your goal? Your weight doesn’t seem to be excessive, so may be that’s why you weren’t losing as much as you wanted to.
6 years ago
Hai I had just been prescribed Duromine 30mg I was wondering if is it safe to do Banting diet and take Duromine, since Banting is very high on fat and low carb diet, plz help :hmm: :hmm:
You’re very welcome, and I have to say you’re bravo for not giving up! I am sure you will succeed and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your health problem cures. I will be looking forward to your updates with my fingers crossed on nice results! Keep it up!
Hello! You see, if this meal plan goes well for your body, it goes well for you while on Duromine. The main thing is to understand that every diet is something of short duration, and yo ugain back everything that you lose while on it, if you don’t comply with it further. So… just think of it. Whether you do the banting diet or change your eating behavior in a way that you can comply with after the end of Duromine course, thus maintaining the result or progressing with your weight loss. Best of luck and you are very welcome to share your experience!
Hello! You see, if this meal plan goes well for your body, it goes well for you while on Duromine. The main thing is to understand that every diet is something of short duration, and yo ugain back everything that you lose while on it, if you don’t comply with it further. So… just think of it. Whether you do the banting diet or change your eating behavior in a way that you can comply with after the end of Duromine course, thus maintaining the result or progressing with your weight loss. Best of luck and you are very welcome to share your experience!
6 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
Hi All
I started my first day today, I took the pill at 5am and was expecting strong suppressed feelings but didn’t really get a lot and felt the tablet were off by 2pm in the afternoon, even managed to have a brief afternoon nap.
Will the pills become more affective after several days ?
Hello Sam! Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I wish you the best of luck and a fantastic weight loss journey. I am sorry, though, you have to struggle with these very unpleasant common side effects of Duromine. I hope that these subside in a couple of days. Usually, they don’t last any longer than a week. Do you take your Duromine early in the morning? I am sure you aware of the fact that taking it very early can help you avoid or mitigate insomnia. Keep it up and don’t forget about increasing your physical activity!
Hello! Did you lose about 3 kg a week, each week? That is a great result! If you need to lose 30 kg overall, you’re almost reached half of your way. And now to ups and downs. There may be several reasons for that. 1. You stopped drinking as much water as you did. 2. Your body is not ready to keep losing so much weight, which is normal (our bodies are not ‘designed’ to lose 3 kg of fat weekly)… 3. You didn’t up your exercises (though I don’t see you mentioning any exercises at all). 4. This might be the week when you don’t lose much on scales, but lose a lot in your body volumes.
What you can do to solve the issue… 1. Add exercises. If you didn’t exercise until now, this will help kick start fast weight loss again. If you were exercising, add something new or increase the intensity/weight you use for your workouts. 2. Bring water intake to the level you used drink when you started. 3. Make sure you are not eating under 1200 calories. If you do, your body might switch to saving mode. While eating little calories might help you lose some weight at the beginning, it might totally hinder your further weight loss and ‘spoil’ your metabolism. 4. Try having fruits only in the first part of the day, as well as starchy foods. 5. One more thing people sometimes do to kick start weight loss or appetite suppressing effect is they skip one day on Duromine, and continue as before.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. And BRAVO! For the great result! Keep it up!
Hello Adel. Thank you for your question. It refers to the medical area, and here’s some information about the drug interaction of Duromine and Fluoxetine:
“Talk to your doctor before using FLUoxetine together with phentermine. FLUoxetine may increase the effects of phentermine, and side effects such as jitteriness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and racing thoughts have been reported. Combining these medications can also increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucination, seizure, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, shivering or shaking, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, incoordination, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases may result in coma and even death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking the medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Source: drugs.com
Better play it safe and discuss the possibility of using the two drugs together before you begin. Bets of luck!
6 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
Hi there
I have just started taking this as per instruction from my doctor. I do not have too much weight to loose however have been struggling with weight loss despite my efforts
My general diet consists of rice oats with a fruit for breakfast, roast veg/salad with a protien for lunch and dinner.
For snacks I have nuts, fruits and veg – maybe a little too many nuts sometimes
I am on day one of this and had no hunger at all and so much energy so I did feel great however only managed to eat 800 calories.
Is it going to have a negative effect on me eating so low while taking this? I am quite tall aswell so guessing I may need more.
However on a 1600 calorie diet without Duromine I was seeing no results !
Hi Ella! Your diet sounds rather great. Looks like you have all that your body needs. And yes, if you eat 800 calories for too long, it might not be the perfect decision, especially if you do not need to lose A LOT of weight. Try to up the caloric value of your menu to 1200 at least two days a week. Such alternation might help shift the weight. If you have a lot of energy, start exercising. No time for gym? Choose a workout on youtube that you like the most and just do it! Best of luck!
Thankyou for the response
I do already go to the gym 5-6 days a week and have not seen results through my lifestyle – I am 22 and feel this should be fairly easy
I am worried about eating too low on this drug and my body holding onto fat due to starvation mode, do you think this is possible?
6 years ago
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I’ve been taking duromine for 6 days and am having trouble sleeping and feeling a little nervous should I stop taking them
Hello Kathy! Not sure if you are still on Duromine… Insomnia should subside by day 4-7 after the beginning of the course, and you can take an OTC sleeping pill to address the issue (tell the pharmacist that you’re on Duromine before you buy the pills). If you stopped Duromine already, you may give it another try in 3-4 days after stopping – the sensations might differ quite much.
7 years ago
Starting it Next week, and reading up on all this, must you have breakfast or can you take your pill in the morning and have brunch , lunch snack and dinner, not sure if i must eat immediate after drinking the pill in the morning, any advise please?
Hello Danny. It doesn’t really matter. There is no precise recommendation on when to take Duromine concerning the meal. The main thing is to do your best to take it as early in the morning, as possible. Some people set an alarm clock to 5:30 take the pill and go back to sleep. This is to avoid possible insomnia. At that, someone just has the pill, others have a small tube of yogurt with it. Those who eat something with Duromine say that doing so helps them avoid nausea. No one can tell for sure how your body will react to Duromine. You might even need to take it later in the morning, so that the appetite suppression lasts till late night. Depends on your life schedule. Best of luck and feel free to ask your questions.
Hi Angela, I have been on Dreaming for 4 weeks now the first week I lost 1.5 kg the second week 3kg and the third 2kg this week I am not sure yet.
I have been eating a healthy plain my dietitian gave me a few years back and I have been on and off it since.
My question is in the first week I only when to the toilet (number 2) once and have struggled with constipation since starting Duromine, never had a problem before, I drink about 1-2,L of water per day. Is this a normal side affect? Apart from that and the dry mouth which I get from another medication as well I am happy with how it is going. I can see the loss but can’t really fell much of a difference in clothes yet or people have not noticed my loss either. The scales say I have lost and can notice a small difference around my back and face but not much. I also feel as tho it may have stopped and as I was unable to get my next box until today I have missed the last to days. Hoping it will kick start again. I do 20 mins of exercise each day as well. Any advice would be great. Thank-you. Em
Hello Emily. Thank you for your question, it is very good that you decided to ask. Unfortunately, Duromine can cause constipation, especially in insufficient hydration, and I would say that 1-2 L of water a day is not enough when you’re on Duromine. You will have to add at least 1L to those 2 that you already consume. divide the amount into glasses or bottles and set certain time frames, so that you manage to drink evenly during the day, and not swallow a liter before going to bed, just because you forgot to do it during the day. your body will get used to this higher water income in about 10 days, and you will not be bothered by frequent no.1 by then, and it might help you cope with the no.2. in the meantime, you should be aware of the fact that constipation is bad for your weight loss and your health, and you need to do something about it. Usually, people are advised to start with consuming prunes/prune juice and kiwis, and increasing water intake. If none of these help, you will need to take a laxative. This problem should be solved as soon as possible. And you need to monitor the frequency of your no.2.
Missing a couple of days on Duromine definitely can help kick start its action again. As for the weight loss that you don’t see despite the scales, it takes some time for people to notice it, especially for those who lose weight. overall you have a loss of about 8 kg (roughly, don’t know your progress in last week). If your weight is not 150 kg, you will see it soon. On the other had, weight loss can come in waves – you lose in kg for some time, then you almost stop losing in kg and lose A LOT in cms. Besides weighing yourself, also use a tape measure to monitor your progress. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you have.
PS. It is best to increase the intensity or change your exercises approx. every 2 weeks, as our body gets used to everything in about 2 weeks, so shake it from time to time.
7 years ago
I have been taking this for two weeks 15mg. Have lost 2kgs. I am eating healthy 3 meals a day, about 1000 calories, 2 liters of water and exercising 25-30 minutes brisk walking every day. I did have more energy, however this has slowly diminished. I am not hungry enough to snack anymore but understand the need to eat healthy. I’m 50, 85kgs so about 20kg to loose, all my health checks are fine. Why would I be losing the weight so slowly?
Hello! Well, the first possible cause for the slower weight loss, compared to many Duromine users (not all), may be the fact that this is just the way your body works. There are plenty of stories when people lose weight quite slowly, BUT they manage to maintain it easily when discontinuing Duromine. Another cause might be insufficient calorie content of your menu, or the fact that you need to add some strength exercises, at least some (like 5-7 minutes a day). Last thing might be the fact that 15 mg is not sufficient to give you the kick start to a faster weight loss. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of increasing the dose. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
7 years ago
Hi there,
I have been on Jenny Craig for a few months now and have lost a total of 8kgs. I have now plateaued so have been prescribed duromine. Do you think it will still work effectively even though I am on Jenny Craig eating the same amount of calories?
Hi Stephanie. Duromine might give you the kick start that you need. However, if you also change at least something, either increase or decrease your daily caloric value by 10-20% for 1-2 days, or change something in your trainings routine, it might get even better. Best of luck!
7 years ago
Hi! I have just started on duramine but also have chronic fatigue so exercise can be difficult. Any thoughts or advice?
Hello Louise. I am sorry you have to fight with chronic exercise. However, Duromine might provide you with an energy boost that you should immediately use to get into exercising, since it usually doesn’t last for too long. However, if the energy boost does not kick in, you still have to exercise, though changing your mindset and attitude towards exercising. You need to understand that it is important that you consume enough protein, and you shouldn’t generally starve while on Duromine. Fueling your body property might help you get on increasing your physical activity. I would advice you to give a good search on youtube for ‘exercising with chronic fatigue syndrome’. Besides, you might consider yoga, and start very slowly, with literally couple of minutes a day, and slowly increasing your exercising time as your body gets stronger. Best of luck to you and hope that you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals!
Hello Bang! Congrats on such a serious weight loss in just a week! I really love your eating principle. I am sure you will go far, if you manage to comply with it AND add the gym. If you never visited a gym, I would strongly advise you to get a couple of sessions with a Personal trainer, so that he teaches you to work correctly with the simulators. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself or overdo it and by completely out of sports for a long time. Best of luck!!!!!
7 years ago
Hello Ntokozo! First, I Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey and hope you will achieve your goals and start feeling healthier and happier about your appearance, as well as proud of your achievements. The eating plan sounds pretty nice. I would only add some berries or nuts (just a little) to your oatmeal in the morning. Health benefits are huge. Don’t forget about the eggs, which you also can have for breakfast and, if you don’t feel like having any bread, have tomatoes and a bit of avocado with them, or cottage cheese in any of its versions (salty with greens and cucumbers, sweet with cinnamon and fruits or berries, or baked in either of two variants). I would suggest adding a bit more vegetables, still I am sure you will be alternating them, just like the protein variety, right? Fish is also a good choice and will help you not get bored with what you eat. Just to make it easier for you to adjust your menu, I would suggest you google best carbs for weight loss and choose the ones that you do like to eat (I am not sure that my suggestions will be to your liking). As for the portion size… I have no idea what your weight&height is, as well as the level of physical activity. I would strongly advise you to check a couple of calorie calculators which will tell you how many calories you should consume to lose weight. Based on this indicator, you can allocate the caloric value of your meals properly and enjoy a good weight loss.
