Duromine Reviews in Australia

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Here you will get answers to any question regarding Duromine and weight loss from experts. Ask everything that makes you feel doubtful. Your attempt is priceless for any newcomer. 

Get to know more info about Duromine from true stories described by experienced Duromine users

How to write a good review:

  • Describe how effective the medication was (all the benefits of usage) and write about what didn’t work as well as you expected.
  • Feel free to write as much digitalization as you want, please include the duration of your weight loss journey (e.g. duromine results after 1 month, duromine before and after 1 week). Everyone’s experience is unique and priceless.
  • Inspire others with your story and get more inspiration from reading stories of other forum users. Let’s help each other become healthier and stronger!

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2 years ago
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hi, i also want to share my experience with Duromine. i started Thursday and are on day 4 today. Thursday i weight 119.1 kg and last night the scale showed…..115.9 kg. I’m hypothyroidism and currently using Eltroxin. A few months ago i also used Duromine but stopped my Eltroxin,resulting that the Duramine didn’t work and i lost no weight. Currently i’m back on my Eltroxin and the Duromine worked wonders in the past 3 days. The only side effect that I’m experiencing is mild headaches, but i can deal with it.

2 years ago
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this created me to be so lethargic haveing the opposite effect . no weight loss was gained , very poor concentration and mental health upset from this drug. – never again !

2 years ago
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Slightly overweight with 8 kg to lose. Anyone have success with a small amount to lose?

2 years ago
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Hi, I am currently seeking to go on Duromine but worried about the side effects. I am 23 years old and struggle with a phobia of vomitting. IM worried this pill is going to make me nauseous or feel really ill. Can anyone share their experience if they have felt like this on the pill at all?.
I have really bad anxiety and have not left the house in a month because all I do is sit at home and eat. Im worried if I go out ill be stuck somewhere with no food or food I don’t eat! Can someone please give me their thoughts and ideas to help me through this decision please.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bella

First time around, I had fantastic success with Duromine 30mg. Lost 12kg in 3 months. I had NO nausea at all but did experience really bad dry mouth, so you’ll need to drink plenty of water, sporadic headaches but honestly nothing that a Nurofen wouldn’t sort out, constipation, flatulence, runny nose, reoccurring sinus infections that drove me insane. I did also notice breathlessness, just walking to my car tired me out and my cholesterol levels jumped up significantly. I did have a massive increase in energy levels, which did interfere with getting to sleep initially but later it got better as my body got used to the meds. Sadly I became very lazy with a controlled diet and exercise regime after completing the 3 month course and rapidly gained 8kgs back in a blink of an eye. So, here I am, second time around having had a few months gap in between, I started again today and I immediately noticed my energy levels were through the roof. I feel like the Energizer Bunny!!!
The side effects do vary from person to person though as long as you are aware of what to look out for.

2 years ago
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Hi I’m on day 4 today with Duromine 30mg pills. I’m struggling to sleep. I just sleep for 3hours than I’m awake. I do have a lot of energy and feel positive. My weight is currently at 72kg and my goal wait is 60kg.
Pls advise what I can do for the leak of sleep and also to see results faster.
The good this for the past 3 days I haven’t been craving sweets or feel hungry during the day. I try to eat my first meal after 12pm in the afternoon and last meal at 8.30pm in the evening. I do have 1 fruit during the day.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evrill

I find that if you burn of the extra energy it will help you sleep, be more active do more exercise. Take the pill early morning by 7 am everyday same time.

rachel bronkhorst
rachel bronkhorst
2 years ago
Reply to  Evrill

you need to take it as soon as you wake up. i take at 4 30 in the morning when i get up to exercise and i can sleep fine at night. as early as possible

2 years ago
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Hi. Drinking Duromine 15mg for a month and a half. First week I was full of energy and it was awesome, but it has stopped. Also getting dry mouth and a slight rash on stomach and back, but can’t complain to much about the side effects. I’m sad to say I only lost 3kg in all this time.

I generally don’t have a bad eating habit, but never lost weight even if I don’t eat much of junk and exercise. Now I don’t exercise as much but my work requires a lot of walking.(like 10 000 steps in a day).

So, my question is, should I continue drinking Duromine 15mg until my prescription is finished (3 months in total) and try again “next time”
– Or ask my dr to increase the dosage? or let me drink it for longer than 3 months?
She also said I can start taking relislim, but then I’m not sure if I will get new side effects. Thank you

3 years ago
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I was wondering can I use durmaine after 3 months?I really have no side effect. I use40 ml. Lost 10 killo in 2 months

3 years ago
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Just a random duro story…
This is my 2nd go with duro. I used 40mg 3 years ago and lost nearly 30kg after having my baby. Maintained it. Got fat again after having my last baby in Dec 2020. Doc gave me 30mg for a month and it didn’t do much so he upped it back to 40s.
Now, I enjoy a glass of wine or 3 with the best of them. On 30s, no issues, I just added it to my calorie count. Took my first 40mg yesterday, had a couple of glasses last night and felt nothing… right up until I felt Everything!! I was instantly so wasted that I walked into a wall (let’s be honest- lots of walls lol) and i couldn’t even plug my phone charger in! I ended up so ratfaced that I couldn’t have buttered a piece of bread if my life depended on it! Hubby says i was hilarious though lol.
So, lesson learned… Dont Drink and Duro!

3 years ago
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Been on 40mg duromine for 3 months now. I do have 1 prescriptions left which am gonna save for long distance driving lol. So this is what I did. My start weight was 110kg now am 82kg and 100% worked for me. Was not hungry and my diet was 3 months of opti-fast shakes chocolate flavour 3 times a day and around 4-5lt water per day, the water thing can’t be helped as the side effect makes you drink more and more and more water lol and the other side effect is every 30 mins you have to pee. I choose opti fast because it’s low calorie and full of vitamins. I really didn’t worry to much about not eating enough, if you work it out I was only having 600 calories a day with about 10 coffee lol. I really didn’t need or want anything else. WAS NOT HUNGRY AT ALL. Sleeping took about 1 month to settle down.. there was a unusual side effect which you will laught at, the urge to pee and at the same time trying not to cum. Yep you here’d me correct I would constantly leak the good stuff! Very very active for me Bahaha. The end result is I don’t have high blood pressure anymore, my cholesterol lvs are normal again. The best part is I didn’t not work out 1 single day. All I did is worked 5 days per week. My plan now is to eat pre packed food calorie control diet which is working around 1200-1500 cals a day with 1hr of strength training which is working and am not hungry. It’s been 1 months in with no tablets and haven’t put on any weight although I have lost another 1 kg but feel stronger and look better because of the weight lifting. Hope this helps.. PS the risks and side effects of the tablets outweigh the life long effects of being overweight, the faster you think this the better for you! Now take them tablets lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

I’m about to start now on 30mg and was worried like what to eat, surprisingly I have Optifast shakes already in my pantry so reading this is great! You didn’t feel the urge to snack at all?

5 years ago
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M on my day 3 , but the hunger doesn’t go away. I usually take the pill at 6am, i have been experiencing dry mouth throughout the day . I went out with friends n ended up having alot of alcohol n that led me to take my 4 the pill later in the morning. I usually drink homemade smoothie.blended fruits or veggies every now n then when i feel hungry. Wat can i do ? I really want to lose alot of fats . M a size 42 now

Thato Serumola
Thato Serumola
5 years ago

Hello everyone. I have just started taking duromine 3 days back. I am here for motivation guys.

Moira McFarlane
Moira McFarlane
6 years ago
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Why am i not losing weighT? Started 15mg nothing 30mg same now 40mg. Weight loss has fluxuated 94 to 91 but keeps going back to 94 sometimes overnight! 1.5 kilo over night!:Walk dogs every day 2kl. – ZUMBA – Aerobics and chair yoga all 1 hr classes weekly. Appetite has reduced. Drink plenty water healthy. I am 66yrs old. My next Dr appointment is March. Do I continue with 40mg till then. Have expected better results by now and its very expensive.

6 years ago
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I am 30kg overweight putting me in the obese category and desperate to lose weight. I work a 10 hour day and struggle to excersize on top of it. Duromine sounds so promising but my doctor and two others absolutely refuse to write me a perscription, not because of anything but the fact they say they dont approve. Argh!!!! Why is it so difficult to want to get on the right track with my health.

6 years ago

Hi. Can I get Duromine Pls

6 years ago

but when u on it say five months is it hard to come of it and will the weight come back on as soon as you stop taking Duromine.. i just got some today 15mg

6 years ago
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Hi there,

Second day of 30mg Duromine and I feel amazing. 99kg 5’10.

I’m a workaholic and previously I would have one coffee in the morning and no breakfast. Another coffee at lunch with no food and once I got home from work I was absolutely starving so I’d eat everything and anything and just pass out.

The first day on Duromine I took it at 5AM and I forced myself to have a tiny bowl of cereal (Zero appetite). At lunch I had a small bowl of steamed veggies and nothing for dinner.

I’ve swapped my coffees for Matcha green teas and I’m making time out of my work schedule to exercise (All at home, not a gym person).

Only side effects is higher energy however, I see that as a plus so far as I’ve used it in my work out sessions. I’ve also had a seriously dry mouth but nothing I can’t handle. I found a mild mouth wash to help and obviously tons of water.

I’m really excited to see what happens. I feel a change already..

7 years ago
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I’m Male, 42yrs old with a starting weight of 138kgs. Been taking the 40mg of Duromine for one month now and have lost nearly 15kgs. Weighed in today at 123kgs and I feel fantastic!!. I was one of those people who did no exercise and was never “full” no matter how much I ate, Duromine has really giving me back control over my eating habits and also giving me the energy to wake up at 4am every morning (Mon-Sat) and hit the gym for my 1hr cardio session and 30mins on the weights circuit. Yes the first week is hard and my body was sore but I had the mindset of “suck it up and get on with it”, my unhealthy way of living for the past 15 years especially was driven by excuses “I’m tired”, “I have work to do”, “I dont have time”, “my knee hurts”….. so while on Duromine every morning when my alarm went off at 4am the first thing that came to my mind that I said over and over again was “No Excuses….. No Excuses”.. and it worked. I was up and gone and on the treadmill 20mins later. I still have another 15kgs to loose before I’ll be happy with my weight so I have another couple of months of hard graft ahead of me as the weight loss will get harder as I slim down more but I’m not feeling sorry for myself one single bit. The way I see it is that I’ve spent the last 42years of my life making poor food choices with no exercise so what’s 3 months of watching my calorie intake, eating whole foods and regular increased intensity exercise in comparison. My adivce is to don’t just take the pill and think miracles are going to happen, stop the excuses and push yourself. Get the mind right and the legs will follow!. I honestly feel amazing already with only 14kgs down, imagine how I’m going to feel when I’m 30kgs down! That’s my goal and that’s what I’m focused on now! I can’t wait to get there.

