Calories on phentermine

How Many Calories Should You Consume Daily on a Diet With Phentermine Pills?

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 – Updated May 29, 2023
, reviewed by
 – Updated May 29, 2023
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Phentermine is available as tablets or capsules. Doctors prescribe it for weight loss to overweight people.

Treatment also includes:

  • exercise;
  • reduced-calorie diet;
  • recommendations on increasing daily activity.

The drug’s effectiveness is due to its effect on some parts of the brain leading to appetite suppression.

Proper nutrition is of particular importance in the treatment of Phentermine.

Phentermine Diet Plan Pdf

Losing weight with Phentermine is a long process. You should make the right diet and always stick to it even after stopping treatment.

So, experts develop diets allowing you to reduce your weight daily and enjoy your meals.

View the 7-day Phentermine Diet Plan Pdf based on the Mediterranean diet.

Searching for a personalised diet with Phentermine pills? Visit MyHealthyWeight to explore our individualized Duromine meal plans. Optimize your daily caloric intake and start your weight loss journey now!

How many calories should I eat while taking Phentermine

Doctors don’t set strict limits on the treatment with Phentermine.

However, the general reply to the question “How many calories should I eat on Phentermine” is as follows. Women and men should consume at least 1200 and 1500 calories daily, respectively. But it is the lower limit, sufficient only for the body’s basic functions at any build and level of activity. You shouldn’t take it as the daily norm or even reduce it.

On the drug manufacturer’s website, you can see an example diet for a 40-year-old woman who is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 200 pounds. If she is not physically active, she should try to limit herself to 1600 calories a day. But if she does at least fitness four times a week, her norm increases to 1800 calories. You should also change the caloric content of the diet depending on your height.

Phentermine and 800-calorie diet

In the Phentermine treatment, you can use diets with medium and very low number of calories.

You can see the data of three studies conducted in different years by the British Medical Journal, Korean doctors and the University of California.

In the first case, the diet contained 1,000 calories, in the second case — 1,500 calories, and in the third case — only 500 to 800 calories per day.

In the third and the most challenging study, 188 men and women participated. They took 8 to 30 mg of Phentermine every day. At the same time, they did exercises three times a week. As a result, after three months, women lost on average 17.6 pounds, and men — 21.3 pounds.

But without constant medical supervision, such a calorie restriction can lead to serious consequences for the body. So, we don’t encourage you to repeat this experiment.

Phentermine grocery list

During the Phentermine treatment, it is vital to eat the right foods so that the body receives enough nutrients with limited calories consumed.

What to eat on Phentermine? You can check out the list of foods to eat on Phentermine on the drug manufacturer’s website.

Pay special attention to fiber. Its sources include:

  • beans;
  • baked potato you should eat with the skin on;
  • whole-grain products;
  • brown rice;
  • nuts;
  • berries;
  • bran and products containing them, such as cereal;
  • fruits and vegetables.

Water and fiber add volume to food, but not calories. So, you can achieve a feeling of fullness while consuming fewer calories.

Foods to avoid while taking Phentermine

What not to eat or drink while taking Phentermine. Here is what the manufacturer recommends not eating while on Phentermine:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • ice cream;
  • white flour products.

The pH factor of these products is below 7. For example, for carbonated drinks, it is 2.0–4.0, and for white flour — 5.5–6.5. Such products accelerate the elimination of the drug. Accordingly, it won’t stay in the body for as long as it should be.

What to eat on Phentermine

You can see the list of products recommended during treatment with Phentermine on the drug manufacturer’s website.

Food should be low in calories. But it doesn’t mean that you should eat tasteless food. The list of recommended products includes:

  • chicken and turkey meat;
  • tofu cheese;
  • fish;
  • lean beef;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • beans;
  • and even mustard and chili peppers, etc.

Phentermine works better with lemon juice

No clinical trial data confirm this. However, lemon juice is mentioned in chats where respondents discuss their experience with Phentermine.

Some people write that lemon juice mixed with water prolongs the body’s natural tolerance to Phentermine. Accordingly, this allows the drug to act effectively for a longer time.


A properly selected diet enhances the therapeutic effect of Phentermine.

It should be low in calories and high in liquids and fiber. This combination is necessary for the stomach to be full, for you to feel full, and, at the same time, for the body to get rid of fat.

Food should be tasty and varied. Special menus are available combining a variety of dishes from low-calorie products.

All this helps make the diet not a strenuous, painful routine but part of a healthy lifestyle during the Phentermine treatment.

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