I am sorry that I did not provide you with a more comprehensive information, but I did my best according to the information you provided. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you wish. I would also suggest you to join a forum. Losing weight with a support is always easier.
7 years ago
Hi all, I am about to start Duromine in the morning. I’m a littler nerves after reading up on the side effects and previous comments regarding headaches etc but I guess everyone’s different so will see how I go.
My starting weight is 88kgs and I would love to get back down to 70kgs over the next 3 months, will keep you posted!!
Hi Angela,
Ok so first week is nearly complete and wow the headaches have been a little intense however nothing nurofen and water cant fix. My main issue has been the lack of sleep. I would say in total over the past 7 days I’ve had about 18 hours sleep max! Is there anything you can recommend? As soon as I nod off within an hour im back wide awake again. Thanks Jade.
7 years ago
Hi- I am thinking of getting Duramine but cant swollow capsules- can the capsules be broken and the contents inside poured into water and be drinken? TIA
Hello Mel. You should discuss this issue with your doctor, but I would strongly advise you not to open the capsules. Duromine is a modified release drug, and both the contents of the capsule and the insides are intended to be released slowly into your system. Besides, it is a potent drug and is supposed to be released namely in your stomach and not the esophagus. Who knows what reaction you might have… I wouldn’t risk…
Did you try taking a mouthful of water, then pushing the capsule through your lips and just swallowing all this water without trying to find the capsule in, or moving your tongue anyhow?
Best of luck to you, Mel! I hope everything turns well for you!
Sam S
7 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
Hi, started duromine 30mg 3 days ago. Have been eating clean food. Drinking plenty of water. Lost 1.3 kgs so far. Struggling to sleep, 2-3 hrs of broken sleep at the most. Having to use panadols 4-6 per day to encounter headaches. Excited about the progress so far though.
Hello Tam! Bravo for quitting smoking! It’s a HUGE achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! I hope that Duromine works great for you, just as it did before and you will manage to lose those 20 kg during the course. Just remember that everything’s in your hands and any restrictions are just for three months. Good luck to you!!!
Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ll have to sit down and develop a proper eating plan. You need to fuel your body properly, especially on days, when you train. Your headaches can be caused by the low food intake. Besides, you need to develop a plan that you’ll stick to when you’re off Duromine. Otherwise, you will gain all the weight back. This is not a quick fix. Duromine requires making lifetyle changes permanent. Best of luck!
Hello Sam! Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I wish you the best of luck and a fantastic weight loss journey. I am sorry, though, you have to struggle with these very unpleasant common side effects of Duromine. I hope that these subside in a couple of days. Usually, they don’t last any longer than a week. Do you take your Duromine early in the morning? I am sure you aware of the fact that taking it very early can help you avoid or mitigate insomnia. Keep it up and don’t forget about increasing your physical activity!
7 years ago
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When I was thinking of a meal while on Duromine, I decided I will simply cut out fast food, alcoholic drinks, coffee, deep-friend and fried food, red meat and foods rich in carbs. I was mostly eating tons of fresh leafy greens, steamed or grilled chicken/fish, steamed and fresh vegetables. So now it’s the end of my first week on Duromine and I lost already 4 kilos, and that’s without much exercising. Though, of course, I know it’s more of a water weight, so will be hitting the gym next week to enhance the results. Hope this helps to anyone who tries to lose weight.
Hello Bang! Congrats on such a serious weight loss in just a week! I really love your eating principle. I am sure you will go far, if you manage to comply with it AND add the gym. If you never visited a gym, I would strongly advise you to get a couple of sessions with a Personal trainer, so that he teaches you to work correctly with the simulators. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself or overdo it and by completely out of sports for a long time. Best of luck!!!!!
I m on duromine for a month and I lost on average 3kgs. In this week it shows ups and down and make me frustrated . I am on diet plan. I add vitamin b + c. I need to lose 30kg overall. I only take small potion of rice once a week. I eat 2 eggs/ oats’/ milk / chicken/ fruits and salads.
Please help me to achieve my target as I know duromine can only b consume in 3 months. I am on 30mg. 🙁 😛 🙁
Hello! Did you lose about 3 kg a week, each week? That is a great result! If you need to lose 30 kg overall, you’re almost reached half of your way. And now to ups and downs. There may be several reasons for that. 1. You stopped drinking as much water as you did. 2. Your body is not ready to keep losing so much weight, which is normal (our bodies are not ‘designed’ to lose 3 kg of fat weekly)… 3. You didn’t up your exercises (though I don’t see you mentioning any exercises at all). 4. This might be the week when you don’t lose much on scales, but lose a lot in your body volumes.
What you can do to solve the issue… 1. Add exercises. If you didn’t exercise until now, this will help kick start fast weight loss again. If you were exercising, add something new or increase the intensity/weight you use for your workouts. 2. Bring water intake to the level you used drink when you started. 3. Make sure you are not eating under 1200 calories. If you do, your body might switch to saving mode. While eating little calories might help you lose some weight at the beginning, it might totally hinder your further weight loss and ‘spoil’ your metabolism. 4. Try having fruits only in the first part of the day, as well as starchy foods. 5. One more thing people sometimes do to kick start weight loss or appetite suppressing effect is they skip one day on Duromine, and continue as before.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. And BRAVO! For the great result! Keep it up!
Not 3kg a week but in a month.I did skip a day of duromine but still no changes. Today is my second month on it and the weight remain the same that is 87kg from 90kg.I drink enought alkaline water hg level ph10 to alkaline my body. I use electric vibration slimming belt for exercise. I have slip disc recently L5 to s3. Cannot do hard movement..
Very slow progress. Dryness
Hello again! I see why you are sad… serious physical condition…. Did you ever discuss with your doctor the possibility of swimming exercises to improve the condition? Is it possible? Could you please discuss it and, if he says you can, get into the pool as soon as possible. I believe your body does need increased activity to kick start an intensive weight loss. Can you walk? Or not allowed to move more at all? Are you planning on having a surgery for the discs? If yes, you might consider postponing the weight loss until you get the surgery and recover and start moving… just a suggestion.
And now… did your doctor make your diet plan? How many calories it implies you consuming? I heard doctors making their patients consume 500 calories to lose weight. do you eat often in small servings? Do you consume any dairy products besides the milk? You get protein from chicken and eggs, I see. eat fruits in the first part of the day. In the second opt for proteins and vegetables.
I know a couple of people, whose weight loss was very low, but they don’t give up, and little by little, it accumulates in good numbers. Don’t give up! Discuss possibilities with your doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Tq angela for your sweet advice. I never give up. I’m still working for it. Will update with ur upon my progress. By the way no sugery. Only on medication and light exercises for sciatica pain.
I love to read the group discussions it is helpful and motivated for me to keep up achieving my goal.
You’re very welcome, and I have to say you’re bravo for not giving up! I am sure you will succeed and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your health problem cures. I will be looking forward to your updates with my fingers crossed on nice results! Keep it up!
7 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
After reading all the info and the comments below, I’ve come to the conclusion that while on Duromine, it is best to keep the diet simple and go back to basics. Fruit, veg, lean meats etc. I was following lchf but have determined that this type of eating will not necessarily work with the Duromine. I am 3 days in and also have a cold so I am struggling. I think I may pause the duromine until I feel better.
Hello xXx, thank you for your comment. Yet, I would like to tell you that not every person “works” the same. It’s the same thing that we see with side effects of Duromine. Some people have plenty and strong, while others have none. Plus, talking to someone about your weight loss can help you stick to your goal, not back down if you don’t succeed at once, or get back on track if you failed.
If someone asks for my help or an advice, and I can provide these, I am always willing to help and hope that my advice does help someone lose weight and become healthier. =)) So smile and stay positive!
Hello Jen! I hope you will enjoy your weight loss process, and yes, you did come to the right conclusion. Indeed, keeping to healthy eating principles and eating in small portions is the key to losing weight AND maintaining your weight after you finish Duromine.
Sure, if you feel bad, you should wait until your cold passes, and go on with Duromine course. Since it’s just 3 months, I always advice people to bring their efforts to maximum, i.e. proper eating and exercising, since you have to teach yourself new habits. Exercising is an essential part of a weight loss process, just like the eating, so don’t postpone it once you continue moving towards your goal.
Get better and wish you all the best and high achievements on your way!
Hi Jen! How is your weight loss process going? Did you add some exercising? If not… and it’s just the first month gone… you can add exercises now, starting from month 2 – to not lose the weight loss pace, or even increase it. Best of luck!
7 years ago
Day 1 of Duramine, I quit smoking nearly 2 months ago but have gained 20 kgs over the last 5 years. I have used duramine before, with great success, no questions but I may have some soon 🙂 starting at 96k with bmi of 32.5
Hello Tam! Bravo for quitting smoking! It’s a HUGE achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! I hope that Duromine works great for you, just as it did before and you will manage to lose those 20 kg during the course. Just remember that everything’s in your hands and any restrictions are just for three months. Good luck to you!!!
Hello xXx, thank you for your comment. Yet, I would like to tell you that not every person “works” the same. It’s the same thing that we see with side effects of Duromine. Some people have plenty and strong, while others have none. Plus, talking to someone about your weight loss can help you stick to your goal, not back down if you don’t succeed at once, or get back on track if you failed.
If someone asks for my help or an advice, and I can provide these, I am always willing to help and hope that my advice does help someone lose weight and become healthier. =)) So smile and stay positive!
8 years ago
hi. I need an advice. I need to lose just 11 kilos and I am on Duromine for 4 days already. I managed to lose 1.7 kilos. I though, there will be a greater weight loss. However, I am not sure if I am eating properly. I need an advice on what I am doing wrong, because I really don’t want to be on Duromine for more than 1 month. I usually have a cup of decaf coffee in the morning (can have a boiled egg or a toast with it). Lunch – usually some meat/fish with rice and/or salad. Dinner mostly like the lunch.
Thanks in advance!
Hi, niki! I would suggest you to have something more serious for breakfast, like a whole-wheat toast with e.g. avocado, cucumber, soft-boiled egg. You can add other veggies or have a slice of grilled chicken breast, or a piece of cheese, or cottage cheese. In fact, breakfast is the time when you should be having your carbs. The rice you eat in the second half of the day (twice) is quite bad for a successful weight loss, because it is bad carbs. Either you replace it with brown rice, or skip at all, and eat your proteins with salad (perfect combination). If you really need to snack, choose a fruit, a vegetable, or some nuts. Don’t forget to drink enough water and engage into exercising, if you still haven’t good luck!
Thanks for your advice, Angela. I feel a lot better now and I think the weight loss progress actually accelerated a bit. I also increased the water intake. Figured it was insufficient. And the headaches disappeared. I thought I have to endure them till the end of the course. The weight loss for the week is 3.8 kg. I think, it’s a good result. What do you say? Not too little?
Hi Niki. Congrats with no more headaches and biggest congratulations on you r weight loss. It is a fantastic result, considering the fact that you don’t have that much to lose. It’s a very good result! Keep it up and remember, you’d better lose weight steadily, instead of gaining it back once you’re off Duromine! take care!
