Can Ozempic cause irregular periods

Can Ozempic Affect Your Menstrual Cycle? The Real Causes of Cycle Disorders

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 – Updated May 8, 2023
, reviewed by
 – Updated May 8, 2023
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We carefully reviewed the official sources and found no mentions of Ozempic effects on menstrual cycle, such as altering of menstrual bleeding and ovulation. The TGA in Australia didn’t record these side effects.

So, you can’t give a positive answer to the question “Does Ozempic affect your period?”, at least for most women. Theoretically, such an adverse reaction is possible, but clinical trials have not recorded it.

But according to the same studies, there is a link between the use of Ozempic and periods in rats. The studies recorded that in losing weight rats, the number of ovulations slightly decreased, and the duration of bleeding increased.

Can Ozempic cause irregular periods

The answer is the same as in the previous paragraph. However, situations are possible when the cycle can go out of rhythm, and here are the reasons:

  • Stress due to lifestyle changes.
  • Significant changes in a meal plan.
  • Adoption of an active lifestyle.

As you can see, menstrual problems can be an adverse effect of a weight loss program. They may decrease when the body adapts to the effects of the drug and the decrease in body fat.

Again, during the Ozempic stopping period, you may notice changes in your cycle, caused by the same reasons, mentioned above. Besides, people usually stop using weight loss meds, when they reach their weight loss goal or are close to it, so changes in weight and fat percentage frequently alter periods.

Does Ozempic stop your period

Semaglutide injection solution can’t do it. If this happens, contact your doctor to find out why.

Your periods may stop because of:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Menopause.
  • Strong stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Lack of necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Too fast weight loss.


Occasional disturbances in the female reproductive system are often not a sign of disease. They may be due to hormonal fluctuations, lifestyle and nutritional changes, decreased body fat percentage, and stress response.

If the situation bothers you, see a doctor. He will do diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the problem.

The main thing to remember is that reducing abdominal and other types of fat improves the hormonal background and the reproductive system’s function. By embarking on the path of healthy weight loss, you significantly reduce health risks and improve your quality of life!

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