Jane doe
Jane doe
7 years ago

Hello…I am about to start IVF but would like to loose weight. Is this ok to take with the hormone injections?

Jane doe
Jane doe
7 years ago
Reply to  Linley Boulden

Thanks so much! I only want to lose about 8 kilo’s but this plan of pregnancy far out weighs my desire to loose weight. I am not unhealthy overweight, just find weight harder to budge at 39 year ha ha.
Thanks so much. Might try it after pregnancy (if I am successful). Many thanks for your honesty and kind words.

7 years ago

on my first day on duromine. I’ve been taking it before 20 years ago and lost 22 kilos in 2.5 months. Felt like a blind kitten – no idea what to eat, what to do, so I ate almost nothing, and had to stop using the pills before the end of the course. Side effects were bad. Now i know that i need to eat well, and properly. Wish me luck. going next week to dietician and starting from tomorrow hopping into the gym with a PT. Plan: professional diet and 3 gym sess per week + walks 3 times a week.

7 years ago
Reply to  James

good luck! I’m on my 6th day. Wish I could lose as much as you lost in the past. fingers crossed

3 years ago
Reply to  Sofia

Does duromine work on ppl weighing around 85kilos? Or do u need to be heavier to see results?

7 years ago
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I started using Duromine 11 January 2018. I finished my first box 2 days ago. My starting weight was 94.5kg my weight at the moment 87.5 kg lost 7 kg’s in one month. I happy with the results only side effect the headaches. Can’t wait to start with my second box!!!

7 years ago
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I had losses 4k in 4 days. I was 80k and now is 76k. I drink hot soups and drink lot of water every day. I’m so happy with this pill.?

7 years ago

I started taken duromine on the 26th Jan 2018 and I had lossed 4k in four days ?. I was 80k and now is 76ks. I had dried mouth sometimes and nothing else at the moment. I drink hot soups and drink lot of water once a day. I don’t exercise but my work keep me fit and I am active then ever. I am looking forward to finishing my pills and loss more weight. I’m happy with this pill.

7 years ago
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Using Duromine 30mg for 5 months and lost 10 kilos for now. The result is great for me. Remember to take the pills as early as you can, otherwise no sleep for you. well, for me it is like that. and also have headaches from time to time. quite bearable, especially given the result. Thinking of stopping for a month or two, as these shouldn’t be used too long without a pause.

Angela Goh
Angela Goh
7 years ago

hello all I have just started taking Duromine today. Did not feel hungry at all.

7 years ago

Does anyone know if it’s okay to take Duromine with some meds. I am epileptic so need to take my pills all the time.

7 years ago
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I just finished my first box of duromine I must say I’m a little disappointed I only lost 4kg that was in the first 2 weeks and it’s sort of stopped I still feel hungry but watch what I eat and have no junk food at all my doctors upped my dose to 40mg this month I start tomorrow so my fingers are crossed they work main side affect so far is dry mouth and lack of sleep

7 years ago
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My experience with Duromine is def a positive one. In just two 1-month courses, I managed to shed 13 kilos. That’s a huge change in my appearance, and everyone notices it. No longer on Duromine, but for those who just begin, be ready for no appetite at all. I needed to remind myself to eat every time, and still skipped food a couple of days, and lived on an orange or a tube of non-sweet yogurt. No cravings for sweets at all. Duromine helped me feel extreme focus with every task, though, the effects were lower after midday. Still felt great and enjoyed the energy on Duromine 100%.

7 years ago

Is it effective in men too? What should I do to try Duromine?

7 years ago

I was recently diagnosed with underactive thyroid. Before that I was planning to try Duromine to lose some weight that I gained over the last 5 years. Now, I am not sure if Duromine will be effective for me. What do you think?

7 years ago

Was not sure if Duromine will work for me, since I am in my menopause with PCOS symptoms. But it does. I feel a lot more energetic and my mood Is fantastic all the time. the result is 7 kilos in 14 days. I say, it’s good. Side effects I have are cotton mouth, which makes me drink more water. Consequently, I run to the bathroom quite often, that’s the drawback that I see. another issue is if I sleep in and don’t take it before 7 in the morning, my night’s sleep is not that good. Hope this helps anyone!

7 years ago

Day 2 on Duromine and headache is killing me. Can I take Panadol or anything else to get rid of it. I don’t want to stop Duromine because of headaches… will they go away?

7 years ago
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I used Duromine like 5 years ago and managed to lose 15 kilos in 3 months back then. Now, after a long depression treatment I am 30 kg heavier, and want to use it again. What do I need to do to get Duromine?

7 years ago

gave birth to my second daughter a year ago and still can’t lose the baby weight. Can I take Duromine while breastfeeding? Can it harm my child anyhow?

7 years ago
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Hi there, I’ve been on duromine now for 9 days. I can take most side affects but not the one I experienced just recently. Anger..I turned into a crazy mad lady who was constantly angry. That was three days ago and it’s taken day 3 to start to feel normal again. I haven’t had a pill since but will take one tomorrow and see how I go. Is there anything I can do to stop this feeling of anger.

7 years ago

does it matter if I eat anything with Duromine or not? Any difference in effects? May be better take it on an empty stomach before breakfast?

7 years ago

I have had to stop the use of During because of the negative side affects. Palpitations, anxiety, depression, elevated blood pressure, bad taste in mouth, loss of sleep and concentration and bladder issues were, unfortunately all present.
Some weight loss was recorded but unfortunately the negative effects outweighed the positive.
This product is not for me.

7 years ago
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These pills are a true wonder for me! I just love the all the good effects I get form Duromine, and they helped me lose over 13 kg in 3 months. I was always active, so normally exercise 3 times a week. With all the energy I got with Duromine had to increase the amount of trainings to 5 times a week and evening walks. Otherwise, couldn’t sleep. It also helped me cut the portion size, which was probably the most important cause of my weight loss. No more cravings for chocolates at 10 PM and more fast food for lunch. ZERO junk cravings. Will do my best to maintain the weight, but if I ever gain it back, will surely rely on Duromine again.

7 years ago
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Currently on a Duromine 30 mg course. It’s been two months. Week one showed the greatest loss of 2.7 kg, weeks 2-3-4 the loss ranged from 1.2 to 1.7 kilos. The second month again started with a big loss of 3 kilos in a week, but I added strength exercises then, and this last fourth week, the loss was only 0.8 kg. I am not giving up, nor feeling down. The overall result is great. I feel great, I look great, just 5 kilos away from my goal weight. Fingers crossed I lose them during the third month. Good luck to newcomers!

8 years ago
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my friend tried losing weight with Duromine and it worked for her quite well. She lost 18 kilos in a couple of months. I decided to try it too but my doctor told me I can’t use it because he discovered I have hyperthyroidism. SO I am not going to lose weight with it, but it helped me find out the reason for my excess weight, and now I am working on that issue.  either way, Duromine did help me do something about my weight.

8 years ago
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lost 8 kilos in the first month. Had to quit because of high blood pressure. If not that, I would continue. 😡 still have a lot to lose

8 years ago
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Want to add some positive ideas about losing weight with Duromine…

My excessive weight kept building on me through my entire life and, well, when it happens gradually, you stop noticing you’re getting bigger and bigger. So it happened with me, and the moment I realized what I have done with my body, it was almost too late. I started having health problems. No matter what I was doing, it seemed impossible to lose weight.

Now, I am sending my gratitude to Heaven, Fate and anything else that helped me discover Duromine until it was too late.

Duromine gave me extreme amounts of energy, which I was seriously lacking before it. This helped me get on with a serious training program. I sometimes had to train two times during a day, and have a 30-minute walk just to spend all the energy. I was lucky to lose 20 kilos and gain quite a nice shape (due to workouts, I have a very fit body).
Yet, of course, I have to admit that I wasn’t really following the advice of many people, i.e. that I should eat. I was literally starving. If it wasn’t for Duromine, I wouldn’t be able to survive on such a meager nutrition. I know that it’s not healthy, but I really needed to take this weight off of me.

As for other side effects, I can definitely outline the insomnia. Some nights, I even had to take some sleeping pills. You might say that it’s not that good, yet it worked fine. The important thing is to consult your doctor and get the most natural and safest drug.

Even despite these things, I would not think any second to start taking Duromine again, if I had to. Duromine helped me keep to a healthy eating plan without a single craving for anything “forbidden”. On my own, I would have failed. Plus, the excessive volumes of energy helped me stop being a lazy bum and bring my body to perfection.

Don’t forget to ask your doctor any question you may have, since Duromine is a drug and might require some adjustments. I had to go through a medical examination before doctor gave me the prescription. Good luck!

8 years ago

what is a possible reason of no weight loss on Duromine for two months? Some info about me: female, 28 y.o., 122 kg, 170 cm. took Duromine 30 mg one month, then 40 mg one month. I avoid fast food and almost no sweets. completely rejected soft drinks and no more caramel macchiatos for me. shall i go on with the third month on 40mg? I feel approximately zero effects. is this possible? does it need more time? I am a very active person, always moving. do i need more activity? any suggestions?

8 years ago
Reply to  Roberta

maybe it’s just not working for you. i immediately felt side effects. popped the first pill and was buzzing around in 1.5 hours. lost 3 kgs in first 4 days. tomorrow’s weigh in day and i already feel smaller and lighter. a friend of mine also used duromine at 15 mg, and she lost massive 20 kgs in 3 months. and her weight was only 99 kgs. did you check your hormones and sugar? do you exercise or just move around the house? I added strength exercise and in already feel like i am getting fitter. try these

Ann Maree Pearce
Ann Maree Pearce
3 years ago
Reply to  Roberta

This happened to me a while back. Since then, I discovered I had fatty liver. So, if you’re liver is not functioning well, it can slow your metabolism down. But, when it comes to taking any medication, it’s the liver that processes your meds.

So, if your liver is not operating as it should, you can have issues metabolising meds.