Hi Angela, hope you can help me. I am planning on starting duromine and working out my eating plan. This is what I have made so far : breakfast:1 cup oats + milk
snack-1 apple
lunch-spinach+ chicken
dinner-chicken +pumpkin
Please also advise on the amounts(measurements) of each serving. I have managed to cut bread out so I am not really keen on having toast for breakfast. Do i really need to eat carbs, if so, can I get them from another source besides breads, pastas or rice etc? Thanks
Hello Ntokozo! First, I Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey and hope you will achieve your goals and start feeling healthier and happier about your appearance, as well as proud of your achievements. The eating plan sounds pretty nice. I would only add some berries or nuts (just a little) to your oatmeal in the morning. Health benefits are huge. Don’t forget about the eggs, which you also can have for breakfast and, if you don’t feel like having any bread, have tomatoes and a bit of avocado with them, or cottage cheese in any of its versions (salty with greens and cucumbers, sweet with cinnamon and fruits or berries, or baked in either of two variants). I would suggest adding a bit more vegetables, still I am sure you will be alternating them, just like the protein variety, right? Fish is also a good choice and will help you not get bored with what you eat. Just to make it easier for you to adjust your menu, I would suggest you google best carbs for weight loss and choose the ones that you do like to eat (I am not sure that my suggestions will be to your liking). As for the portion size… I have no idea what your weight&height is, as well as the level of physical activity. I would strongly advise you to check a couple of calorie calculators which will tell you how many calories you should consume to lose weight. Based on this indicator, you can allocate the caloric value of your meals properly and enjoy a good weight loss.
I am sorry that I did not provide you with a more comprehensive information, but I did my best according to the information you provided. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you wish. I would also suggest you to join a forum. Losing weight with a support is always easier.
niki, be careful with such a fast weight loss. Your skin can suffer and you can end up with sagging skin. Better take 2 months and lose slowly and steadily, good luck!
Thanks Edyth, sounds like quite a sane idea. Need massage to solve the issue. Lost 3 kilos in 2 weeks. Was hoping for more, but still good. I don’t have that much to lose.
8 years ago
want to try vegetarian eating style. what do you think? Will it help lose weight faster on Duromine? Starting it in a couple of days, when I get to the pharmacy.
Hello Vic. You can try, however, if you get to the vegetarianism seriously, you will have to develop a very diversified diet. You will need to get all the protein. Remember, your weight loss should be a healthy one, which won’t harm your health. I would suggest you read more info about what a vegetarian eating style is, and I would suggest you simply introduce more vegetables in your nutrition, and cut the bad stuff. It works most times. If you make such serious changes like totally stopping to eat meat, you might crack under such pressure and all your efforts will go to nothing. You have to start developing new eating habits that you can keep to after you finish Duromine course, as well. Think about it well, or discuss it with your doctor. Best of luck with your weight loss!
Hi Angela. Thanks for a prompt reply. I made a more thorough research over the internet, gave it a good thinking, and I might abandon the idea of vegetarianism. It does require a lot of time and commitment. And I know myself. I won’t be able to do it. Do you have any suggestions or know any tricks to boost the weight loss?
Hi Vic. Ok, I get your point. As for the tricks, there are none, in fact. You should eat healthy and comply with the daily caloric value of 1200 cal. You should introduce more leafy greens and vegetables, and have them with lean meat/fish/eggs/dairy foods. If you eat anything that is rich in starch, better have it in the morning. If you feel you’re hungry and you still have time till the next meal, you can try drinking a glass of warm water and wait 10 minutes to check if you didn’t confuse hunger with thirst. If you’re still hungry, have a fruit, or a vegetable, or some nuts.
The important aspect of your weight loss is the exercising. You should not expect the extra weight to be coming off you like in a fairy tale. You will have to work, and remember you only have 3 months on Duromine, so use them wisely. Good luck!
Thank you guys for your tips. End of week 2 on Duromine. No hunger at all. Still eat, a toast with an egg or ham, or cheese with vegies on top for breakfast, a steak with boiled or baked potatoes or rice for lunch, and usually stir fry vegies with chicken for dinner. Lost 5 kilos by now. Very happy!
Congratulations Vic! That’s an outstanding result! Sounds like you are doing it all correctly! Keep it up and I am sure you will get to your goal weight! Best of luck!
Hello Anna! You can take Duromine for no longer than 3 months in a row, after which you need to take a break of 1-2 months, depending on what your doctor says. Remember, if you want to achieve the desired result, you need to combine Duromine treatment with increased physical activity and adequate nutrition, i.e. 3 small main meals + 2-3 healthy snacks (depending on the length of your activity day), which contain all important substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, microelements), increased hydration and no alcohol. Avoid starvation and insufficient water consumption, since these can enhance side effects. Stay consistent and you might find one 3-month course sufficient to achieve your goal. Best of luck!
The main trick is to comply with the plan every day, not every other day or every third day. If you start exercising and eating less, do it every day. Best of luck with your weight loss, dude.
8 years ago
Hi, can I eat all fruits? I sometimes hear that diets do not allow eating bananas and grapes. Is it true? Are any other fruits forbidden?
Hello. When it comes to fruits, your individual reactions to them also matter. For example, some people eat an apple when they’re hungry, and feel full and satisfied. The others, after having an apple, are ready to eat an elephant a couple of minutes later, because of the high acidity of the fruit and their own peculiarities of the digestive system.
Indeed, bananas and grapes are not considered the best friend of a dieter. Still, I would advice you to consume them in the first half of the day. Like a snack. It doesn’t mean that you have to eat a kilogram of these fruits at once. One banana, 7-10 grapes, if it’s a large variety, not more than a cup if it’s a middle-sized variety, and a handful, if it’s a variety with very small grapes. This restriction comes from the fact that both banana and grapes are very high on carbs content, compared to other fruits. To compare with, Cantaloupe has only 7 carbs, and orange has 10 carbs, while grapes have 16 and banana has 20 carbs per 100 g. If you are following a diet that strictly limits the amount of your daily carbs consumption, you should have these numbers in mind. Best of luck!
Hi Niki. Congrats with no more headaches and biggest congratulations on you r weight loss. It is a fantastic result, considering the fact that you don’t have that much to lose. It’s a very good result! Keep it up and remember, you’d better lose weight steadily, instead of gaining it back once you’re off Duromine! take care!
8 years ago
why do they say that it is better to eat often? I just don’t get it.. if I eat now once a day and don’t lose weight. How can I lose weight if I eat 5-6 times a day.
Hello Clair. The reason for such eating regime is explained by the metabolic processes. When you eat once a day, your body is in starvation mode for most part of the day, and the next time you eat, it tries to accumulate something for the next starvation period. You don’t give any comfort to your body. It is under constant stress.
If you eat very small portions of healthy food and make sure your overall caloric value for the day doesn’t exceed 1200 calories, you make your body work like a clock and the nutrients you give it are digested and assimilated properly. It is proven that you always benefit if you switch to a schedule of eating and exercising. Same thing with the sleep-wake mode. You can improve your sleep (if you have any issues with it) by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Same thing with all the processes in our body. Best of luck to you!
I am not sure, Angela, if it will work for me. How do you teach yourself to have breakfast, if you have been skipping them for like 10-15 years? Is there any method? I am thinking about eating something in the morning and already feel nauseous.
Hi Clair! I know it can be hard, but it’s your health and your beauty, and your youth you have to fight for. Start from little. Have half a boiled egg, or a tablespoon of cottage cheese or porridge, something like that. it will take some time for both of you, your mind and your body to get used to this, but it’s worth it. Make a schedule and convince yourself that you must comply with this eating schedule no matter what. Good luck!
Started Duromine 3 days ago. NO HUNGER! I was thinking how I can solve the breakfast problem, and now I have to convince myself to eat anything at all. That’s really tough. I am happy though that no more evening hunger or cravings for sweets. That’s so cool!
Hi Clair, I didn’t eat breakfast for over 25 years and as soon as I started eating 5 – 6 small intakes per day the weight feel off me. I went from 118kg to 65kgs. Of course included in that was an exercise program that I built up over time as I lost the weight. I have maintained my loss for nearly 2 years and I am now also a personal trainer. All the best with your weight loss journey ?
Hello Jen! I hope you will enjoy your weight loss process, and yes, you did come to the right conclusion. Indeed, keeping to healthy eating principles and eating in small portions is the key to losing weight AND maintaining your weight after you finish Duromine.
Sure, if you feel bad, you should wait until your cold passes, and go on with Duromine course. Since it’s just 3 months, I always advice people to bring their efforts to maximum, i.e. proper eating and exercising, since you have to teach yourself new habits. Exercising is an essential part of a weight loss process, just like the eating, so don’t postpone it once you continue moving towards your goal.
Get better and wish you all the best and high achievements on your way!
Hi Jen! How is your weight loss process going? Did you add some exercising? If not… and it’s just the first month gone… you can add exercises now, starting from month 2 – to not lose the weight loss pace, or even increase it. Best of luck!
Hello Mel. You should discuss this issue with your doctor, but I would strongly advise you not to open the capsules. Duromine is a modified release drug, and both the contents of the capsule and the insides are intended to be released slowly into your system. Besides, it is a potent drug and is supposed to be released namely in your stomach and not the esophagus. Who knows what reaction you might have… I wouldn’t risk…
Did you try taking a mouthful of water, then pushing the capsule through your lips and just swallowing all this water without trying to find the capsule in, or moving your tongue anyhow?
Best of luck to you, Mel! I hope everything turns well for you!
You won’t, if you keep eating HUGE meals 5-6 times a day instead of 1. Divide you huge meal into 5-6 portions, and eat it like this. Give your body at least a possibility to digest it all properly.
8 years ago
Hello. Starting Duromine next week. I’ve been thinking of using meal replacement shakes with it, to boost weight loss. I am not really good with making up eating plans. What do you think?
Hello Michael. I know it can be hard sometimes to start cooking healthy meals, if you are used to frying everything, or don’t cook at all. However, meal replacement shakes are not the best idea, in my opinion. Let’s take a look in the future, when you stop using Duromine. Are you planning to keep on to replacement shakes till the rest of your life? I don’t think so.
The idea of using Duromine also includes the development of healthy eating habits, and this is exactly what you should be working on right now. Focus on having simple and healthy meals. You always can pour boiling milk over a couple of tbsp of oatmeal and add 5-10 raisins, let it soak, and get a healthy nutritious breakfast in 5 minutes. Then have a fruit, or some berries, or some nuts as a snack. For lunch, you can have a simple salad of leafy greens and veggies, seasoned with a tbsp.. of olive oil and some lemon juice + grilled fish/chicken breast/ even a steak, cooked without oil or butter. You can season your food the way you like. Have a cucumber or a couple of tbsp’s of cottage cheese, or an egg, or a cup of yogurt. And choose something healthy for the evening meal, as well. Have it 3-4 hours before bedtime. Drink plenty of water. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. That’s it!
Good luck!
Michael, I think that Duromine is capable of providing the kick-start you need. Let’s see how it goes. Cutting junk foods already is conductive to weight loss. If you cut the amount of bad food coming into your body, you already will start losing weight, trust me. Is today your first day on Duromine? Hope, you’re feeling fine.
Day 5 on Duromine. Felt quite bad the first four days. Tonight was the first night I actually managed to sleep 5 hours without waking up and tossing in bed. Don’t feel nauseous and no headache so far. A good start of the day, I should say (touch wood). Been having a really dry mouth. Drink lots of water and the first two days it wasn’t really helping. Hopefully, gets better today.
Hello Michael. Looks like your body finally is getting used to Duromine and insomnia finally subsided. The dry mouth can persist a bit longer, or till the end of the course. However, you might benefit from this side effect and to never forget drink enough water during the day. How is it going? Did you weigh yourself?
Had my weight in today. Lost 2.7 kg in the first week. Not too much and not too little. I am going to continue and see how it goes. Not sure to go through the entire 3 month course, but this month I am still in “business”.
Congratulations Vic! That’s an outstanding result! Sounds like you are doing it all correctly! Keep it up and I am sure you will get to your goal weight! Best of luck!
8 years ago
Hi. Starting Duromine next week. Been browsing thru many diets on the internet. Dunno which one to choose. High-protein low-fat? Not a vegetarian. Love the meat. Any suggestions?
Hi Matt. I never suggest people getting on any certain diet unless they are ready to turn it into their lifestyle till the end of the days. You should always aim for healthy food in small quantities. Meat is good. Complement it with non-starchy vegetables, and enjoy your steak. Try to consume leaner cuts. Fish, of course, is indispensable, so if you’re not a fan, you should figure which kind of fish you “don’t like” less, and have it. Also dairy products, eggs, non-sweet fruit. You can add up something little by little to your nutrition after you finish the course of Duromine, and check, which of the foods make you gain weight. Then you can exclude them or replace with something similar. After all, maintaining weight after weight loss is a very difficult task for those, who haven’t developed healthy eating habits. Good luck!
