Phentermine Reviews in Australia

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  • Describe your results and the typical days of your weight loss schedule. How was it to be on Phentermine? Did you experience energy increase or decline? Did your Phentermine weight loss results differ from those you achieved by the end of the second month, of entire 3-month course? Phentermine 40mg reviews are also very important for all users, who wonder whether it is safe to use the highest dose and whether it will provide higher results. Write all the objections. 
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2 years ago
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Phentermine is a real revelation for me. The pills decrease my craving for food and make me feel full. I can’t say that the pills suppress hunger fully, but they helped me resist overeating and eating junk food. I am on my first week, and it’s too early to talk about the results. Regarding side effects, I only had pain in the stomach, perhaps 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, and it wasn’t constant.

2 years ago
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Phentermine controls my appetite, and I don’t feel starving. I got rid of this extreme craving for sugar and fast food. I’ve lost 7 kg in a month.  I had few side effects, and just insignificant stomach upset starting from the second week of treatment. I think my level of energy has increased; it takes longer to fall asleep.

2 years ago
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I am 32. I have two kids. My weight is about 110 kg, and I have serious health issues. My doctor told me I needed to lose weight as soon as possible and have a laparoscopic bariatric operation. What can I substitute Phentermine with because it can’t be taken for a long time? Any reviews/stories/experiences would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Linley Boulden
Linley Boulden
2 years ago
Reply to  Kayla1812

With time, Phentermine becomes less effective. It is one of its peculiarities. Usually, it is taken for a maximum of 12 weeks. If your doctor approves, you can start treatment with Phentermine and then (or together with Phentermine) start to use weight loss injections – Ozempic, Wegovy (Semaglutide). Such injections are approved for long-term usage and can help with obesity treatment. Best of luck.

2 years ago
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Hi everyone. My doctor prescribed  Phentermine to me, and I am serious about getting positive results. I need to lose 9 kg in 3 months, which is why I strive for 0,75 kg weekly. My program includes physical exercises 6 days per week and 1400 calories per day. I start on Monday, and I am so excited!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

Hi, Sarah, good luck to you! 1400 calories a day, isn’t it too little? I’ve managed to lose on 1700 calories per day, and it wasn’t easy

2 years ago
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I’ve been on various diets since college. I took supplements, trying to lose weight, but I didn’t manage to reach my goal. There were short-term successes, but ultimately weight was creeping up. By age 30, my weight was 76 kg, and I had many health issues. My friend told me about Phentermine tablets. When he started to take them, he suggested we do it together. Considering my previous experience with weight loss pills, I hesitated. I bought Phentermine only after 2 months when I saw that my friend had lost weight. Two weeks ago, I finished my three-months treatment course. I’ve lost 12 kg, and my BMI (25,6) is right between excess and healthy weight. Lost kilos don’t come back, and I am happy!

2 years ago
Reply to  ISABEL

Hi, ISABEL! My story is similar to yours. I also couldn’t lose weight after college. I want to thank those people who developed Phentermine! It’s amazing how I managed to lose 10 extra kg in 12 weeks! The pills work great, I got slimmer, and I feel well. I started to work out and spend less time sitting at home.

2 years ago
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This medication is effective while you are using it, but it is not the option if you are seeking a solution that will help you lose weight permanently. Most phentermine reviews in Australia don’t mention that. There may be adverse reactions, such as a sensation of agitation or hyperactivity, as well as difficulties with sleeping. In addition, the effectiveness of this drug will diminish the longer it is used. This drug might be an excellent approach to start your weight reduction journey, but you must make some permanent lifestyle adjustments for long-lasting benefits. Good luck!

2 years ago
Reply to  Erin

Hi, Erin. No doctor will tell you that Phentermine is a drug that will solve your extra weight problems fast, effortlessly, and once and for all. To burn fat, you need to work out or follow a diet, or both to have a calorie deficit. Obesity treatment is a marathon, not a sprint. Yes, I agree that Phentermine can be really good for a start, and that’s something.

2 years ago
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Now I know Phentermine weight loss reviews tell truth. This pill works. At the end of December, I began taking these pills. When I first started, I weighed 200 pounds. My weight was much lower in high school ten years ago. And I understand that was a healthy weight. I gave birth to two children and have no energy for workouts. Thanks to phentermine, my appetite became much lower, and I’ve dropped 33 pounds. A few words about side effects. I do suffer from dry mouth, but I always have enough water with me, so I don’t have to worry about it. I wish everyone the best of luck as they embark on the path to a healthier and happier life.

2 years ago
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Here is my phentermine juno er review. Hope, it would be helpful. Started taking Phentermine this month and vitamin injections from a weight reduction clinic. My starting weight is 243lbs. I am 5’5 and 30 years old. Since the beginning, I have noticed more energy and less appetite and shed 6lbs in 4 days. I eat a bar at breakfast with the medication and a smoothie at noon. Supper is my only actual meal. I have yet to find the time to go to the gym. I am really thirsty all day, so a dry mouth is my main adverse effect. I hope Phentermine will help me to drop more weight.