So, I took a course I’d milk thistle, and prepared for duromine by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods.

I’ve been on duromine for three days and have lost 2 kilos so far. No side effects.

So, go to Dr and get a liver panel done. Or, just take a herb for liver health.

All the best.

8 years ago
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It’s already been 4 weeks since I started using Duromine 30 mg. Read a lot about possible side effects and was quite worried I might start feeling ill. However, I only had something like a temperature raise for like half an hour after the first administration of the pills. And, of course, the cotton mouth. DRY DRY DRY! Still, it’s ok to want some water until it helps me lose weight. Keep trying to have a bottle of water with me anywhere I go and it’s been better, actually, as I started having about 2 l of water a day (sometimes a little more). I started at 93 kilos and I have reached the mark of 83 kilos. I think, it’s a great result and I am planning to go all the way till I get to the weight I feel the best way. What I changed… hmmm… I didn’t cut off any foods, but the sweet and really junk ones. As for activity: 40-60 min. of cardio 3-4 times a week. Wish I did more, but I don’t want to overload myself to drop everything one day. So I keep it safe and effective. Another change is, of course, the water. I don’t think I have reached 1 l a day before Duromine. Now, it’s more, of course. It might be one of the reasons I am losing weight so well. Love this med!

8 years ago
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Really disappointed with Duromine. My BMI is quite high, weight-89, height-157. it’s already a month on the pills and i feel like i wasted my money. I almost feel no side effects, but that’s ok. the main issue is that i have no energy burst. and i read here and there, and my doc told me that i should have gotten it. was planning to use it for exercising. and nothing. i still do exercise and change the diet. i do all i can and even more and still only lost 8.5 kg. it’s not enough! I think 30 mg is too low for me. Need to get a prescription for 40 mg. Any experience on switching from Duromine 30mg to 40mg?

8 years ago
Reply to  Noa

why do you think that a loss of 8.5 kg in a month is too little? what’s with the rush? you need wrinkled skin? let your body and skin adjust to new volumes. i lost 5 kilos in the first month, 3 in the second and 3.5 in the third – and i think it’s great! doctors say that a healthy weight loss is about 0.5-1 kg a week. that is, of course, if you want to maintain it easily. when losing weight quicker, we can gain it back just as quick. better think twice. i heard 40 mg is very strong and can give you severe side effects.

8 years ago
Reply to  Noa

i switched from 30mg to 40mg for the 3 month. GP decided that i got used to the dose, because i only lost 0.6 kg in week 8. the side effects were not that bad, but i felt almost none of them when started 30 mg. everything went well for me with 40, a couple of sleepless nights and feeling out of this world for 4 days. then all was good. needed to take laxatives for constipation. still have it from time to time, 9 months post-duromine. gained 3 kg and back on monitoring calories and more exercises. Self-control – that’s the key , and duromine helped me find and develop it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben

I was told by the Pharmacies that the 30mg is after you use 40mg to control the weight

8 years ago
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Finished the 3-month course a week ago. feeling slight increase in appetite, but nothing too drastic. it is important to learn controlling yourself. if you are used to coming home after work and immediately swallow a couple of sandwiches until your dinner is ready, and use lots of mayo and ketchup, better stop and learn patience. At least, it helped me. Without duro, i could not control myself. I decided to make an eating schedule and stick to it. it’s so much easier now to shop for groceries and take lunches with me to work. i know what i will eat. if i have a party coming on friday, for ex., I exclude grains and up my proteins the day before the party and the day after it, and do my best to stick to just vegetable dishes during the party day, so that my overall calorie content stays pretty much the same. Avoid booze when using Duromine. it made me feel sick. also drink lots of water. you get used to it with time. now i always have a bottle of water in my bag and on my work table. find the exercises that you like. if you do something that you don’t like, it’s unlikely you will stick to it in the long run. I still have 7 kilos to lose and hope i can do it without duromine already.

8 years ago

I see that many people report a very fast weight loss on Duromine. I was not losing it so fast and i wonder why. My weight was 123 when i started, and in 3 months i reached 110. I think that people lose a lot more when their weight is so high. Well, i had to continue using it, and it’s now been 7 months on it, and I am 85 kg now. I am happy with my current weight, but i don’t get it why it has taken me so long. I have been eating very healthy, mostly 3 meals a day, no sugars and fats in the evening. Exercise wise, everyday 2 hour walks with my dogs and got a gym membership 2 months ago, so not extremely active. may be that’s why the slow progress. i wonder if there is a certain pattern of stopping duromine after long use? is it ok if i just quit? anyone knows?

8 years ago
Reply to  Diana

i took Duro for 5 months in a row. stopped cold turkey. big mistake. withdrawals lasted about a week. not so bad, though still unpleasant. drowsiness, nausea, no energy, but slept well. in fact, i slept a whole day in weekend. after that, felt ok. no massive increase in hunger. still maintaining the weight, after 8 months off of it.

8 years ago

Hi, I’m 22 and I am obese. I have been trying to lose weight through different diets and starved myself for a week, but weight almost doesn’t shift. not very into exercising, but i really want to lose weight. gained most of the weight during my first pregnancy, have a 2 year-old running around the house, so pretty active days, i would say. will duromine help me lose weight? what is the best way to use it and what should i watch out for? i want to become healthy and manage to run with my child wherever he wants to run, and play sports games with him. in general, i want to have an active life. any advice appreciated.

8 years ago
Reply to  Gaby

I’m 25, also fought with post-baby weight for a couple of years before discovering D. My doc suggested i try it and was checking up on me regularly to see if i was okay. after the first pill, felt no changes, next day and second pill and i woke up as if a superwoman. I was literally flying around the house and doing things here and there. even though i was 133 kg, i felt i was lighter than a feather. by day 4 energy level got lower, and the house was so clean you could eat from any surface in it. that was the first night with insomnia, and i felt my mind buzzing till morning light. so then i decided to get into exercising to use all the energy, and signed up for zumba classes. From that point, everything was going so quickly and so good. weight was falling off of me. I don’t know why and how, i lost 13 kilos in the first month. i knew i had to slow down because noticed skin sagging. had a 10-day massage course to tighten skin up, and lost 5 more kg during this time. I say Duromine is a miracle pill. Yes, you need to work, but it makes you work like nothing else does.

8 years ago

My story with duromine started very well. not too many side effects. the notorious dry mouth and some nausea for the first week, then slight constipation. weight loss was going well – lost 3.8 kg in the first week and 2 more in the second week. Then i started feeling that something was not right. I could burst in tears all of a sudden and in 15 minutes be laughing like mad. in the evening i was feeling rather angry than tired, and all my family was getting their part of this rage. I realized it was duromine causing these mood swings and a quick search on the internet showed that it was one of possible side effects. stopped D immediately. gained back 1 kilo and my own self, too. mood swings and anger lasted about 3 more days, then stopped. Still have half a pack of Duromine left and planning to try it again and see what happens. fingers crossed it goes better. weight loss was truly quick.

9 years ago
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What can I say… I love Duromine! These pills seem to have some magic dust inside. However, I did get the side effects, and it was just a single one – the headaches. I am not so good at having to endure anything at all, so that was a bit troublesome. However, Ibuprofen did slightly take the headaches off, and in a week they were all gone. I guess, it’s the time my body needed to get used to Duromine.

I managed to lose about 22 lbs in 16 weeks, which was a great start. In fact this was my weight loss goal. I did have the major weight loss goal and this one I managed to reach after I got off Duromine thanks to the fact that the pills helped me develop a new eating regime.

I was also not a very big fan of exercising before I started Duromine. Still, the energy and lightness I was feeling during the course helped take my butt off the couch and start exercising. I prefer cardio load and I think it suits me perfectly.

So happy my doc prescribed these to me. I am sure I wouldn’t have gotten that far without Duromine. Right now, I might be even heavier than I was back then. When I think about it, I am getting sick. So, for me, personally, Duromine was a great choice and a cool assistant. Hope I will manage to maintain weight. Good luck to everyone who’s trying to lose that extra weight.

9 years ago

Anyone here? Planning on taking Duromine 30mg for 3 months. Have a couple of parties planned during this period. And the question is: can I have any alcohol while on Duromine? Does anyone know? Who boozed while on D? Any side effects? Maybe not take it on party days? will it stop weight loss?

9 years ago
Reply to  Adam

I had no problems with alcohol. did not stop duromine those days

9 years ago
Reply to  Adam

My experience with drinking alcohol while on D is horrible. I had no idea that you shouldn’t mix the two. It was not just a hangover, I thought i will throw out my brain. worst headache ever. not sure though if it was the D, but i never felt like that before or after. I did not drink a drop of alcohol until finishing the course. Btw, I lost 18 kgs, and i was on 15 mg first, and two months on 30 mg. 15 was too weak for me, and 30 was just fine. Lots of energy, some insomnia and headaches at start, but then ok. also the cotton mouth – lasted almost till the end, but i got used to it. If you get a dry mouth, my advice is to chew sugar free gum and never part with your bottle of water.

9 years ago

Not sure if this duromine is as strong as i read. 3 day already and feel just my normal self. took the pill 2 hours ago and nada! no energy, no dry mouth. always tired. eating hasn’t changed. eat like i always did: a fruit and coffee in the morn, fruit and crisps for lunch, meat and veggies in the evening. where’s the weight loss? what’s going on? does it do anything to anyone at all?

9 years ago
Reply to  Tory

hey, it’s just your third day. give it some time. doesn’t always work with the very first pill.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tory

with such menu, i would die! eat something good and a bit more in the day. too many fruits. switch to veggies. and exercise. without exercising duromine worked very slowly for me. once i added daily trainings, weight fell off.

9 years ago
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12 days in. 10 kilos lost. bad side: dry mouth with bad taste in the mouth, infrequent mood swings, once or twice a day short episodes of palpitations, feeling drained out when i don’t take Duro and sleeplessness for the first 6 nights. good side: no more desire to binge eat at night, no more desire to eat when i’m tired, bored, happy, sad, etc., no more desire to finish the whole chocolate bar after the first bite, no desire to have chocolate at all, no more drowsiness on days when i take it. my eyes are wide awake and i am 1000% focused on my tasks. Amazing! weight loss fantastic. yes, side effects definitely there. Kilograms lost cover the bad side.