Hi, just started with duromine 3days now I’m always thirsty, I drink 3to 4ltr per day I got slightly headache but it’s not bad. My problem is I dont feel hungry at all I ate just not to starve myself. Good thing about them is that i got lot of energy and it helps me when i go to gym .
Hello again! I see why you are sad… serious physical condition…. Did you ever discuss with your doctor the possibility of swimming exercises to improve the condition? Is it possible? Could you please discuss it and, if he says you can, get into the pool as soon as possible. I believe your body does need increased activity to kick start an intensive weight loss. Can you walk? Or not allowed to move more at all? Are you planning on having a surgery for the discs? If yes, you might consider postponing the weight loss until you get the surgery and recover and start moving… just a suggestion.
And now… did your doctor make your diet plan? How many calories it implies you consuming? I heard doctors making their patients consume 500 calories to lose weight. do you eat often in small servings? Do you consume any dairy products besides the milk? You get protein from chicken and eggs, I see. eat fruits in the first part of the day. In the second opt for proteins and vegetables.
I know a couple of people, whose weight loss was very low, but they don’t give up, and little by little, it accumulates in good numbers. Don’t give up! Discuss possibilities with your doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ll have to sit down and develop a proper eating plan. You need to fuel your body properly, especially on days, when you train. Your headaches can be caused by the low food intake. Besides, you need to develop a plan that you’ll stick to when you’re off Duromine. Otherwise, you will gain all the weight back. This is not a quick fix. Duromine requires making lifetyle changes permanent. Best of luck!
Hey. Try food combining. Worked great for me. Google it. It’s simple to keep
Linley Boulden
8 years ago
Hello Andy. I am glad to hear that Duromine helps you so well. However, you should not starve. If your goal is weight loss, you should eat and do it the right way. Please, read the post above and you will understand why it is essential that you eat. Remember, a good weight loss is the one that doesn’t harm your health and helps you not only lose kilos, but also bring your body in a good shape. You can get a good shape through exercising. Exercising requires energy and nutrients in your body. If you have any questions about what exactly you should eat and you don’t get them in our ‘Meal plan for Duromine’ review, feel free to ask.
Hi Angela, it’s Andy. 8th day on Duromine already. Weight loss result is 1,4 kilos a week. I was hoping for more. Did what you said. Trying to eat healthy. May be I should do as I wanted to do and I will get better results.
Nice hearing from you, Andy. I am not aware of the weight you started with. However, 1.4 kilos a week is a good result. It’s better than zero and a lot better than gaining another kilo. Besides, do the calculations and you will see that you will lose at least 5.6 kilos in a month, that’s 11 kilos in 2 months and 16 kilos in 3 months. I have to assure you that losing weight slowly is a lot better than to lose 15 kilos a month a gain 25 back after you finish “starving”. You’re doing just fine. Yet, I would recommend you engage in physical activity. I am sure, it will help you boost your weight loss results and you will feel a lot better and motivated.
Hey again, Angela. Remember me? I am off Duromine now. Been three months on it and I should admit it was a successful experience! I managed to lose a total of 17 kilos. I lost 7 kilo sin the first month, then 5.5 in the second, and 4.5 in the third month. I was exercising, and the eating habits change did a great job for me. Had to struggle with dry mouth for the first two weeks or so. Then, it got better, or, may be, it happened simply because I got used to drinking enough water. I made myself a drinking schedule. I read that it’s better if you drink often in very small portions instead of having a couple glasses of water in 2 seconds. Now, I don’t even need the reminder, and drink as I should. I also changed the way I eat during the day. I never though I will find enough time during the day to eat 6 times. Yet, it turned out that it’s a lot easier when you actually start doing it the right way. By the way, I love cooking now. It was hard to get off the ready-made meals or semi-cooked foods, but I knew what my aim was. What else… Thank you very much for giving me that first push. Sometimes, a right word at the right moment can save a life. Best wishes, Andy – the healthy, fit and sexy one =)).
Hi Vic. Ok, I get your point. As for the tricks, there are none, in fact. You should eat healthy and comply with the daily caloric value of 1200 cal. You should introduce more leafy greens and vegetables, and have them with lean meat/fish/eggs/dairy foods. If you eat anything that is rich in starch, better have it in the morning. If you feel you’re hungry and you still have time till the next meal, you can try drinking a glass of warm water and wait 10 minutes to check if you didn’t confuse hunger with thirst. If you’re still hungry, have a fruit, or a vegetable, or some nuts.
The important aspect of your weight loss is the exercising. You should not expect the extra weight to be coming off you like in a fairy tale. You will have to work, and remember you only have 3 months on Duromine, so use them wisely. Good luck!
8 years ago
Hello Andy. I am glad to hear that Duromine helps you so well. However, you should not starve. If your goal is weight loss, you should eat and do it the right way. Please, read the post above and you will understand why it is essential that you eat. Remember, a good weight loss is the one that doesn’t harm your health and helps you not only lose kilos, but also bring your body in a good shape. You can get a good shape through exercising. Exercising requires energy and nutrients in your body. If you have any questions about what exactly you should eat and you don’t get them in our ‘Meal plan for Duromine’ review, feel free to ask.
Hello Adel. Thank you for your question. It refers to the medical area, and here’s some information about the drug interaction of Duromine and Fluoxetine:
“Talk to your doctor before using FLUoxetine together with phentermine. FLUoxetine may increase the effects of phentermine, and side effects such as jitteriness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and racing thoughts have been reported. Combining these medications can also increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucination, seizure, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, shivering or shaking, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, incoordination, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases may result in coma and even death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking the medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Source: drugs.com
Better play it safe and discuss the possibility of using the two drugs together before you begin. Bets of luck!
Hello Sheryl. I am sorry that I could not answer earlier. How are you doing? Did you manage to reach your goal? Your weight doesn’t seem to be excessive, so may be that’s why you weren’t losing as much as you wanted to.
8 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :
Hi, been on Duromine for 2 days. Don’t feel hungry at all, just thirsty. I think I will lose weight a lot faster if I don’t eat anything. It’s my main goal – to lose weight, and I don’t want to wait several months to achieve it. How long can a person starve?
This is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read. You need food to survive. Eat lean meats and vegetables, also nuts and fruit. You will lose weight in a more healthy way and be less prone to putting it back on.
Hello Ryan. Thank you very much for showing a proper approach to a healthy nutrition and giving a good advice to someone who needs it. I support every word you have written. Take care!
if you are over weight like me i am 110kg if you only drink water you can go up to 30 to 40 days without food
8 years ago
Hi. I have a question to ask and I hope you will be able to help me out. I have been taking Duromine for 17 days now, and I did manage to lose 5 kgs during the first 12 days. It is the fifth day that I am not seeing any changes in my weight and I am a bit desperate. Why does it happen like this. Is there any way I can boost the weight loss? I really need this… Please, give any advice. I would appreciate any tips!
Hello Meg. Congratulations on such a great weight loss! It can happen so that your weight will be stable for a couple of days, or even a week, and you will continue losing it further. Many people have to deal with such a phase in weight loss.
Don’t be desperate and simply continue with your weight loss program, or up the exercises a bit. Your body might have gotten used to the load. Best of luck!
hi Angela. I skipped a day of Duromine. This helped kick-start it again. Still sticking to my eating regime and added swimming 2 times a week. A lot better! Happy for now
All the side effects is is veel like vomiting and swelling and dizziness dry mouth more awakening and low sex drive suddenly hard beat and slightly hi bloed pressure and so on ppl you must reede the pumflet in the box when you get that pil. And tel your dr if you have a medical record ore are using meds that he must know off he will tel you if you may ore may not use this pil. I have epilepsy and have hi bloed pressure my wait is 136kg i just startid yesterday whit this pil and i love it i all way feel drained no energy but now i have it i love it i can do what i whant and i get it done i am happy i am using Deromine yeah i have sum side effects but that doesn’t stop me ore worried me. Btw u may struggel to pee ore 💩 constipation. But i am good.
Hello , I am 28 years of age and my blood pressure keeps going up and down .. which I was advise by the doctor to take this drugs to help reduce my weight so I can control my pressure .. cus my weight was 109 kg and it’s like obesity… I have started the doses and it’s makes me feel sleepless .. wil this
Affect me ???
Hi, I took duromine for 3days straight and on the 3day I could not sleep at all. So the fourth day to seventh day , I missed the dose, I slept well and ate at the same time with duromine ( no cravings at all just like with duromine)
Initial start weight was 89kg now at 85kg after a week.
I would like to take the duromine twice a week, maximum 3times a week. Please advise if the intervals will have side effects to my body.
I intend to start after the 4days break.
Hi I am taking durmine and my mouth is so dry I drink alot of water seams to make it worse I have MIT’s on me to help produce saliver and I eat a cearial breakfast to what foods should I eat to help prevent this
Hi I have been on duromine almost a month now and feel like I am doing something wrong I eat less than 600 calories a day. I lost 2kg in the first week and 2kg in the 2nd week and nothing in the 3rd week. Any suggestions?
Iam 4 days in now and I can’t sleep at All I take 7 o’clock everyday can I take it at 6 or must u start at 7 iam drinking alot of water and the Chai seeds drinks
First day taking it and I got quite alot of energy more then what I had before I’ve eaten at dinner time but the cravings have stopped .
Had only 1litre of water dry mouth so drinking more now
Haven’t weighed myself yet will do tomorrow
Getting optifast meal replacement smoothie as I did notice I didn’t really feel hungry
Will now be going for walks aswell try help with results
Hi I take it at 4am and I sleep better
I started taking duromjne 4 days ago. my starting weight was 86.8kgs, I’m 84.5 this morning. I take it at 2.30am so that I am not buzzing from it at night. I have 2 meals a day . a bowl of all bran flakes with full fat milk after my workout ( 30 minutes of running and 15 minutes abs) then at night I eat a small bowl of whatever the family is eating. I have been drinking lots of water.
I plan on taking duromine for a month.
it seems to be working so far.
Hi there, I am on Day 4 of 30mg.
I haven’t yet weighed myself as I wanted to give it a full week before seeing results, but already I feel better. I am starting a structured meal plan tomorrow but for the last 4 days I have wanted to transition my body so I have been fasting 16:8 and eating two meals a day. This has mainly consisted of raw vegetables and a tablespoon of hummus for lunch and maybe a small handful of nuts late afternoon. Dinner has been a protein and vege. I have been drinking absolutely loads of water as I am thirsty. I am normally a 2-3 litre a day person and I am close to 4 – 4.5 litres now. My eyes are super clear from all the water. For the first 2 days I had one decaf coffee each day, but the last 2 days I have had a half strength coffee around 7-8am. The caffeine didn’t seem to effect me. I have been in quite a calorie deficit on these 4 days as I have had so much energy, I have doubled my workouts. My sleep hasn’t been fantastic but I did sleep better last night. I took this morning’s dose at 5am so hopefully that makes even more of a difference. I have no other side effects other than the dry mouth (but that makes drinking extra water easier) and the poor sleep. I am hopeful as my body adjusts the sleep will improve.
My weight is (was) currently at 73 kilos. My goal weight is to return to where my body seems most comfortable around 60-62 kilos. We’ll see how that feels when I get there. I had put the weight on for a range of reasons and had tried my usual approach previously when the weight has crept on, which was a low carb lifestyle combined with fasting. The scales (or clothes) didn’t budge. So, then I tried keto and the scales didn’t budge then either. Previously these diets have worked for me. For some reason my body seems to want to store fat! Maybe too much calorie deficit.. ? Anyway, I usually work out first thing fasted – 3 x 1 hour cardio sessions a week, and 3 x 1 hour strength/weights sessions a week plus walk the dog every day and a hike with hubby most weekends. Over the past 4 days I have added another workout late afternoon or after dinner. I feel really energised. Cross your fingers the scales are kind to me with this help!