2 years ago
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I began in May and shed a total of 18 pounds. When I only started my way and read phentermine reviews in Australia, my weight was 200. Now it is 182. My doctor wants me to get to 165. 17 pounds more to go. I don’t work out yet, but I walk a lot. I take it occasionally in the morning. If I’m not busy with work, I take a pill before work at 2 pm. A dry mouth is the main adverse effect I have experienced so far. So I drink a lot of water. I try to keep away from sweets, soda, and alcohol. I’m happy with the results and have no serious side effects. Hope my review helped you at least a bit.

2 years ago
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I guess it’s not of that complete phentermine reviews in Australia. But it can be useful for someone. I can only share my one-month results for now. The weight I started at was 320 pounds. A total of 294 pounds had been shed as of this writing. Yes, that’s correct! This is a whopping 26 pounds. I’ve begun counting calories and walking three to four days a week with my kids. Also, I go to the gym every other day. I’ve given up soda and all sweets. At this point, I drink around a half gallon of water a day. Everyone comments on how much better I look, and I have much more energy. If you’re searching for a lifestyle change, I suggest phentermine. Changing your life may be made easier with these pills.

2 years ago
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Please take a seat, everyone. Here is one more of the phentermine reviews. Why did I lose 13 lbs in 5 days? I can’t believe it myself. But it happened because of phentermine.  I weighed 260 lbs. The last time I saw a doctor, I weighed 247 pounds (no way). My spouse is shocked since he has never encountered anything like that before. I’ve made a significant shift in my eating habits. Only grilled or baked dishes, fruits, and plenty of water with lemon are in my diet. I cut off everything that was slowly killing me, including fast food, drink, salt, and sugar. It’s astonishing how much better I feel and what a difference it’s made in my ability to make healthier choices. Although I’ve had some adverse effects, they’re beginning to lessen. So far, I’m happy with my treatment and will continue it.

2 years ago
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Before taking this medicine, I found joy only in junk food and alcoholic drinks. At 21 years old, my highest weight was 228 pounds. The next meal was constantly on my mind, and it felt like I could never be full until I had three portions. Phentermine reviews I’ve read inspired me to give this drug a try. All of it, including my drunkenness, was curtailed by this drug. 13 pounds have fallen off me since I started using it a month ago. One more pleasant bonus is a feeling of well-being and vigor, rather than a want for food or booze. I feel motivated and inspired.
On the other hand, it’s similar to drinking a lot of strong coffee—if you don’t eat enough, you’ll feel restless, dizzy, out of breath, and agitated. However, I can deal with it. Stay hydrated, friends, and enjoy your new life!

2 years ago
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I’ve been taking the medication for over two weeks now. I lost 4 pounds. I’m especially happy that my clothes fit much better. I’ll tell you something you won’t fins in most reviews for phentermine. While many individuals are fixated on the elusive “magic” figure, it’s important to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So don’t think much about the numbers. As for me, it’s more important how the drug makes you feel. Thanks to Phentermine, I feel lighter and healthier. No cravings for fast food and overeating.
 I experienced awful headaches for the first two days, but I assume they were because I had fully taken off caffeine and sugar. I have to push myself to eat since my appetite has been so low. I’m always rehydrating myself due to my dry mouth, which is good. Good luck to all of you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Aria

I’ve lost 6 kg in 2 months, and it’s great! I don’t have many side effects to discuss here, but I want to tell you that eating on time is important. Eat according to your nutrition plan, and you will feel well. Sometimes, I’ve forgotten to eat or didn’t eat on purpose because there was no appetite. When I skipped my meal, I had a headache. My doctor told me that when you don’t eat for some time, your blood sugar levels may drop, resulting in a headache.

2 years ago
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I’m going to share the first one of my phentermine reviews. I have been taking phentermine for the last week. During the first two days, I had the sensation of walking in a fog. After “the fog” disappeared. When I first weighed myself, I was 275. My weight as of right now is 268. Days when I wanted to staff my face as fast as I could are in the past. Also, my cravings for candies disappeared. I underwent Lap-Band surgery ten years ago, and as a result, I shed more than 80 pounds. Since then, I’ve managed to put on roughly 40 more pounds. This drug is just what I need to get my weight reduction journey off to a good start.

2 years ago
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One of the Phentermine reviews will be written by me now. People shared with me, now I’m paying back. Been on Phentermine for one week and dropped 8lbs. Adverse effects, at least for me, include dry mouth, constipation, and occasional sleepiness. I believe that daily exercising is essential. After a workout, I feel normal; the only difference is that I’m not hungry, nor am I keen on the doughnut or cake. I’m pretty sure you will neither be hungry nor interested in food. Nevertheless, you must be alert that your body requires fuel to keep burning extra kg! I force myself to eat. Now I find myself getting pleasure from only half of a bar (previously, I could eat 4 at once).

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