9 years ago
Reply to  Den

great results! do you exercise? what do you do? I wonder if it can help me lose weight without exercising. had a severe knee trauma, hence the weight gain. gp advised duro. side effects freak me out. not sure if i should try it

9 years ago
Reply to  Nora

i do exercise. swimming pool 2 times a week, 2 weight trainings, 2 cardio trainings, one rest day

9 years ago
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Hot yoga fan here! 3 to 4 classes a week with almost no results until Duromine came in. had to stop coffee and green tea. now sleeping better. first two weeks. slept very little and started feeling fatigued already. With no coffee and green tea, sleep like a log. so more energy for everyday stuff and to increase exercising. after 6 months of hot yoga and a loss of just 4 kgs, i managed to lose 15 kgs with duromine in 3 months. i think it’s impressive. wanted to get another script, since i have 10 more kilos to lose, but doc doesn’t give it to me just yet. says i need to take a break from these pills. so now it’s one month of maintaining weight and then again on Duromine. thinking about switching to protein and carbs alternation diet. sounds like it’s a great idea. also like the mediterranean. EVERYBODY, you need to work with Duromine and not expect that it’ll do the job for you!

9 years ago
Reply to  Ervinina

great results. did you start a new course of Duromine? what was your dose the first time?

8 years ago
Reply to  Pam

hey, thanks for asking. finishing my second month on my second attempt with Duromine. side effects totally different from the first time – severe dry mouth, constipation, dizziness – until i upped my water intake. everything calmed down and i continued. oh, i only gained 0.5 kg in between the courses, so not a big gain – yippee. chose the mediterranean diet and continued with my personal all-time favorite – hot yoga. a loss of 7 kgs, not 10, in 2 months. i think, it’s just fine like that. if i don’t lose anymore weight without Duromine, it’s ok, i’ll work on maintaining my current shape. Oh, and the dose was 30 mg all the way.

9 years ago
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Lost 20 kilos on D in three months. now sitting at 100 +- and weight doesn’t move. but i became a gym rat during these three months, so gaining muscles now while weight stays still. guess, i am still losing fat. been trying to lose it for 5 years and nothing worked. WIth Duromine, mission accomplished. I was counting the calories and added 1-2 protein shakes to replace 1-2 meals a day. the rest was healthy foods, like lots of veggies and protein, and some grains. water about 4 liters a day. started exercising from day 1. swimming helped me a lot. at times, i thought i will not be able to get out of the pool, and when i did, my legs were shaking. the results deserved every single effort, and every single pizza slice that i didn’t have.

9 years ago
Reply to  Drake

hey dude, did what dose did you take? any side effects? need to lose about 30-35 kg, so considering to use duromine. the side effects worry me. did you have any changes in libido? i found reports that you can lose your sex drive because of D or that it gets difficult to make him up and standing

9 years ago
Reply to  Josh

i was on 30 mg. felt pretty well – 3 nights no sleep, then 4 nights of troubled sleep. took a weekend of D to sleep. then it got great. appetite suppression was huge. that’s why i switched to protein shakes. not possible to eat anything. sex drive was high in the sky, not a single sign of erectile dysfunction whatsoever. Duromine actually made me more active and long-standing lol. Good luck mate! Eat clean and work your ass of in the gym.

9 years ago
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23-y.o. Duromine beginner. day three only and i already know that i will succeed. on the first day the pill gave me so much energy that i was jumping. not walking. nothing i could do with it. barely ate anything. never liked drinking water, now it even tastes great! no sleep first night and the same energy on the second day. same no eating just drinking. it’s day three and i already had like 3 liters of water, and it’s just lunch time. no weighing in yet, as i don;t want to get discouraged if nothing happens with my weight. not sure what i should eat, so any advice welcomed. exercising – choosing between a gym membership and an exercise machine to use at home. share your experience, which is better to choose. good luck all you slimmer out there!

9 years ago
Reply to  Jozzy

i have an exercise machine at home and i love it, because i prefer exercising early in the morning, before going to work. I also enjoy taking a good shower and using different scrubs to make skin toned and improve the circulation. we need that when we lose weight in a fast pace, otherwise we’ll turn into Shar pei dogs, and then it’s just the plastic surgery. better prevent that. besides, having an exercise machine at home, you have no excuses like it’s raining, cold, etc. outside. With duromine, there should be no excuses. we only have 3 months. think well over your diet. you need it to be balanced and you should be able to keep it when you stop duromine, or you risk gaining all the weight back! good luck girl!

9 years ago
Reply to  Jozzy

I chose gym membership and PT sessions. i really lacked motivation to lose weight, and all these bodybuilders around really helped me get a grip of myself and stop eating crap and work over my body. 6 months later, i am 28 kilos lighter and i don’t know how many muscle kilos heavier. nutrition can be the key, but without exercising you will not achieve an attractive body, so suit yourself

9 years ago
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Day 4 today. feels great and very energized! forgot i ever felt hunger in my life. still trying to eat at least something, a fruit here, a toast there, nothing substantial though, just don’t feel like it. chose fruits and toasts for the glucose. used to be a heavy sweet tooth. scared of weaning off sugar cold turkey. read it all about sugar withdrawals. already had headaches a couple of days in a row, since starting duromine, feels a lot better today and also slept well finally. a bit jitters and super focus, like a spider man, see and hear things i never noticed existed. thinking of taking it every other day. nothing too bad, but probably a bit too strong for me. 30 mg. besides, such dosing schedule will help me extend one pack for longer time. time will show if it works. right now i am simply happy. no more excuses for not training. smashed a good HIIt today and still have enough energy for work.

9 years ago

didn’t work for me. blood pressure immediately jumped up and heart was racing like crazy. had to call an ambulance. was told to immediately stop taking it. i had a slightly increased BP though, but never thought that it would be such a big problem. my advice is to always have a good health check before you take your prescription and start using duromine. For me, it was too strong. feeling fine now. but lost hope to every lose weight.

9 years ago
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Finishing my second month on duromine 30 mg. everything’s great. side effects rather bearable, nothing extreme. tough i thought i will quit it at start, because had a pain in the chest and heavy breathing for a couple of day, but then these went away. exercising, eating clean, lost 12 kilos. pleased with what’s going on. my worries are if i will gain all the weight back, as many people write, when i discontinue duromine, and will i have withdrawals after i finish the course? These worry me very much.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lizy

i had half a pack of 15 mg left, so i used them to slowly get off duromine. first alternating 30 mg and 15 mg in different days, then took just the 15 mg, then took it every other day, and stopped. no bad withdrawals. Appetite increased though, but i am in control.

9 years ago
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It’s so disappointing to be a whale in a family of skinny people… diets – name it and i tried it – nothing helps. Two weeks ago, my doc suggested i try Duromine. Started with 15mg, since my BP is a bit high because of the weight – 112 k. first days felt over-energised and even light-headed. not the most pleasant sensation, when you’re all over the place and then the world starts turning in front of your eyes. sleeping was better than usually, which is weird. i was told that i might have insomnia and i sleep better than before Duromine. My personal best sleeping pill lol. Besides that, i also have a dry mouth and slowly swollen tongue, probably from the dry mouth. feels like i scratch my tongue with my teeth. need to find a remedy for that. pretty painful already. weight loss is not that huge as expected – just 4 kilos in two weeks. on the other hand, i was struggling to lose at least 200 grams in so many years, that this result is great. think i need to up the dose to 30 mg. from all the reviews, i see that people usually use this dose. will see how it goes. fingers crossed.
starting to exercise on Monday. did not risk to engage into trainings until i lose at least some weight. eating healthy, no cravings for sugars and fatty foods – so definitely easier to stick to proper nutrition. Going great, motivation high, bring on the new week!

9 years ago
Reply to  Dara

I also lost pitiful 2 kilos in 10 days on 15 mg. When switched to 30 mg, things got A LOT better. good luck! get ready for worse side effects

9 years ago
Reply to  Dara

I couldn’t bear 30 mg. Started with this dose, and was feeling so bad: nausea, stomach cramps, heavy chest, dizziness. I gave up the thought of ever using Duromine, until the doc said there is a lower dose. 15 mg were a lot lighter, and I could sleep and go through the days with just the cotton mouth and bad breath. some excessive sweating too. but these were bearable. All three months been on 15 mg. lost 18 kgs. planning to use it in a couple of months to lose 10 more kilos and reach my healthy weight.

9 years ago
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no energy whatsoever. how come you all have it and i need to make efforts to drag my body from bed to the kitchen. had to take a few days off work. headaches unbearable. i am 135 kg and was prescribed 40 mg. appetite suppression? no idea, i feel so sick that don’t even think of eating anything at all. it’s day 3 and i live on water. when will this end? it is supposed to get better, but when? didn’t hit the scales, but my face looks like i am a slave on a stone mine and work 24/7 for two months – face is white and these baggy eyes, horrible! how to increase the energy level?

9 years ago
Reply to  Gail

so, let’s sum it all up. you eat nothing, you don’t sleep and you wonder why no energy. I don’t know what to say… why are people so keen into harming themselves with their own hands, and then complaining about the “bad drug”. do it correctly for god’s sake! this med is too strong to play with it like that.

9 years ago
Reply to  Gail

did the same mistake. ended up in hospital with an IV line in my arm and no more duromine for me ever.

9 years ago

Giving Duromine a second try. One year ago was on it for 3 months and the weight loss was just 3 kg. I want everything to be different this time, but i don’t know what i did wrong then and what i should change this time to achieve higher results. what i did was brisk walking for 30-60 minutes every day, except for weekends. i think I messed up with my eating. have no idea what to eat on Duromine. does anyone have a good meal plan? please share your ideas and menus that worked for you. desperately wanting to lose this stupid weight

9 years ago
Reply to  Amabel

i switched to high protein diet. search for it in google, you’ll get tons of options.

9 years ago
Reply to  Amabel

before you advise anything, ask the person if her kidneys are 100% ok. protein diets are dangerous for the kidneys, so should be used with caution. i suggest you having protein+cereal breakfast, vegetables+protein+grains lunch, vegetables+protein dinner. vegetables should make the most part of the dishes. if you feel hunger better snack on something healthy, like nuts, seeds or veggies, fruits. do not allow strong hunger. if you feel hungry soon after a meal, have a glass of water, our bodies often confuse hunger and thirst. in general, drink more water, it’s a requirement for duro use. if you see weight stagnation, add weight exercises. always change something in your routine every 2 weeks at least. worked for me. 2 months on duro – bye-bye 14 kilo.