Hello iv started Duromine 5 days ago have had not lost any weight looking for advice on what I’m doing wrong , feel like giving up.
I know it’s early days but I had hoped to see a little different. I’m still feeling hungry and I find I’m thinking of food constantly. Iv started walking only 1.7k at the moment increasing steps from less than 600 to 5000 per day, please help me before I give up
Hello Debbie. Sometimes, people need to take Duromine for 10 days in a row until they feel the effects. I think you should give it 5 more days. Make sure that you didn’t cut your calories to a drastically small amount.
Hi Angela,
I am starting Duromine 15mg on Friday. My weight has slowly increased over the past 2 years after I quit smoking. I have tried many different diets and eat healthily majority of the time.
I am on night shift so when should I take my dose??
I need to lose 20kg to get back to a reasonable weight.
Hello Mark! First, I wish you all the luck for this weight loss journey and hope that it goes nice and smooth. Secondly, your actual work schedule might be the one affecting your weight, so I am not 100% sure what results you will get with Duromine. However, if you do provide yourself with some decent sleep during the day in a completely dark and noiseless room, it might work. Oh, and, of course, you need to get your portion of dayight as well. May be buy the special lamp and use it. It’s important for a normal body functioning.
Well, it is logic to take your duromine when you wake up or are gtting ready for work, which, in your case means the evening. Since you’re on the lowest dose, you might be lucky to fall asleep easily in the morning when you get back home, but only time will tell how it goes and whether you should take Duromine earlier in the evening to avoid the daytime sleeplesness. Hope that helps.
Also, I would strongly advise you to make a food diary – it helps tracking all you eat and allows you to take a peak in the past and see what you were eating (right or wrong) and adjust your current menu, if you need. Adding some exercises will also help with the weight loss, so please consider adding these to your schedule, as well. not necessarily visiting a gym. Start with at home workouts (plenty of videos on youtube) and increase the load as your fitness level improves. Again, best of luck and keep us posted how you go.
When im start my weight is 70 kilo. Im expecting that i lose 5 kilo for 1 week
Hi, im using duromine 40 mg . I started 31 of oct.then until now. But my weight is 69.4 why is not very fast to lose gain. Is there anything wrong to my diet? Can you help me to solve my problem
I need to lose 10kg before december. Is that possible ?
Hello Sheryl. I am sorry that I could not answer earlier. How are you doing? Did you manage to reach your goal? Your weight doesn’t seem to be excessive, so may be that’s why you weren’t losing as much as you wanted to.
Hai I had just been prescribed Duromine 30mg I was wondering if is it safe to do Banting diet and take Duromine, since Banting is very high on fat and low carb diet, plz help :hmm: :hmm:
You’re very welcome, and I have to say you’re bravo for not giving up! I am sure you will succeed and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your health problem cures. I will be looking forward to your updates with my fingers crossed on nice results! Keep it up!
Hello! You see, if this meal plan goes well for your body, it goes well for you while on Duromine. The main thing is to understand that every diet is something of short duration, and yo ugain back everything that you lose while on it, if you don’t comply with it further. So… just think of it. Whether you do the banting diet or change your eating behavior in a way that you can comply with after the end of Duromine course, thus maintaining the result or progressing with your weight loss. Best of luck and you are very welcome to share your experience!
Hello! You see, if this meal plan goes well for your body, it goes well for you while on Duromine. The main thing is to understand that every diet is something of short duration, and yo ugain back everything that you lose while on it, if you don’t comply with it further. So… just think of it. Whether you do the banting diet or change your eating behavior in a way that you can comply with after the end of Duromine course, thus maintaining the result or progressing with your weight loss. Best of luck and you are very welcome to share your experience!
Hi All
I started my first day today, I took the pill at 5am and was expecting strong suppressed feelings but didn’t really get a lot and felt the tablet were off by 2pm in the afternoon, even managed to have a brief afternoon nap.
Will the pills become more affective after several days ?
Hello Sam! Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I wish you the best of luck and a fantastic weight loss journey. I am sorry, though, you have to struggle with these very unpleasant common side effects of Duromine. I hope that these subside in a couple of days. Usually, they don’t last any longer than a week. Do you take your Duromine early in the morning? I am sure you aware of the fact that taking it very early can help you avoid or mitigate insomnia. Keep it up and don’t forget about increasing your physical activity!
Hi Jack! Sometimes it does take a couple of days for Duromine to kick in (even up to 10). Give it 3-7 days. Best of luck!
Hi. I want to know if I can use Durumine and Lilly-fluoxetine 20 together? I been diagnosed with fatty liver sindrome. Can I use Durumine?
Hello! Did you lose about 3 kg a week, each week? That is a great result! If you need to lose 30 kg overall, you’re almost reached half of your way. And now to ups and downs. There may be several reasons for that. 1. You stopped drinking as much water as you did. 2. Your body is not ready to keep losing so much weight, which is normal (our bodies are not ‘designed’ to lose 3 kg of fat weekly)… 3. You didn’t up your exercises (though I don’t see you mentioning any exercises at all). 4. This might be the week when you don’t lose much on scales, but lose a lot in your body volumes.
What you can do to solve the issue… 1. Add exercises. If you didn’t exercise until now, this will help kick start fast weight loss again. If you were exercising, add something new or increase the intensity/weight you use for your workouts. 2. Bring water intake to the level you used drink when you started. 3. Make sure you are not eating under 1200 calories. If you do, your body might switch to saving mode. While eating little calories might help you lose some weight at the beginning, it might totally hinder your further weight loss and ‘spoil’ your metabolism. 4. Try having fruits only in the first part of the day, as well as starchy foods. 5. One more thing people sometimes do to kick start weight loss or appetite suppressing effect is they skip one day on Duromine, and continue as before.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. And BRAVO! For the great result! Keep it up!
Hello Adel. Thank you for your question. It refers to the medical area, and here’s some information about the drug interaction of Duromine and Fluoxetine:
“Talk to your doctor before using FLUoxetine together with phentermine. FLUoxetine may increase the effects of phentermine, and side effects such as jitteriness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and racing thoughts have been reported. Combining these medications can also increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucination, seizure, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, shivering or shaking, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, incoordination, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases may result in coma and even death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking the medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Source: drugs.com
Better play it safe and discuss the possibility of using the two drugs together before you begin. Bets of luck!
Hi there
I have just started taking this as per instruction from my doctor. I do not have too much weight to loose however have been struggling with weight loss despite my efforts
My general diet consists of rice oats with a fruit for breakfast, roast veg/salad with a protien for lunch and dinner.
For snacks I have nuts, fruits and veg – maybe a little too many nuts sometimes
I am on day one of this and had no hunger at all and so much energy so I did feel great however only managed to eat 800 calories.
Is it going to have a negative effect on me eating so low while taking this? I am quite tall aswell so guessing I may need more.
However on a 1600 calorie diet without Duromine I was seeing no results !
Hi Ella! Your diet sounds rather great. Looks like you have all that your body needs. And yes, if you eat 800 calories for too long, it might not be the perfect decision, especially if you do not need to lose A LOT of weight. Try to up the caloric value of your menu to 1200 at least two days a week. Such alternation might help shift the weight. If you have a lot of energy, start exercising. No time for gym? Choose a workout on youtube that you like the most and just do it! Best of luck!
Thankyou for the response
I do already go to the gym 5-6 days a week and have not seen results through my lifestyle – I am 22 and feel this should be fairly easy
I am worried about eating too low on this drug and my body holding onto fat due to starvation mode, do you think this is possible?
I’ve been taking duromine for 6 days and am having trouble sleeping and feeling a little nervous should I stop taking them
Hello Kathy! Not sure if you are still on Duromine… Insomnia should subside by day 4-7 after the beginning of the course, and you can take an OTC sleeping pill to address the issue (tell the pharmacist that you’re on Duromine before you buy the pills). If you stopped Duromine already, you may give it another try in 3-4 days after stopping – the sensations might differ quite much.
Starting it Next week, and reading up on all this, must you have breakfast or can you take your pill in the morning and have brunch , lunch snack and dinner, not sure if i must eat immediate after drinking the pill in the morning, any advise please?
Hello Danny. It doesn’t really matter. There is no precise recommendation on when to take Duromine concerning the meal. The main thing is to do your best to take it as early in the morning, as possible. Some people set an alarm clock to 5:30 take the pill and go back to sleep. This is to avoid possible insomnia. At that, someone just has the pill, others have a small tube of yogurt with it. Those who eat something with Duromine say that doing so helps them avoid nausea. No one can tell for sure how your body will react to Duromine. You might even need to take it later in the morning, so that the appetite suppression lasts till late night. Depends on your life schedule. Best of luck and feel free to ask your questions.
Hi Angela, I have been on Dreaming for 4 weeks now the first week I lost 1.5 kg the second week 3kg and the third 2kg this week I am not sure yet.
I have been eating a healthy plain my dietitian gave me a few years back and I have been on and off it since.
My question is in the first week I only when to the toilet (number 2) once and have struggled with constipation since starting Duromine, never had a problem before, I drink about 1-2,L of water per day. Is this a normal side affect? Apart from that and the dry mouth which I get from another medication as well I am happy with how it is going. I can see the loss but can’t really fell much of a difference in clothes yet or people have not noticed my loss either. The scales say I have lost and can notice a small difference around my back and face but not much. I also feel as tho it may have stopped and as I was unable to get my next box until today I have missed the last to days. Hoping it will kick start again. I do 20 mins of exercise each day as well. Any advice would be great. Thank-you. Em
Hello Emily. Thank you for your question, it is very good that you decided to ask. Unfortunately, Duromine can cause constipation, especially in insufficient hydration, and I would say that 1-2 L of water a day is not enough when you’re on Duromine. You will have to add at least 1L to those 2 that you already consume. divide the amount into glasses or bottles and set certain time frames, so that you manage to drink evenly during the day, and not swallow a liter before going to bed, just because you forgot to do it during the day. your body will get used to this higher water income in about 10 days, and you will not be bothered by frequent no.1 by then, and it might help you cope with the no.2. in the meantime, you should be aware of the fact that constipation is bad for your weight loss and your health, and you need to do something about it. Usually, people are advised to start with consuming prunes/prune juice and kiwis, and increasing water intake. If none of these help, you will need to take a laxative. This problem should be solved as soon as possible. And you need to monitor the frequency of your no.2.
Missing a couple of days on Duromine definitely can help kick start its action again. As for the weight loss that you don’t see despite the scales, it takes some time for people to notice it, especially for those who lose weight. overall you have a loss of about 8 kg (roughly, don’t know your progress in last week). If your weight is not 150 kg, you will see it soon. On the other had, weight loss can come in waves – you lose in kg for some time, then you almost stop losing in kg and lose A LOT in cms. Besides weighing yourself, also use a tape measure to monitor your progress. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you have.
PS. It is best to increase the intensity or change your exercises approx. every 2 weeks, as our body gets used to everything in about 2 weeks, so shake it from time to time.
I have been taking this for two weeks 15mg. Have lost 2kgs. I am eating healthy 3 meals a day, about 1000 calories, 2 liters of water and exercising 25-30 minutes brisk walking every day. I did have more energy, however this has slowly diminished. I am not hungry enough to snack anymore but understand the need to eat healthy. I’m 50, 85kgs so about 20kg to loose, all my health checks are fine. Why would I be losing the weight so slowly?
Hello! Well, the first possible cause for the slower weight loss, compared to many Duromine users (not all), may be the fact that this is just the way your body works. There are plenty of stories when people lose weight quite slowly, BUT they manage to maintain it easily when discontinuing Duromine. Another cause might be insufficient calorie content of your menu, or the fact that you need to add some strength exercises, at least some (like 5-7 minutes a day). Last thing might be the fact that 15 mg is not sufficient to give you the kick start to a faster weight loss. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of increasing the dose. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
Hi there,
I have been on Jenny Craig for a few months now and have lost a total of 8kgs. I have now plateaued so have been prescribed duromine. Do you think it will still work effectively even though I am on Jenny Craig eating the same amount of calories?
Hi Stephanie. Duromine might give you the kick start that you need. However, if you also change at least something, either increase or decrease your daily caloric value by 10-20% for 1-2 days, or change something in your trainings routine, it might get even better. Best of luck!
Hi! I have just started on duramine but also have chronic fatigue so exercise can be difficult. Any thoughts or advice?
Hello Louise. I am sorry you have to fight with chronic exercise. However, Duromine might provide you with an energy boost that you should immediately use to get into exercising, since it usually doesn’t last for too long. However, if the energy boost does not kick in, you still have to exercise, though changing your mindset and attitude towards exercising. You need to understand that it is important that you consume enough protein, and you shouldn’t generally starve while on Duromine. Fueling your body property might help you get on increasing your physical activity. I would advice you to give a good search on youtube for ‘exercising with chronic fatigue syndrome’. Besides, you might consider yoga, and start very slowly, with literally couple of minutes a day, and slowly increasing your exercising time as your body gets stronger. Best of luck to you and hope that you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals!
Hello Bang! Congrats on such a serious weight loss in just a week! I really love your eating principle. I am sure you will go far, if you manage to comply with it AND add the gym. If you never visited a gym, I would strongly advise you to get a couple of sessions with a Personal trainer, so that he teaches you to work correctly with the simulators. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself or overdo it and by completely out of sports for a long time. Best of luck!!!!!
Hello Ntokozo! First, I Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey and hope you will achieve your goals and start feeling healthier and happier about your appearance, as well as proud of your achievements. The eating plan sounds pretty nice. I would only add some berries or nuts (just a little) to your oatmeal in the morning. Health benefits are huge. Don’t forget about the eggs, which you also can have for breakfast and, if you don’t feel like having any bread, have tomatoes and a bit of avocado with them, or cottage cheese in any of its versions (salty with greens and cucumbers, sweet with cinnamon and fruits or berries, or baked in either of two variants). I would suggest adding a bit more vegetables, still I am sure you will be alternating them, just like the protein variety, right? Fish is also a good choice and will help you not get bored with what you eat. Just to make it easier for you to adjust your menu, I would suggest you google best carbs for weight loss and choose the ones that you do like to eat (I am not sure that my suggestions will be to your liking). As for the portion size… I have no idea what your weight&height is, as well as the level of physical activity. I would strongly advise you to check a couple of calorie calculators which will tell you how many calories you should consume to lose weight. Based on this indicator, you can allocate the caloric value of your meals properly and enjoy a good weight loss.
I am sorry that I did not provide you with a more comprehensive information, but I did my best according to the information you provided. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you wish. I would also suggest you to join a forum. Losing weight with a support is always easier.
Hi all, I am about to start Duromine in the morning. I’m a littler nerves after reading up on the side effects and previous comments regarding headaches etc but I guess everyone’s different so will see how I go.
My starting weight is 88kgs and I would love to get back down to 70kgs over the next 3 months, will keep you posted!!
HEllo Jade! BEst of luck to you! Fingers crossed on mild to zero side effects for you and a successful weight loss!!!
Hi Angela,
Ok so first week is nearly complete and wow the headaches have been a little intense however nothing nurofen and water cant fix. My main issue has been the lack of sleep. I would say in total over the past 7 days I’ve had about 18 hours sleep max! Is there anything you can recommend? As soon as I nod off within an hour im back wide awake again. Thanks Jade.
Hi- I am thinking of getting Duramine but cant swollow capsules- can the capsules be broken and the contents inside poured into water and be drinken? TIA
Hello Mel. You should discuss this issue with your doctor, but I would strongly advise you not to open the capsules. Duromine is a modified release drug, and both the contents of the capsule and the insides are intended to be released slowly into your system. Besides, it is a potent drug and is supposed to be released namely in your stomach and not the esophagus. Who knows what reaction you might have… I wouldn’t risk…
Did you try taking a mouthful of water, then pushing the capsule through your lips and just swallowing all this water without trying to find the capsule in, or moving your tongue anyhow?
Best of luck to you, Mel! I hope everything turns well for you!
Hi, started duromine 30mg 3 days ago. Have been eating clean food. Drinking plenty of water. Lost 1.3 kgs so far. Struggling to sleep, 2-3 hrs of broken sleep at the most. Having to use panadols 4-6 per day to encounter headaches. Excited about the progress so far though.
Hello Tam! Bravo for quitting smoking! It’s a HUGE achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! I hope that Duromine works great for you, just as it did before and you will manage to lose those 20 kg during the course. Just remember that everything’s in your hands and any restrictions are just for three months. Good luck to you!!!
Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ll have to sit down and develop a proper eating plan. You need to fuel your body properly, especially on days, when you train. Your headaches can be caused by the low food intake. Besides, you need to develop a plan that you’ll stick to when you’re off Duromine. Otherwise, you will gain all the weight back. This is not a quick fix. Duromine requires making lifetyle changes permanent. Best of luck!
Hi Tam! How was the first month on Duromine? I am sure you did get your motivating results and are heading towards your goal. Good luck!
Hello Sam! Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I wish you the best of luck and a fantastic weight loss journey. I am sorry, though, you have to struggle with these very unpleasant common side effects of Duromine. I hope that these subside in a couple of days. Usually, they don’t last any longer than a week. Do you take your Duromine early in the morning? I am sure you aware of the fact that taking it very early can help you avoid or mitigate insomnia. Keep it up and don’t forget about increasing your physical activity!
When I was thinking of a meal while on Duromine, I decided I will simply cut out fast food, alcoholic drinks, coffee, deep-friend and fried food, red meat and foods rich in carbs. I was mostly eating tons of fresh leafy greens, steamed or grilled chicken/fish, steamed and fresh vegetables. So now it’s the end of my first week on Duromine and I lost already 4 kilos, and that’s without much exercising. Though, of course, I know it’s more of a water weight, so will be hitting the gym next week to enhance the results. Hope this helps to anyone who tries to lose weight.
Hello Bang! Congrats on such a serious weight loss in just a week! I really love your eating principle. I am sure you will go far, if you manage to comply with it AND add the gym. If you never visited a gym, I would strongly advise you to get a couple of sessions with a Personal trainer, so that he teaches you to work correctly with the simulators. Otherwise, you might hurt yourself or overdo it and by completely out of sports for a long time. Best of luck!!!!!
I m on duromine for a month and I lost on average 3kgs. In this week it shows ups and down and make me frustrated . I am on diet plan. I add vitamin b + c. I need to lose 30kg overall. I only take small potion of rice once a week. I eat 2 eggs/ oats’/ milk / chicken/ fruits and salads.
Please help me to achieve my target as I know duromine can only b consume in 3 months. I am on 30mg. 🙁 😛 🙁
Hello! Did you lose about 3 kg a week, each week? That is a great result! If you need to lose 30 kg overall, you’re almost reached half of your way. And now to ups and downs. There may be several reasons for that. 1. You stopped drinking as much water as you did. 2. Your body is not ready to keep losing so much weight, which is normal (our bodies are not ‘designed’ to lose 3 kg of fat weekly)… 3. You didn’t up your exercises (though I don’t see you mentioning any exercises at all). 4. This might be the week when you don’t lose much on scales, but lose a lot in your body volumes.
What you can do to solve the issue… 1. Add exercises. If you didn’t exercise until now, this will help kick start fast weight loss again. If you were exercising, add something new or increase the intensity/weight you use for your workouts. 2. Bring water intake to the level you used drink when you started. 3. Make sure you are not eating under 1200 calories. If you do, your body might switch to saving mode. While eating little calories might help you lose some weight at the beginning, it might totally hinder your further weight loss and ‘spoil’ your metabolism. 4. Try having fruits only in the first part of the day, as well as starchy foods. 5. One more thing people sometimes do to kick start weight loss or appetite suppressing effect is they skip one day on Duromine, and continue as before.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. And BRAVO! For the great result! Keep it up!
Not 3kg a week but in a month.I did skip a day of duromine but still no changes. Today is my second month on it and the weight remain the same that is 87kg from 90kg.I drink enought alkaline water hg level ph10 to alkaline my body. I use electric vibration slimming belt for exercise. I have slip disc recently L5 to s3. Cannot do hard movement..
Very slow progress. Dryness
Hello again! I see why you are sad… serious physical condition…. Did you ever discuss with your doctor the possibility of swimming exercises to improve the condition? Is it possible? Could you please discuss it and, if he says you can, get into the pool as soon as possible. I believe your body does need increased activity to kick start an intensive weight loss. Can you walk? Or not allowed to move more at all? Are you planning on having a surgery for the discs? If yes, you might consider postponing the weight loss until you get the surgery and recover and start moving… just a suggestion.
And now… did your doctor make your diet plan? How many calories it implies you consuming? I heard doctors making their patients consume 500 calories to lose weight. do you eat often in small servings? Do you consume any dairy products besides the milk? You get protein from chicken and eggs, I see. eat fruits in the first part of the day. In the second opt for proteins and vegetables.
I know a couple of people, whose weight loss was very low, but they don’t give up, and little by little, it accumulates in good numbers. Don’t give up! Discuss possibilities with your doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Tq angela for your sweet advice. I never give up. I’m still working for it. Will update with ur upon my progress. By the way no sugery. Only on medication and light exercises for sciatica pain.
I love to read the group discussions it is helpful and motivated for me to keep up achieving my goal.
You’re very welcome, and I have to say you’re bravo for not giving up! I am sure you will succeed and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that your health problem cures. I will be looking forward to your updates with my fingers crossed on nice results! Keep it up!
After reading all the info and the comments below, I’ve come to the conclusion that while on Duromine, it is best to keep the diet simple and go back to basics. Fruit, veg, lean meats etc. I was following lchf but have determined that this type of eating will not necessarily work with the Duromine. I am 3 days in and also have a cold so I am struggling. I think I may pause the duromine until I feel better.
Hello xXx, thank you for your comment. Yet, I would like to tell you that not every person “works” the same. It’s the same thing that we see with side effects of Duromine. Some people have plenty and strong, while others have none. Plus, talking to someone about your weight loss can help you stick to your goal, not back down if you don’t succeed at once, or get back on track if you failed.
If someone asks for my help or an advice, and I can provide these, I am always willing to help and hope that my advice does help someone lose weight and become healthier. =)) So smile and stay positive!
Hello Jen! I hope you will enjoy your weight loss process, and yes, you did come to the right conclusion. Indeed, keeping to healthy eating principles and eating in small portions is the key to losing weight AND maintaining your weight after you finish Duromine.
Sure, if you feel bad, you should wait until your cold passes, and go on with Duromine course. Since it’s just 3 months, I always advice people to bring their efforts to maximum, i.e. proper eating and exercising, since you have to teach yourself new habits. Exercising is an essential part of a weight loss process, just like the eating, so don’t postpone it once you continue moving towards your goal.
Get better and wish you all the best and high achievements on your way!
Hi Jen! How is it going? Still on Duromine? Any progress?
Hi Jen! How is your weight loss process going? Did you add some exercising? If not… and it’s just the first month gone… you can add exercises now, starting from month 2 – to not lose the weight loss pace, or even increase it. Best of luck!
Day 1 of Duramine, I quit smoking nearly 2 months ago but have gained 20 kgs over the last 5 years. I have used duramine before, with great success, no questions but I may have some soon 🙂 starting at 96k with bmi of 32.5
Hello Tam! Bravo for quitting smoking! It’s a HUGE achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! I hope that Duromine works great for you, just as it did before and you will manage to lose those 20 kg during the course. Just remember that everything’s in your hands and any restrictions are just for three months. Good luck to you!!!