9 years ago
Reply to  Amabel

i simply switched to lite n easy 1200 calories. with duromine and dance classes – perfect match. 10 kilos down and counting

9 years ago
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I am 56 years YOUNG 🙂 and it is my week 2 on Duromine 30 mg going to an end. Was hesitant to try it because of my age and some health conditions. Luckily, everything’s goin great so far. of all side effects that could have happened, I only have headaches from time to time. not sure if these will ever until i finish duromine, cause i am prone to them. the only concern is the blocked nose. already scheduled a consultation, hope nothing serious. through my life, i never was a healthy eater, and enjoyed having a couple of cocktails quite often. stepping on the scales and watching the indicator going up to 89, i knew i had to do something, the older we get, the more troubles our excess weight causes. so i switched to clean eating, most times vegetarian, add some healthy fats and whole grains. started feeling a lot better, not that bloated and seems the skin looks better. exercising is yoga. been living like this for 3 years and i love it, but the weight stands still at 86. so, had to resort to duromine. by now, i am at 82.5 and happy with that. slow and steady wins the race, especially at my age. Anyone in my age category who used Duromine or uses now? how are you going?

9 years ago
Reply to  Alexis

it’s so great to find your feedback here! I was prescribed Duromine a month ago, but only on it for 3 weeks. was hesitant to start after reading all the horror stories. I guess, it’s always playing a game of chance with these pills. those lucky will lose the weight without side effects, and those unlucky should thank God that they survived. I am more on the lucky side. need regular kidney function checks. yes, troublesome, but otherwise it was impossible for me to use duromine. the first blood test was okay, so i continue. Some changes in my life were hard, like not eating what my family has for dinners every day. appetite suppression helps greatly though. no exercising for now, just longer walking with my dogs. 5.5 kilograms down and counting. good luck to you and to me and to everyone out there of the same age trying to lose weight and be healthy for themselves and their loved ones!

9 years ago
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3 months done and dusted. even though the dosage is 40 mg, i am quite far from my weight loss goal. only managed to shed 10 kilos. Doesn’t look like a dramatic weight loss i was hoping for. On the other hand, i wasn’t able to lose anything at all. i know that my main issue is the fast food and takeouts. Not into these now. duromine completely cut the need to eat crap every day. No more coke for me either. tried to replace with diet coke, made me puke. tastes disgusting while on these pills. Hopefully this will continue. still not going to stop and will stick to duromine until my doctor tells me to stop. I want to get to the goal no matter what. lucky, no side effects, and no withdrawals when skipped some days. dunno if i should take a break. too scared of gaining weight back during the break.

9 years ago
Reply to  Andy

on Duro for 9 months, and everything’s ok. Feeling better on it. used to be cranky before, and always tired. now i’m the boss in my life and a happy person. will not give up duromine. not taking every day though, just occasionally. but my life is so much better, and weight loss also assists the happy feeling

9 years ago
Reply to  Andy

lucky you. had to stop it, felt like dying, still recovering

9 years ago
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Two pregnancies and 5 years ago i was 70 kg. now, i am at horrifying 105, and i need to lose these. actually tried. worked with a nutritionist and a sports physiologist, and nothing, not a kilogram. i know that duromine is a last resort for all desperate dieters, and i am one of the kind. been worried how it will affect me, since raising my kids on my own, and always need to be 100% calm and attentive. possibility of insomnia scared me, as i started sleeping all night long just recently, when my youngest abandoned breastfeeding. well, i hardly survived these first 4 days on D. a total of 9 hours of sleep. thank god i am used to freezing food and my kids didn’t have to starve. i had no forces to cook anything, even getting out of bed was a struggle. i read somewhere that it might help to change things if you skip duromine for a couple of day, so i stopped and let myself sleep well during the next 4 days. then started back on D, and everything is soooo different. no sleeping issues, more energy, VERY dry mouth and no appetite at all. finishing my first month and a loss of 7 kilos keeps me motivated to go on. yes, these are expensive. results prove the purchase was worth every cent.

9 years ago
Reply to  Amy

this drug should not be used more than three months in a row. be careful

9 years ago
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11 days on Duromine, and i think its not working. first 3 days was ready to run up the walls, so much energy, no hunger, very dry mouth. now, i don’t feel any of these. all i feel is hunger. no matter what and how much i eat, always hungry. and i feel really drowsy, not even a 10-hour sleep helps me feel energised. does it mean that my body got used to it or what? what should i do?

9 years ago
Reply to  Gertrude

i have the same issue, nothing seems to be going on, like it was at start. no dry mouth, no nothing. is there anything in this world which will ever help me lose weight. i’m desperate

9 years ago
Reply to  Gertrude

had the same problem. stopped taking it for 3 days and then started again. it helped kick start the action. had to do this 3 times till finished the first pack. then asked for higher dose. worked a lot better and stronger appetite suppression, was not hungry at all. continued on the high dose. lost 13 kg in 3 months. wish it was more, but also good. only problem my blood pressure went a bit higher than it was before. hoping it will come back to normal levels soon

9 years ago
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started the D 7 months ago and down 43 kgs by now. 7 dress sizes away. watching my photos, don’t recognize myself. i weigh in daily and i also weight my food. ordered cheapest kitchen scales i could find. it doesn’t really matter how sophisticated these are, if you really use them, because any digital will do the deal. started a food diary immediately and write down everything. first, i was on 1500 calories, and calculated everything carefully. as weight went down, reduced calories. now at about 900-1000 on days with no exercise, and get to 1300 on exercising days. started with walking 2 times a day, then added short trainings to increase heart rate, then signed for pilates classes, as had some lower back issues, now switching to something more serious. with the weight, i lost pain in the knees, and my sugar and cholesterol levels are no longer beyond the normal levels. so everything goes nice and smooth. all side effects that i had at the beginning are worth the result. a bit scared of how i will cope without D and not really looking forward to a tummy tuck, but it’s inevitable. 15 more kilos to lose.. getting rid of a second person on me. Yay!

9 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Wow, what a result! i am just at the beginning, and it’s hard for now. no sleep, headache is killing me, dry mouth, constipation and something’s not right with my period. running late, and I never do. feels like this whole idea is not for me. after your story, i think i will give it a try and continue, hope the bad effects go away.

9 years ago
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been on duromine some time ago, so just to share my experience. always thought that eating little will be great for weight loss, so started with 2 shakes instead of meals and one small veg&chicken dish. though that if this doesn’t help, nothing will, and it didn’t help. i thought that duromine was just a myth. then was advised to up my calories and have more real food, and things immediately started moving, lost 5 kilos in a week of normal healthy eating. yes, tiny meals, yes frequent, yes exercising – put it all together and top off with duromine, and you’re good to go

9 years ago
Reply to  Iris

what exercises did you do? how was your heart rate? i’m on day 3 and when i only get on the treadmill immediately have a fast heartbeat.

9 years ago
Reply to  Honora

i only had fast heartbeat in the first week, then all went back to normal and i got into boxing classes three times a week. great thing and definitely not boring. i was dripping wet every time. they work great for toning your body and adding strength. the more muscles you have, the faster you lose weight.

9 years ago

did not use these pills myself. my son was prescribed. too obese and incapable of losing weight on his own. was better before. yes, he is loosing weight, but i am afraid for him. not sleeping properly, easily gets snappy and angry, and started yelling at times. i also often see him depressed. got into a really big fight with his dad two days ago, smashed his fist into the wall and has a bone fracture now. what is this drug? he doesn’t want to stop, wants to find a girl and have a family. who will want him with such temper? be careful, i would not use it, despite the weight loss.

9 years ago
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not a first timer on Duromine. been on it 3 years ago and almost finished the course when i found out i got pregnant. we were planning to make a baby, but later. i guess, d messed up my birth control.. or not. who knows, maybe it was just a matter of chance. either way, pregnancy went well, but i gained the lost 12 kilos during the pregnancy and added 10 on top of them. so here i am, trying to repeat and improve my previous result. was given 30 mg. a bit too strong, some buzzy feeling and insomnia three days in a row. Lucky to have some help. fingers crossed

9 years ago
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at first, i was astonished with the appetite suppression and got so into developing my eating plan and finding various exercising options that i missed out the fact of no desire for sex. then came the pain in my lower back which i never had problems with. finally i started feeling hot at times. i think I had menopausal-like symptoms. despite the great weight loss had to stop. in a about a week after this my libido came back but i still struggle with lower back pain in some days. Not sure if it was D or i did something wrong while exercising. I would continue taking them, if i didn’t have a partner, and i did not want to lose him. will try to lose weight by using the plan that i developed

9 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly

i also have lowered libido. did not think it comes from duromine… too bad. will have to stop. i also have excessive sweating and constipation, not much weight loss, but just a week on it. side effects too bad.

9 years ago

no bad nor good effects 4 days on Duromine. hunger still the same. anyone had the same thing? did it start working?

9 years ago
Reply to  Judith

i felt all the effects after the first pill. i was on 30 mgs. in just an hour dry mouth came in, that night was sleepless and i could not eat more than a tablespoon of food at a time. my friend though did not feel anything for the first week. i think it needs time in some people for the effect to build up, so my advice is to take it a little more. things might change.

9 years ago
Reply to  Judith

got the highest effect at day 3. almost smashed me. for two days nothing, took the pill on the third day in the morning and WHAM! house clean, garden looking great like never before, seasonal clothes sorted out, old stuff thrown away, car cleaned. i could go on, but there was nothing left to clean. energy rush stopped at the end of the first month, so i feel as normal now, but no hunger. exercise daily, not in weekends, and skip duromine in weekends do. give my body a break. maybe this helps me lose weight so well. i read that taking breaks from diet or exercises works well for weight loss. i say keep taking it and see if starts working

9 years ago
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Oh I love Duromine! Nothing serious to report about the adverse reactions, so purely enjoying the weight loss. not using it though for appetite suppression, as i never was a heavy eater. My issue is that my metabolism is too slow. Wasn’t sure if Duromine can help with this, but it does 100%. yes i agree it is an expensive weight loss booster. so not advising to use it without changing your lifestyle, i.e. nutritional habits and physical activity. if you take Duromine, be so kind to do your best to help it get you rid of all the extra fat. be ready that first weight loss is always higher than further, because we lose water weight first, as it happens every time you begin a new diet. find a good doctor, who will monitor you throughout the entire course. it is important to make sure that you maintain your health. it’s also good to track your inner changes, like sugar and cholesterol. These are very important health indicators and they’re usually bad in obese people. as you lose weight, the numbers should be getting closer to normal values. this can become one more brick into your motivation to go on with weight loss.