Hi Tam! How was the first month on Duromine? I am sure you did get your motivating results and are heading towards your goal. Good luck!
just don’t eat junk foods and large meals. so many questions over and over again…
Hello xXx, thank you for your comment. Yet, I would like to tell you that not every person “works” the same. It’s the same thing that we see with side effects of Duromine. Some people have plenty and strong, while others have none. Plus, talking to someone about your weight loss can help you stick to your goal, not back down if you don’t succeed at once, or get back on track if you failed.
If someone asks for my help or an advice, and I can provide these, I am always willing to help and hope that my advice does help someone lose weight and become healthier. =)) So smile and stay positive!
hi. I need an advice. I need to lose just 11 kilos and I am on Duromine for 4 days already. I managed to lose 1.7 kilos. I though, there will be a greater weight loss. However, I am not sure if I am eating properly. I need an advice on what I am doing wrong, because I really don’t want to be on Duromine for more than 1 month. I usually have a cup of decaf coffee in the morning (can have a boiled egg or a toast with it). Lunch – usually some meat/fish with rice and/or salad. Dinner mostly like the lunch.
Thanks in advance!
Congrats Michael! Looks like you’re doing it all correctly! Keep it up!
Hi, niki! I would suggest you to have something more serious for breakfast, like a whole-wheat toast with e.g. avocado, cucumber, soft-boiled egg. You can add other veggies or have a slice of grilled chicken breast, or a piece of cheese, or cottage cheese. In fact, breakfast is the time when you should be having your carbs. The rice you eat in the second half of the day (twice) is quite bad for a successful weight loss, because it is bad carbs. Either you replace it with brown rice, or skip at all, and eat your proteins with salad (perfect combination). If you really need to snack, choose a fruit, a vegetable, or some nuts. Don’t forget to drink enough water and engage into exercising, if you still haven’t good luck!
Thanks for your advice, Angela. I feel a lot better now and I think the weight loss progress actually accelerated a bit. I also increased the water intake. Figured it was insufficient. And the headaches disappeared. I thought I have to endure them till the end of the course. The weight loss for the week is 3.8 kg. I think, it’s a good result. What do you say? Not too little?
Hi Niki. Congrats with no more headaches and biggest congratulations on you r weight loss. It is a fantastic result, considering the fact that you don’t have that much to lose. It’s a very good result! Keep it up and remember, you’d better lose weight steadily, instead of gaining it back once you’re off Duromine! take care!
Hi Angela, hope you can help me. I am planning on starting duromine and working out my eating plan. This is what I have made so far : breakfast:1 cup oats + milk
snack-1 apple
lunch-spinach+ chicken
dinner-chicken +pumpkin
Please also advise on the amounts(measurements) of each serving. I have managed to cut bread out so I am not really keen on having toast for breakfast. Do i really need to eat carbs, if so, can I get them from another source besides breads, pastas or rice etc? Thanks
Hello Ntokozo! First, I Wish you all the best for your weight loss journey and hope you will achieve your goals and start feeling healthier and happier about your appearance, as well as proud of your achievements. The eating plan sounds pretty nice. I would only add some berries or nuts (just a little) to your oatmeal in the morning. Health benefits are huge. Don’t forget about the eggs, which you also can have for breakfast and, if you don’t feel like having any bread, have tomatoes and a bit of avocado with them, or cottage cheese in any of its versions (salty with greens and cucumbers, sweet with cinnamon and fruits or berries, or baked in either of two variants). I would suggest adding a bit more vegetables, still I am sure you will be alternating them, just like the protein variety, right? Fish is also a good choice and will help you not get bored with what you eat. Just to make it easier for you to adjust your menu, I would suggest you google best carbs for weight loss and choose the ones that you do like to eat (I am not sure that my suggestions will be to your liking). As for the portion size… I have no idea what your weight&height is, as well as the level of physical activity. I would strongly advise you to check a couple of calorie calculators which will tell you how many calories you should consume to lose weight. Based on this indicator, you can allocate the caloric value of your meals properly and enjoy a good weight loss.
I am sorry that I did not provide you with a more comprehensive information, but I did my best according to the information you provided. Best of luck and feel free to ask any questions that you wish. I would also suggest you to join a forum. Losing weight with a support is always easier.
niki, be careful with such a fast weight loss. Your skin can suffer and you can end up with sagging skin. Better take 2 months and lose slowly and steadily, good luck!
Thanks Edyth, sounds like quite a sane idea. Need massage to solve the issue. Lost 3 kilos in 2 weeks. Was hoping for more, but still good. I don’t have that much to lose.
want to try vegetarian eating style. what do you think? Will it help lose weight faster on Duromine? Starting it in a couple of days, when I get to the pharmacy.
Hello Michael. Congratulations on your first results. Keep up to a good weight loss plan and wish you even greater loss for your next week. Take care
Hello Vic. You can try, however, if you get to the vegetarianism seriously, you will have to develop a very diversified diet. You will need to get all the protein. Remember, your weight loss should be a healthy one, which won’t harm your health. I would suggest you read more info about what a vegetarian eating style is, and I would suggest you simply introduce more vegetables in your nutrition, and cut the bad stuff. It works most times. If you make such serious changes like totally stopping to eat meat, you might crack under such pressure and all your efforts will go to nothing. You have to start developing new eating habits that you can keep to after you finish Duromine course, as well. Think about it well, or discuss it with your doctor. Best of luck with your weight loss!
Hi Angela. Thanks for a prompt reply. I made a more thorough research over the internet, gave it a good thinking, and I might abandon the idea of vegetarianism. It does require a lot of time and commitment. And I know myself. I won’t be able to do it. Do you have any suggestions or know any tricks to boost the weight loss?
Hi Vic. Ok, I get your point. As for the tricks, there are none, in fact. You should eat healthy and comply with the daily caloric value of 1200 cal. You should introduce more leafy greens and vegetables, and have them with lean meat/fish/eggs/dairy foods. If you eat anything that is rich in starch, better have it in the morning. If you feel you’re hungry and you still have time till the next meal, you can try drinking a glass of warm water and wait 10 minutes to check if you didn’t confuse hunger with thirst. If you’re still hungry, have a fruit, or a vegetable, or some nuts.
The important aspect of your weight loss is the exercising. You should not expect the extra weight to be coming off you like in a fairy tale. You will have to work, and remember you only have 3 months on Duromine, so use them wisely. Good luck!
Thank you guys for your tips. End of week 2 on Duromine. No hunger at all. Still eat, a toast with an egg or ham, or cheese with vegies on top for breakfast, a steak with boiled or baked potatoes or rice for lunch, and usually stir fry vegies with chicken for dinner. Lost 5 kilos by now. Very happy!
Congratulations Vic! That’s an outstanding result! Sounds like you are doing it all correctly! Keep it up and I am sure you will get to your goal weight! Best of luck!
Angela,I’m starting with Duromin in few days.
How long can I take it for?I need to lose 20 kg
Hello Anna! You can take Duromine for no longer than 3 months in a row, after which you need to take a break of 1-2 months, depending on what your doctor says. Remember, if you want to achieve the desired result, you need to combine Duromine treatment with increased physical activity and adequate nutrition, i.e. 3 small main meals + 2-3 healthy snacks (depending on the length of your activity day), which contain all important substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, microelements), increased hydration and no alcohol. Avoid starvation and insufficient water consumption, since these can enhance side effects. Stay consistent and you might find one 3-month course sufficient to achieve your goal. Best of luck!
The main trick is to comply with the plan every day, not every other day or every third day. If you start exercising and eating less, do it every day. Best of luck with your weight loss, dude.
Hi, can I eat all fruits? I sometimes hear that diets do not allow eating bananas and grapes. Is it true? Are any other fruits forbidden?
Hello. When it comes to fruits, your individual reactions to them also matter. For example, some people eat an apple when they’re hungry, and feel full and satisfied. The others, after having an apple, are ready to eat an elephant a couple of minutes later, because of the high acidity of the fruit and their own peculiarities of the digestive system.
Indeed, bananas and grapes are not considered the best friend of a dieter. Still, I would advice you to consume them in the first half of the day. Like a snack. It doesn’t mean that you have to eat a kilogram of these fruits at once. One banana, 7-10 grapes, if it’s a large variety, not more than a cup if it’s a middle-sized variety, and a handful, if it’s a variety with very small grapes. This restriction comes from the fact that both banana and grapes are very high on carbs content, compared to other fruits. To compare with, Cantaloupe has only 7 carbs, and orange has 10 carbs, while grapes have 16 and banana has 20 carbs per 100 g. If you are following a diet that strictly limits the amount of your daily carbs consumption, you should have these numbers in mind. Best of luck!
Thank you very much for such a prompt reply.
Why not having banana and grapes in the morning. If you like these fruits. Always better than a piece of cake.
Hi Niki. Congrats with no more headaches and biggest congratulations on you r weight loss. It is a fantastic result, considering the fact that you don’t have that much to lose. It’s a very good result! Keep it up and remember, you’d better lose weight steadily, instead of gaining it back once you’re off Duromine! take care!
why do they say that it is better to eat often? I just don’t get it.. if I eat now once a day and don’t lose weight. How can I lose weight if I eat 5-6 times a day.
Hello Clair. The reason for such eating regime is explained by the metabolic processes. When you eat once a day, your body is in starvation mode for most part of the day, and the next time you eat, it tries to accumulate something for the next starvation period. You don’t give any comfort to your body. It is under constant stress.
If you eat very small portions of healthy food and make sure your overall caloric value for the day doesn’t exceed 1200 calories, you make your body work like a clock and the nutrients you give it are digested and assimilated properly. It is proven that you always benefit if you switch to a schedule of eating and exercising. Same thing with the sleep-wake mode. You can improve your sleep (if you have any issues with it) by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Same thing with all the processes in our body. Best of luck to you!
I am not sure, Angela, if it will work for me. How do you teach yourself to have breakfast, if you have been skipping them for like 10-15 years? Is there any method? I am thinking about eating something in the morning and already feel nauseous.
Hi Clair! I know it can be hard, but it’s your health and your beauty, and your youth you have to fight for. Start from little. Have half a boiled egg, or a tablespoon of cottage cheese or porridge, something like that. it will take some time for both of you, your mind and your body to get used to this, but it’s worth it. Make a schedule and convince yourself that you must comply with this eating schedule no matter what. Good luck!
Started Duromine 3 days ago. NO HUNGER! I was thinking how I can solve the breakfast problem, and now I have to convince myself to eat anything at all. That’s really tough. I am happy though that no more evening hunger or cravings for sweets. That’s so cool!
Hi Clair, I didn’t eat breakfast for over 25 years and as soon as I started eating 5 – 6 small intakes per day the weight feel off me. I went from 118kg to 65kgs. Of course included in that was an exercise program that I built up over time as I lost the weight. I have maintained my loss for nearly 2 years and I am now also a personal trainer. All the best with your weight loss journey ?
Hello Jen! I hope you will enjoy your weight loss process, and yes, you did come to the right conclusion. Indeed, keeping to healthy eating principles and eating in small portions is the key to losing weight AND maintaining your weight after you finish Duromine.
Sure, if you feel bad, you should wait until your cold passes, and go on with Duromine course. Since it’s just 3 months, I always advice people to bring their efforts to maximum, i.e. proper eating and exercising, since you have to teach yourself new habits. Exercising is an essential part of a weight loss process, just like the eating, so don’t postpone it once you continue moving towards your goal.
Get better and wish you all the best and high achievements on your way!
Hi Jen! How is it going? Still on Duromine? Any progress?
Hi Jen! How is your weight loss process going? Did you add some exercising? If not… and it’s just the first month gone… you can add exercises now, starting from month 2 – to not lose the weight loss pace, or even increase it. Best of luck!
Congratulations Tracey. You are a good example of success, dedication and commitment. Keep it up.
Hi Tracy
When you started the pill , what light exercises you were doing ?
Hello Mel. You should discuss this issue with your doctor, but I would strongly advise you not to open the capsules. Duromine is a modified release drug, and both the contents of the capsule and the insides are intended to be released slowly into your system. Besides, it is a potent drug and is supposed to be released namely in your stomach and not the esophagus. Who knows what reaction you might have… I wouldn’t risk…
Did you try taking a mouthful of water, then pushing the capsule through your lips and just swallowing all this water without trying to find the capsule in, or moving your tongue anyhow?
Best of luck to you, Mel! I hope everything turns well for you!
You won’t, if you keep eating HUGE meals 5-6 times a day instead of 1. Divide you huge meal into 5-6 portions, and eat it like this. Give your body at least a possibility to digest it all properly.
Hello. Starting Duromine next week. I’ve been thinking of using meal replacement shakes with it, to boost weight loss. I am not really good with making up eating plans. What do you think?
Hello Michael. I know it can be hard sometimes to start cooking healthy meals, if you are used to frying everything, or don’t cook at all. However, meal replacement shakes are not the best idea, in my opinion. Let’s take a look in the future, when you stop using Duromine. Are you planning to keep on to replacement shakes till the rest of your life? I don’t think so.
The idea of using Duromine also includes the development of healthy eating habits, and this is exactly what you should be working on right now. Focus on having simple and healthy meals. You always can pour boiling milk over a couple of tbsp of oatmeal and add 5-10 raisins, let it soak, and get a healthy nutritious breakfast in 5 minutes. Then have a fruit, or some berries, or some nuts as a snack. For lunch, you can have a simple salad of leafy greens and veggies, seasoned with a tbsp.. of olive oil and some lemon juice + grilled fish/chicken breast/ even a steak, cooked without oil or butter. You can season your food the way you like. Have a cucumber or a couple of tbsp’s of cottage cheese, or an egg, or a cup of yogurt. And choose something healthy for the evening meal, as well. Have it 3-4 hours before bedtime. Drink plenty of water. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. That’s it!
Good luck!
Hi Angela. I get your point about the future eating habits. I just thought I can kick-start the weight loss progress by these shakes. Or?
Michael, I think that Duromine is capable of providing the kick-start you need. Let’s see how it goes. Cutting junk foods already is conductive to weight loss. If you cut the amount of bad food coming into your body, you already will start losing weight, trust me. Is today your first day on Duromine? Hope, you’re feeling fine.
How are you doing?
Day 5 on Duromine. Felt quite bad the first four days. Tonight was the first night I actually managed to sleep 5 hours without waking up and tossing in bed. Don’t feel nauseous and no headache so far. A good start of the day, I should say (touch wood). Been having a really dry mouth. Drink lots of water and the first two days it wasn’t really helping. Hopefully, gets better today.
Hello Michael. Looks like your body finally is getting used to Duromine and insomnia finally subsided. The dry mouth can persist a bit longer, or till the end of the course. However, you might benefit from this side effect and to never forget drink enough water during the day. How is it going? Did you weigh yourself?
Had my weight in today. Lost 2.7 kg in the first week. Not too much and not too little. I am going to continue and see how it goes. Not sure to go through the entire 3 month course, but this month I am still in “business”.
Hello Michael. Congratulations on your first results. Keep up to a good weight loss plan and wish you even greater loss for your next week. Take care
Week 2 – lost 3.2 kg. total loss 6 kg in two weeks. Sounds cool and some friends also notice the change. So far, so good.
Congrats Michael! Looks like you’re doing it all correctly! Keep it up!
Congratulations Vic! That’s an outstanding result! Sounds like you are doing it all correctly! Keep it up and I am sure you will get to your goal weight! Best of luck!
Hi. Starting Duromine next week. Been browsing thru many diets on the internet. Dunno which one to choose. High-protein low-fat? Not a vegetarian. Love the meat. Any suggestions?
Hi Matt. I never suggest people getting on any certain diet unless they are ready to turn it into their lifestyle till the end of the days. You should always aim for healthy food in small quantities. Meat is good. Complement it with non-starchy vegetables, and enjoy your steak. Try to consume leaner cuts. Fish, of course, is indispensable, so if you’re not a fan, you should figure which kind of fish you “don’t like” less, and have it. Also dairy products, eggs, non-sweet fruit. You can add up something little by little to your nutrition after you finish the course of Duromine, and check, which of the foods make you gain weight. Then you can exclude them or replace with something similar. After all, maintaining weight after weight loss is a very difficult task for those, who haven’t developed healthy eating habits. Good luck!
Thank you very much. I will try to do so, though, I guess I will have to ask my girlfriend for assistance.
Hi, just started with duromine 3days now I’m always thirsty, I drink 3to 4ltr per day I got slightly headache but it’s not bad. My problem is I dont feel hungry at all I ate just not to starve myself. Good thing about them is that i got lot of energy and it helps me when i go to gym .
Hello again! I see why you are sad… serious physical condition…. Did you ever discuss with your doctor the possibility of swimming exercises to improve the condition? Is it possible? Could you please discuss it and, if he says you can, get into the pool as soon as possible. I believe your body does need increased activity to kick start an intensive weight loss. Can you walk? Or not allowed to move more at all? Are you planning on having a surgery for the discs? If yes, you might consider postponing the weight loss until you get the surgery and recover and start moving… just a suggestion.
And now… did your doctor make your diet plan? How many calories it implies you consuming? I heard doctors making their patients consume 500 calories to lose weight. do you eat often in small servings? Do you consume any dairy products besides the milk? You get protein from chicken and eggs, I see. eat fruits in the first part of the day. In the second opt for proteins and vegetables.
I know a couple of people, whose weight loss was very low, but they don’t give up, and little by little, it accumulates in good numbers. Don’t give up! Discuss possibilities with your doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hello! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ll have to sit down and develop a proper eating plan. You need to fuel your body properly, especially on days, when you train. Your headaches can be caused by the low food intake. Besides, you need to develop a plan that you’ll stick to when you’re off Duromine. Otherwise, you will gain all the weight back. This is not a quick fix. Duromine requires making lifetyle changes permanent. Best of luck!
Hey. Try food combining. Worked great for me. Google it. It’s simple to keep
Hello Andy. I am glad to hear that Duromine helps you so well. However, you should not starve. If your goal is weight loss, you should eat and do it the right way. Please, read the post above and you will understand why it is essential that you eat. Remember, a good weight loss is the one that doesn’t harm your health and helps you not only lose kilos, but also bring your body in a good shape. You can get a good shape through exercising. Exercising requires energy and nutrients in your body. If you have any questions about what exactly you should eat and you don’t get them in our ‘Meal plan for Duromine’ review, feel free to ask.
Hi Angela, it’s Andy. 8th day on Duromine already. Weight loss result is 1,4 kilos a week. I was hoping for more. Did what you said. Trying to eat healthy. May be I should do as I wanted to do and I will get better results.
Nice hearing from you, Andy. I am not aware of the weight you started with. However, 1.4 kilos a week is a good result. It’s better than zero and a lot better than gaining another kilo. Besides, do the calculations and you will see that you will lose at least 5.6 kilos in a month, that’s 11 kilos in 2 months and 16 kilos in 3 months. I have to assure you that losing weight slowly is a lot better than to lose 15 kilos a month a gain 25 back after you finish “starving”. You’re doing just fine. Yet, I would recommend you engage in physical activity. I am sure, it will help you boost your weight loss results and you will feel a lot better and motivated.
Hey again, Angela. Remember me? I am off Duromine now. Been three months on it and I should admit it was a successful experience! I managed to lose a total of 17 kilos. I lost 7 kilo sin the first month, then 5.5 in the second, and 4.5 in the third month. I was exercising, and the eating habits change did a great job for me. Had to struggle with dry mouth for the first two weeks or so. Then, it got better, or, may be, it happened simply because I got used to drinking enough water. I made myself a drinking schedule. I read that it’s better if you drink often in very small portions instead of having a couple glasses of water in 2 seconds. Now, I don’t even need the reminder, and drink as I should. I also changed the way I eat during the day. I never though I will find enough time during the day to eat 6 times. Yet, it turned out that it’s a lot easier when you actually start doing it the right way. By the way, I love cooking now. It was hard to get off the ready-made meals or semi-cooked foods, but I knew what my aim was. What else… Thank you very much for giving me that first push. Sometimes, a right word at the right moment can save a life. Best wishes, Andy – the healthy, fit and sexy one =)).
Hi Vic. Ok, I get your point. As for the tricks, there are none, in fact. You should eat healthy and comply with the daily caloric value of 1200 cal. You should introduce more leafy greens and vegetables, and have them with lean meat/fish/eggs/dairy foods. If you eat anything that is rich in starch, better have it in the morning. If you feel you’re hungry and you still have time till the next meal, you can try drinking a glass of warm water and wait 10 minutes to check if you didn’t confuse hunger with thirst. If you’re still hungry, have a fruit, or a vegetable, or some nuts.
The important aspect of your weight loss is the exercising. You should not expect the extra weight to be coming off you like in a fairy tale. You will have to work, and remember you only have 3 months on Duromine, so use them wisely. Good luck!
Hello Andy. I am glad to hear that Duromine helps you so well. However, you should not starve. If your goal is weight loss, you should eat and do it the right way. Please, read the post above and you will understand why it is essential that you eat. Remember, a good weight loss is the one that doesn’t harm your health and helps you not only lose kilos, but also bring your body in a good shape. You can get a good shape through exercising. Exercising requires energy and nutrients in your body. If you have any questions about what exactly you should eat and you don’t get them in our ‘Meal plan for Duromine’ review, feel free to ask.
Hello Adel. Thank you for your question. It refers to the medical area, and here’s some information about the drug interaction of Duromine and Fluoxetine:
“Talk to your doctor before using FLUoxetine together with phentermine. FLUoxetine may increase the effects of phentermine, and side effects such as jitteriness, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and racing thoughts have been reported. Combining these medications can also increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucination, seizure, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, shivering or shaking, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, incoordination, stomach cramp, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Severe cases may result in coma and even death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking the medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.”
Source: drugs.com
Better play it safe and discuss the possibility of using the two drugs together before you begin. Bets of luck!
Hello Sheryl. I am sorry that I could not answer earlier. How are you doing? Did you manage to reach your goal? Your weight doesn’t seem to be excessive, so may be that’s why you weren’t losing as much as you wanted to.
Hi, been on Duromine for 2 days. Don’t feel hungry at all, just thirsty. I think I will lose weight a lot faster if I don’t eat anything. It’s my main goal – to lose weight, and I don’t want to wait several months to achieve it. How long can a person starve?
This is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read. You need food to survive. Eat lean meats and vegetables, also nuts and fruit. You will lose weight in a more healthy way and be less prone to putting it back on.
Hello Ryan. Thank you very much for showing a proper approach to a healthy nutrition and giving a good advice to someone who needs it. I support every word you have written. Take care!
if you are over weight like me i am 110kg if you only drink water you can go up to 30 to 40 days without food
Hi. I have a question to ask and I hope you will be able to help me out. I have been taking Duromine for 17 days now, and I did manage to lose 5 kgs during the first 12 days. It is the fifth day that I am not seeing any changes in my weight and I am a bit desperate. Why does it happen like this. Is there any way I can boost the weight loss? I really need this… Please, give any advice. I would appreciate any tips!
Hello Meg. Congratulations on such a great weight loss! It can happen so that your weight will be stable for a couple of days, or even a week, and you will continue losing it further. Many people have to deal with such a phase in weight loss.
Don’t be desperate and simply continue with your weight loss program, or up the exercises a bit. Your body might have gotten used to the load. Best of luck!
hi Angela. I skipped a day of Duromine. This helped kick-start it again. Still sticking to my eating regime and added swimming 2 times a week. A lot better! Happy for now
Had the same issue. No effects, but the dry mouth. I missed one pill and continued the next day. This helped kick start it again. Good luck!