9 years ago
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Been on Duromine for 6 weeks now. Started at 102 kg, and now, six weeks later I am already at 90 kg. That’s probably the lowest weight I had in years. Nothing too difficult with eating, just cut down on portion sizes, chose a very small bowl and keep to this size, whatever it is, soup, salad or rice. No frying, using very little oil just as salad dressing, along with lemon juice and mustard. Prefer having my dishes baked in the oven, sometimes in foil, or on a grill. Reduced amount of salt consumed through avoiding canned foods, but have unsalted tuna from time to time, with salad or make a whole grain wrap with veggies and tuna, or egg. Delish! now so much exercising up till now, but going to increase activity, might start with walking or slow jogging. Duromine helped fight my love for sandwiches on white bread and chocolate, and no more sugary drinks for me either. As for side effects, I think I am pretty lucky, as all I get is the dry mouth only. take the pill at 6 and go back to sleep. When I wake up at 8, feeling pretty energized and ready for action. All in all, I am extremely pleased with the result and effects. Will do my best to lose as much during the next 6 weeks. Then, it’s just me and my willpower.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sam

Try getting into the gym, mate. Started losing a lot faster once i hit the gym. good luck!

9 years ago
Reply to  Sam

Great result, pretty similar to my story, though I had to struggle my way through the side effects. was feeling dizzy and nauseous for the first week. then the dry mouth kicked in really bad and i began drinking heaps of water, which really helped. occasional headaches, though not sure if Duromine related. after the second month, weight loss slowed down, and i only managed to lose 5 kg in the last month. Still pleased with weight loss and will surely use Duromine, if I ever need to.

9 years ago
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48 years old today and using Duromine for six weeks already. wanted to lose some weight before my birthday party, and I did. everyone noticed. not really exercising, just the walking. but i changed my diet pretty much. used to have lots of sugars and takeaways. now only cook at home or order healthy meals with a calculated caloric value. try to stick to 1200 calories a day, as this is the ideal value for women to lose weight. at the moment i am 14 kilos down. definitely going to continue till the end of the entire 3-month course. So motivated and so happy

9 years ago
Reply to  Lucille

did your doctor have any age-related concerns? i am 55 and also thinking of using Duromine. have a slow metabolism and some issues with fighting my evening cravings. i am afraid that i might be rejected because i my BP always goes higher when i am at doctor’s.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lucille

Male of 58. used Duromine last year to lose some weight that I gained after a knee trauma. Paired with low-calorie diet and swimming sessions with a physician resulted in a 15-kg weight loss. health check showed an overall health improvement, and my knee feels a lot better carrying a lighter man. i continued doing the same things when i went off duromine and managed to lose 8 more kilos within an 8-month period. it’s all up to you and your doctor to make a good program, considering your health concerns.

9 years ago
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138 kg – this was my weight 3 months ago. i was prescribed 40 mg duromine pills as a last resort. i did not plan on using them, nor heard anything of them, until my doc suggested that i try them to move my weight from the dead point (in all senses). my first advice is to never take duromine later than 8 in the morning, as it causes a severe insomnia. i had to set my alarm clock to 4 in the morning and take it then. if you do so, you will have enough energy for the day without suffering from sleeping issues. I also had to set a couple of reminders for meal time. otherwise, i was forgetting to eat anything and felt really bad by the evening. Water drinking was not an issue because of the dry mouth. first week, i almost saw no results, and then weight started melting in front of my eyes. So, if you are just at the beginning, and not seeing any results, stay on it and first weight changes will give you the motivation you need to go on. Avoid treating yourself to junk foods even as a celebration for weight loss. don’t fall for your weaknesses. you will soon get used to having small portions of food, and in three weeks you will get used to the new eating behavior. i am far from my goal weight as of now, but i am motivated to go on, duromine helped me change completely and lose 29 kg. Still a long way to go, but i would probably still remain at the same weight or would have gained even more, if it wasn’t for these pills.

9 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

thanks for sharing! very motivating story! i am at my beginning, 146 kg, so a long long journey ahead. you gave me the confidence i needed!

9 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

29 kg? that’s all i needed to lose, but I only lost 16 kg in three months. why does it happen like that? i am not giving up, i have a 2-month break from duromine, and then will take a second course, so hopefully will lose the remaining 13 kilos. i do pretty much the same what you do: stay firmly in accordance with my eating plan and i also exercise 3 times a week in the gym, and walk to my work and back home.

9 years ago

finished 12 weeks on duromine 3 months ago. sharing my personal post-duromine experience. hunger did come back, but definitely not as strong as it used to be. I managed to make myself used to a regime, and i eat three main meals a day and two snacks, usually a handful of nuts or a fruit, or vegetable salad, or a smoothie. it’s a lot easier to fight hunger when you know the exact time when you will eat and just distract yourself until the right moment comes. drinking water also helps. i did not gain any weight, not lost any more weight, but i am pleased with where i am at now. I did not exercise heavily, my main activity was walking, and i did my best to hit about 15 thousand steps a day, every day. i think, it helped a lot. i lost 16 kg, and it’s more than i expected. i did not exclude bread completely, but cut it to one piece in two days, also switched to mountain bread mostly. No processed foods, no takeaways, just restaurants with healthy foods. Stay away from sauces of all kinds.

10 years ago
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not going to say that duromine is a miracle pill, because you are the one to do all the work. It just helps you a bit to stick to your plan without feeling extremely hungry. I did notice that I could exercise for longer time with duromine, still it is important to monitor your heart rate, since duromine increases it already,a dn when you exercise, it increases even more. so watch out. it is very important to think ahead, i mean when you finish Duromine, you need a plan and you need to observe it. otherwise you gain it all back, just like i did. Again, duromine is not to blame, it’s you who does all the work, and it’s up to you to continue watching what you do and how you eat, or begin pigging out every day and saying that duromine is bad. I am surprised with people, who think that they wouldn’t have gained weight if it wasn’t for duromine. wake up! When you go on a diet, lose weight and forget about the diet, what happens? Right! you gain weight back. Same thing here. when I got on duromine for the second time, i knew my mistakes, and did my best to avoid them. it is one year after the end of my second Duromine course, and this time instead of gaining weight back, I lost 8 more kilos. WORK!

10 years ago
Reply to  Marilyn

did you get your appetite back when you stopped duromine? any withdrawals? I am about to begin my first month, and i am worried if I will not simply waste my money. My main issue is the size of my meals. I already do my best to stick to healthy nutrition. not sure about exercising though, not really into it.

10 years ago
Reply to  Marilyn

don’t start duromine, if you’re not willing to change anything about your lifestyle. you’re already not into exercising, but you need it. if you don’t exercise and carefully watch your eating, not just do your best to stick to it, but actually observe all the rules, it’s a waste of time and money. focus and use these 3 months to the maximum.

10 years ago

5 years ago i was taking duromine for 8 weeks and during this time I managed to lose 19.5 kgs through eating healthy and small portions, frequently. not so much exercising in the first month, but engaged in cycling group trainings during the second month to firm up my body and because i love cycling. not being able to do it before duromine though. you have to understand that everything is up to you. you can feel no hunger and still go an have a piece of cake, or you can make healthy food choices and wisely choose your portions and time intervals between the meals. i did not feel hungry at all, but worked with a dietitian and had a personalized diet plan developed, which i observed for most of time after finishing duromine. holidays were an exception, but i mostly tried to have just one or two “cheat meals” during the holiday seasons, and eat 100 healthy for the rest of time. then, one year ago, a close person died and i lost it, started eating like i was before duromine and of course gained the weight back. not all of it, 12 kgs, and i am the only one to blame for this fiasco. I am getting on Duromine again soon, and now i know what i need to do during the course and how important it is to act in the same way after it, if you want to maintain your weight at a reasonable level.

10 years ago
Reply to  Selma

i failed at maintaining it. lost 20 kilos before my wedding and gained it all back during the first year. was thinking of trying it again, before i get pregnant. if i gain even more weight during pregnancy, i will go crazy. how long should i be off duromine before getting pregnant? anyone knows?

10 years ago
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my GP gave me 40 mg dose and I loved what Duromine did for me during the first week. I had no hunger and was floating in a sea of energy. Amazing feeling, like I could do anything and run a marathon without having a troubled breathing. 4.8 kg lost in 7 days. everything went well until week 2 began. seems to me that almost nothing different is going on in my body. i sleep well, i do get hungry, i still do my best to stick to less food, but it seems to me that the effects are no longer there. is it possible to get used to the drug action in just a week? is there anything i can do to kick start the effects again?

10 years ago
Reply to  Thelma

you can try skipping a couple of days, and the start taking it again. it helped me. though, the effect got lower by the end of the second month, and i was on 30 mg. so i asked my doc for a higher dosage, and went on 40 mg for the 3 month. side effects were STRONG for like 5 days no sleep, then got better and a loss of 14 kg overall. was worth it.

10 years ago
Reply to  Thelma

second month in, and i am taking it every other day. feels like it’s too strong for me. 30 mg. probably would die on 40 mg every day.

10 years ago
Reply to  Thelma

everyone’s different, i also started on 40 mg, side effects were too bad, and i switched to 30 mg for a month and a half, then got back on 40 mg – felt better this time with no appetite, then finished with the remaining 30 mg. mild withdrawals, like no energy for a week. then feeling fine. hunger did not came back yet, fingers crossed, it doesn’t come back at all. plan to go back on it in a couple of months and will probably stick to the same dosing regime. worked for me.

10 years ago
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I was a suited candidate for a lap band operation, with a BMI of 39. when i was advised to consult a surgeon about a possible surgery, it opened my eyes that i was endangering my health so much, and i have two kids to take care of and raise. just 32 years old, so definitely there should be a long life ahead. All in all, i have taken Duromine for 20 weeks, with an 8 week break between week 12 and 13. I managed to lose 32 kg. What i did was daily walks, and i bought a dog for my kids to have no excuses for going out in any weather and walk. started with shorter walks two times a day, then increased the time of the evening walks to reach at least 5 kilometers on a daily basis. it was hard, i admit. i also stopped using lifts, and i have a pretty active job, so did my best to walk to any place i needed to get to, instead of using car. did not manage to stay off sweets for good, but seriously cut the amounts consumed. I could eat a whole pack of chocolate cookies and drink it with 1L of coke. nothing of this kind for me now. And the best thing that Duromine did for me is getting full very quickly. trying to feed my body properly, and knowing that i can eat very little, do my best to make my small meals of healthy and useful foods only. i admit, i was skeptical when doc suggested it, now i am grateful to him for doing so.

10 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Congrats! Fantastic result and definitely efforts worth applause. now you need to stick to these healthy habits to maintain your new weight. Well done!

10 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

i was also advised to try Duromine before I have my gastric band surgery. so scared of anything alien to be put inside my body. will give duromine a try and pray for the same great result as you have. though i have a lot more to lose.

10 years ago
Reply to  Yvette

i guess we need sometimes something that opens our eyes, and we need to be scared to actually do something about our laziness and poor eating habits. best of luck to you and wish you to avoid the surgery as well.

10 years ago

unfortunately, duromine did not work for me at all. Instead of high energy i was drained out all the time. yes, i did not eat as i normally would because there was no hunger. but this feeling of being constantly fatigued was too much to bear, and i stopped taking duromine after two weeks. no weight loss, by the way. it was a total waste for me. no hope for a weight loss already…

10 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

did not work for my wife either. she did not lose a gram but became crazy, literally nuts, yelling all the time at simple things, i was ready to leave her, and that’s just in 3 weeks. then she said she was on a weight loss med. threw it away and in a week she was crying or laughing. was about to call an ambulance and take her to a mental facility. then it all stopped. don’t take this medicine without a doctor’s supervision and tell someone close that you’re on it, so that you get timely help. i don’t know how much time we will need to fix our relationship. horrible med

10 years ago
Reply to  Zoe

did not get the energy i was hoping for. how come someone has it and others don’t. was planning to use it for exercise and my plan totally failed. lost just 4 kilos in three months. ridiculous for the money paid.

10 years ago
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Reading through the multiple stories of people who clean their houses day and night after the first Duromine pill, i was expecting to have the same effect. and no, why no energy, i feel so pissed! i feel so weak and tired. it’s been a week, i don’t feel any different but the scales show a loss of 2 kg. not sure if it’s true or just some fluctuation. was considering to go up the dose and start on 40mg, but everyone here tells it’s extremely strong. if i already have bad side effects, and i go to 40 mg, will it get even worse? not sure what to do. yes, not feeling as hungry as before, but cant fight evening carbohydrates cravings. i don’t know how long i will be able to continue like that, with no energy whatsoever. really annoyed with this situation.

10 years ago
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7 days on duro and lost 3.2 kgs. seems like it’s working pretty well. never lost so much weight during a week. never before i could stay away from food for 72 hours without feeling hungry AT ALL. as cool as it may sound, don’t try it, by the end of day 3 with no food i thought i was shot in the head, the pan was insupportable. no more such experiments for me, making sure to eat every 3-4 hours. and these are not my usual huge meals, but very small amounts of food. before, i would swallow this much food on my way to sitting at the table. not it’s all i need to get full. the best thing is that despite the very little food regime, i still have more than enough energy to stay active during the day. Of course, I started with cleaning the house, like many do, and it’s too clean now. really need to get into more serious exercising, as i feel like i am incapable of spending all the energy through simple everyday tasks only. it’s good to have so much information and feedbacks at hand and see how people act and what helps whom to improve their results. even though we are so different, at least i know what to look at. i am going to continue and hopefully everything goes just as great as it began. will try to remember and tell you how it ends

10 years ago
Reply to  Prudence

hey, how did you do?

10 years ago
Reply to  Pansy

as promised, three months on duromine over, and here i am reporting. first month went amazing! the energy slowly reduced by week 3, but i already had a routine and managed to stick to it up till today. no headaches anymore, occasional constipation and a few hedaches, mostly when i did not drink enough water. first week lost 3.2, 2 – 2.5, 3 – 2.3, 4 – 1.7. had a 4 day break because of flu, week 5 – 2.8, 6 – 0.7, 7 – 1.3, 8 – 2.0, week 9 – 0.5, a 5 day break for holidays, gained back 1 kg, week 10 – lost 1.1 (+ the 1 kg gained), week 11 – lost 2.0, week 12 – 1.6. total loss of almost 22 kgs. was hoping for at least 20 kg, so definitely smashed my goal. eating split meals, healthy foods only, occasional cheat meal once a week at most. exercising the same 3 times a week but on higher intensity. If you work your ass off and exclude all the bad things that led you to your weight, Duromine is a good thing to use. If not, don;t waste your money.

10 years ago

Is there any special diet to follow while on Duromine? Anyone?

10 years ago
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I say, you need to change your attitude towards yourself if you really want duromine to work for you. otherwise, it’s just a waste of resources. to achieve success, you always need to push harder with every coming day. Remember, it is your inactivity (in most cases, no offense) and your inattentive choice of foods that brought your to the threshold of your doctor’s office asking for a duromine prescription. If this is about you (some people need to reassess their actions and actually admit that it is about them), this is the moment when you should grab the hold of yourself and start pushing, like there is a high-speed train behind you, and you need to get away from it. Otherwise this train (weight) will make ketchup out of you (btw, avoid supermarket ketchup, make your own natural sauces). No one tells you to immediately run to the gym and exercise 8-10 hours a day – NO. simple walking – yes it does help, yes it does make a difference, and don’t say that you already have an active job. it doesn’t help you to lose weight – means that your body is used to this activity, so you do need to add something – that’s the point. don’t expect immediate results. even if the scales show lower weight, it might take some time for the changes to actually be visible. stay consistent. learn to say no to yourself, learn to say no to your weakness, learn to say no to people who interfere with your goals and always make you get off the planned road. nobody said it is an easy thing – to change the way you were for your entire life (or 5, 10 years). you will be breaking yourself, you will be breaking the world around you, you will have to teach your close people that you need time for yourself, that you have needs, that you are changing. remember, many people oppress such changes in their beloved persons, or even children, because they seem to be losing power over you, be it though emotional tension, or through telling you that no one else will like you that way, so “shut up and do what i say”. NO MORE of this should be tolerated by you. Step up and keep your head high, win this battle. Duromine will help you, it will help you stick to healthy eating, because you will have the need to pig out on sugars, carbs and fats to feel satisfied. you will learn to get satisfied with your achievements, with your new look, with new clothes that you buy and compliments that you hear. becoming a stronger and more self-confident person is hard, but you can do it!

10 years ago
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while i was expecting any side effect that i found reported on the internet and in the leaflet, there was one that scared the hell out of me. i shrunk down there for a couple of days in a row, when i started using D. can you imagine what it is for a guy? and no one ever warned of this possible effect. immediately called my doc, and he told me to continue for 2 more days and see how it goes. well, everything came back to normal, but i am not sure now about the reason for my insomnia – duromine or fear that the buddy will always remain like that. either way, in addition to these two side effects (one rather ok, another – yikes), i also have occasional mood swings and felt light headed a couple of times. two events of palpitations, rather short, for no apparent reason. the weight loss progress was great, so i can’t complain. just writing this to warn the guys. and even despite the fact that everything returned back to normal size, i advise you to discuss such issues with your doctor.

10 years ago
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started using duromine after losing 12 kilos on my own through diet and moderate exercise. but i plateaued and my doc suggested i try this med to kick start the weight loss again. what can i say. i lost 4 kilos in 2 days. if i just started dieting and stuff, i would have said it was the retained water, but i was already on a weight loss program, so it’s probably not the case. in fact, i am not sure if the effects kicked in already, as i do get hungry at times, and i gave in to my cravings and had a hamburger last night. does it work the opposite way on me, i thought? haven’t eaten fast food for 2 months already. today though, everything’s different. cheat meals should never turn into shet days so i am back on track and found out that i am getting full with very small portions of food. one apple and i am full. Ha! that’s amazing! Another great thing is that I am turning from a water hater into a true water fan. i hated the taste and now it’s like some divine morning dew, gathered manually by the forest fairies lol. can’t get enough of it. it seems to me that i did lose some cms on my waist. all the energy that duromine gave helped me increase my training time and intensity today, so feeling pretty proud of myself. hopefully, i will sleep a lot better today, because yesterday it was very difficult to stop my brain buzzing. had a headache this morning as well, but nothing too serious, and it went away quite quickly. So far, I believe that everything is going well, and i am looking forward to further weight loss.

10 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen

do your best to stick to a healthy eating diet plan and also avoid living on a single apple a day. or you might have more headaches.

10 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen

how did you lose those 12 kilos before duromine? bravo to you!

10 years ago
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Lost 4 kgs in just a week on Duromine, so looks like this stuff really does work. still, the appetite suppression was higher during the first 3 days. Now i notice that i do get hungry from time to time. Still, it is totally different from the way I used to treat food before. I was literally obsessed with food and was always seeking for some junk to satisfy my desire. Right now, I am not that into choosing something exquisite, i mean i can make healthy food choices and not crave for anything bad. This surprises me and makes me really happy that food is not my master anymore. Even my husband notices that my face looks leaner and I don’t indulge in fast food. did not tell anyone that I am on duromine. don’t want people to become judgmental and tell me that i am a weak and “all it takes is to eat little and exercise”. fingers crossed, I’ll lose at least 15 kilos and reach the first mini goal of 90 kgs. good luck everyone!

10 years ago
Reply to  Maud

I didn’t tell anyone too. people who don’t have issues with excess weight and never had to struggle with it, or even those who did lose weight through simply avoiding bread and pasta think that you’re a wimp and if you say that you take slimming pills, you will forever be spoken of as someone who lost weight because of the pills, and not through your hard work and struggle. I am on my second month of Duromine, and I lost 10 kg during the first month, which I am happy about. I can still choose to have a huge meal at maccas, but i choose a healthy veggie-packed meal with a small piece of protein. i can choose to spend my evening lying on the couch watching TV, but instead i go to the gym or for an evening run. Yes, duromine does help stop hunger, yes it can provide with some energy, but the choices that you make while having these belong to you, and every effort that you make is also yours. So chin up and move forward! good luck!

10 years ago
Reply to  Maud

that’s right girls, don’t tell anyone. i thought i had a best friend and told her that i take Duromine while losing weight. once we had a fight, and that was the moment when everyone found out about them. i was so pissed off hearing people to say that “oh, so that’s why you lost all that weight” and the kind… let this be your little secret. it’s nobody’s business

10 years ago

how long it takes to lose weight on Duromine? Doc gave me a prescription for 30mg, and before i begin, i wanted to know more. I already know a lot about the side effects, and what about the actual weight loss. when does it start? how long do i need to take it to lose weight?

10 years ago
Reply to  Angel

scales showed a loss of 4 kilos in 5 days, and that’s it. i finished the whole pack and no more weight loss. not sure why

5 years ago
Reply to  Elly

I’m the same, except on 2 kgs and was eating well and doing high intensity workouts at least 5 times! Did you find anything or any program that worked for you?
I’ve tried Keto aswell, and had the same results- less than 2kgs over 3 months.
I have about 25kgs to loose to be in the healthy weight range

10 years ago
Reply to  Angel

ridiculous question, probably the silliest i ever heard. if you read a lot about the side effect, you should already know that we’re different and we all have different response to duromine. so what makes you think that everything is the same in every person when it comes to weight loss. some people lose 5 kgs in two days, while others need a month to achieve the same result. it all depends on how much weight you have at the beginning.

10 years ago
Reply to  Angel

i saw weight loss within the first 3 days, i lost 1.7 kg. then, until the end of the week i lost additional 1.2 kg. i started exercising immediately, and switched to healthy diet that my dietologist developed.

10 years ago
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not my favorite pill AT ALL!!! It changed me completely. mood swings were so extreme that i thought my brain and heart were blowing. here i am, happy and laughing, and in a minute i am about to smash a chair against the wall only because my pencil is not sharp enough. it was impossible to control myself. i thought that all i needed was to master self control and i will succeed. stupid. it’s impossible to control something that doesn’t depend on you. i am sure that all these happen due to the fact that duromine affects your brain. i could not cope with it. and i stopped taking it. finally slept normally. never though i will be able to sleep 15 hours in a row, but i did. low energy next three days, headaches, and here i am not, writing this post, back to normal, but scared of ever taking these slimming pills again. i guess i need to find a duromine alternative or… pray.

10 years ago
Reply to  Lexy

same things were happening with my wife. i thought that she was schizophrenic. i had no idea that she was taking something to lose weight. once she confessed and i read the leaflet everything got clear. do not use this drug

10 years ago
Reply to  Lexy

i am just at the beginning of the course. and i am on 15 mg. found myself crying over a broken nail yesterday… is this a symptom? i never cry in public, and then i just couldn’t stop.

10 years ago
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sedentary lifestyle is a horrible thing that can happen to a traumatized ex athlete, which had to stop exercising at all. over a period of 6 months, i gained 20 kilos. I never thought that i was capable of ‘enlarging’ so much. i guess, 0 activity after hours of trainings every day with the same nutrition schedule don’t work well. i have been really embarrassed of meeting new people and going out in general. the feeling of approaching depression made me realise that i need to change something, so i stopped consuming starchy foods and signed up for a pool membership. this is the only type of exercises that i am allowed to do. when none of these gave any results during a 2-month period, i addressed to my doc, who, having studied my weight loss program, offered me to try duromine to help me budge the weight. i am on my day 10 of duromine, and weight has been jumping up a little and then would drop dooooown. Depends on what i eat and how i exercise. going well for now. will do my best to lose at least 15 kg during the 3 months that i have on it.

10 years ago

finishing my second pack of duromine and proud to say that i managed to lose 25 kgs. no, it wasn’t an easy way, i was barely sleeping most time during the first month, but still felt energized during the day. it is important that you actually do change your habits, both eating and being active. you need to eat healthy. even if you don’t feel hungry at all, eat, and only the good stuff. i cut additional sugar, bread and fried foods. only cook by steaming, boiling, grilling or baking. if you have any questions or any concerns about the foods that you need to eat or why you feel this or that, or what exercises you need to do daily, ask your doctor. on the internet, you will always get some general advice and what suits some people, doesn’t suit others. some people can’t lose weight because of their physical condition, for example low thyroid function. and i am one of them. all i did was finding different excuses, and kept buying junk foods instead of healthy ones, saying i am not that rich to eat healthy foods. you need to apply a wise approach to everything, including your health and physical condition. if you do, you will realise that being healthy is a lot cheaper than wasting your money on crap. it’s as simple as that.

10 years ago
Reply to  Trixie

that’s a great advice for everyone, especially those who use duromine. if you don’t want to cry later, watching all kilos coming back, do everything consistently, day by day.

10 years ago
Reply to  Trixie

wish you were more precise about your routine. the weight loss is huge and i wish i could achieve the same result. I am just at the beginning and my goal loss is 32 kg. of course, i do realize that I won’t lose it in 4 weeks, i need to be realistic. i am sure that it won’t happen in 8 weeks either. what was your weight when you started?

10 years ago
Reply to  Trixie

either you were overly obese before the beginning, or you are a lucky witch, which loses weight in a snap of fingers. lol how did you do it????!!!

10 years ago
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it took me 2 weeks to defeat my fear for side effects, all stories where people get severe side effects kept me from even opening the box. but i did it. i finally did it, and it’s been a week already. shouldn’t have waited for such a long time to start this, as i am not feeling anything horrible, and didn’t get any serious side effects within the first days either. at first, weight suppression was almost insignificant. i even though that it doesn’t work for me at all. this morning is the first time when i got a dry mouth and feel no hunger. i guess my body needed a whole 7 days to finally realize the action. weight loss of 2 kgs seems a pretty nice achievement for me. i am not severely obese, i am just overweight, and i needed something to help me get within the healthy weight range. hope this does work. btw, i am starting the jillian michaels 90 day program. hoping for an amazing weight loss. both duromine and the program are intended for 3 months. wish me luck!

10 years ago
Reply to  Toni

if you remember, please tell more about the jillian michaels program and how it works with duromine, if your heart rate reacted well to this load.

10 years ago
Reply to  Toni

sounds like a great idea. both are intended for boosting metabolism. you go girl! show that excess fat who’s the boss.

10 years ago
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hey all. not sure if i would be able to handle the 30 mg dose. i started with Duromine 15mg and continued on it till the end of the second month. Then, doc told me to have a month-long break and here i am starting another month of Duromine. I was not obese at the start, but i couldn’t shift the weight that piled on over the last 5 years due to change of work, poor sleep and bad, like really bad eating habits. When you have no time to cook, you can either chew on celery all day long, every day, or you can become the best fan of takeaways and stop fitting into any jeans that you have, even those that stretch a lot. So there i was with a 15 kg stock of some “valuable” fat around my stomach, on my butt and the bingo wings, yucky! OK, 15 extra kilos might not sound that much for many people, but my height is just 162 cm, so these do show, trust me. Well, as i started on duromine, the first course, the only nasty effect i had was the dry mouth, and like many, i started consuming a lot more water than i had before. no more cravings for bad stuff, i just don’t feel like chewing a hamburger or chocolate and feeling these flavors in my mouth. i managed to cut portion sizes considerably and while i was off duromine, the situation did not change. i managed to keep the weight off and even added some additional trainings. so this second course promises to be just as successful, if not more, as the first was. happy, happy, happy!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

i read a lot of comments where people said that 15 mg did not do much work for them. how come you get such a good effect. i was put immediately on 40mg, and side effects are strong. insomnia, headaches, dizziness and nausea in the morning, besides i started getting tired by the evening, and also some hunger pangs appear from time to time

10 years ago

about a year of night shifts made me pile up 20 extra kilos. never had any issues with excess weight before, so anyone who’s offered some extra money for working at night, don’t agree, unless you’re ready to get fat and then trying to get rid of all excess. it was hard for me to stop eating crap because working during the night also makes you pretty hungry, as you need energy, and food is the most accessible resource, especially fast carb and fats with sugars.

10 years ago

desperate. i lost 6 kg in the first week on duromine, and this second week it’s just 1 kg. i did not cheat with my meals and switched mainly to raw and boiled veggies, boiled chicken breast and some cottage cheese. that’s it. i also exercise daily for 40-60 minutes.with all the efforts, my question: am i doing something wrong? what can it be?

10 years ago
Reply to  Cammy

desperate? you? that’s funny! what did you expect? losing 10 kg a week? besides, you always lose water weight when you beginning a diet, hence a high weight loss in the first week. then you begin losing fat, and that happens if you do everything correctly. make a food diary, count calories. your weight loss can stop if you don’t eat enough, just the same way as it stops when you overeat. if you also exercise heavily while not feeding your body enough, your body goes into starvation mode and tries to save every single calories that you give it. it’s been discussed a million times already. c’mon!

10 years ago
Rate the medicine taking :

when i started duromine my weight reached a whopping mark of 149 kilos. first, i was given the 15 mg dose, but it only worked for 2 weeks, so we agreed with my doc that i will start 30 mg and come back in a week for a health check, just in case. I was also advised to switch to low carbs and start with long walks, even if just in a slow pace, and so i did. I also increased water to… no idea, maybe 4-5 liters a day. this particular step was the easiest of all, because i was constantly having really dry mouth, and when i did not drink enough water, i was immediately getting bad taste in my mouth paired with bad breath. not the best girl’s friends. i was also sweating a lot more than usually, just imagine this picture… disgusting. but i kept walking, drinking, weeing, eating healthy, showering a lot, and the sweating got better by week 2 on 30 mg. at the end of week 1 i went for a check up and to my surprise i saw a huge loss of 7 kilos on doctor’s scales. of course, most of it was the water weight, but it was still a result! very motivating! all in all, by the end of 12 weeks on 30 mg i lost 31 kilo! Ain’t that a dream come true?!?!!!! so i am sitting now on 116 kilos. lost 2 more in between the courses, and i know now that I can do it! Not going to stop, and not going to give in. it’s hard, especially now with new physical loads. oh well, it was easy to become an elephant, so it’s a normal thing that it’s hard to turn into an antelope.

10 years ago
Reply to  Dozzy

if i have 7 kg to lose, will Duromine also work for me, or works for huge weight only?

10 years ago
Reply to  Pappy

“if i have 7 kg to lose, will Duromine ”)
it is unlikely that you will get your hands on duromine with so little weight to lose. doctors are reluctant to prescribe it even to those with a BMI over 30, and you surely don’t get into the category of obese, so better try to lose weight with clean eating and strength exercising. besides, with such low weight, you might get severe side effects, so better don’t risk.

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