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I have been on saxenda for 5 days and I have mean headaches and just want to sleep all the time I don’t know whether to keep going or quit I am 44 and 82kg. I don’t know whether changing to PM jabs in bum instead of AM tummy will help. So confused.. barely eating but I never was a big eater nor consistent. Please some advise
Hi there 🙂 My doc suggested I try saxenda as I need to lose 50kg before I can consider having surgery for severe arthritis in knees and spine. However, I eat quite well (keto most of the time) and I don’t eat much. I have painful, physical issues that have put me in a wheelchair so I’m not able to exercise. I don’t have a thyroid and I also have lipodema. All things that make it difficult to lose weight. I’m just wondering if saxenda will work for me because I don’t need to reduce my appetite. I already tried ozempic which didn’t help much.
As for the choice of a cure for obesity, it’s ultimately up to you. On my own, I can say that thanks to Saxenda, my BMI decreased from 33.5 to 26.1. Works well, with almost no side effects. Sometimes you get nausea, but it’s a small price to pay for that effect.
I am naturally plump, have trouble carrying my weight, and my legs are particularly affected. I decided to find a good drug that helps with weight loss. Read many enthusiastic reviews about Saxenda; tried it and was satisfied, but not 100%. In a month, I lost only 3.5 kg, not 10, as would be desirable. There were side effects in the first two weeks: nausea and diarrhea. I almost gave up – it was unpleasant. Now that I see the side effects are gone, I’ll move on. Maybe the results will improve. Hopefully, I’ll be fine!
Hello everyone. I have been taking Saxenda for 21 days and have not noticed many results. I eat less, but my weight is not decreasing. I read that these injections don’t work immediately, but is it normal what is happening with me?
Hello, Hannah! Saxenda works well if you change your lifestyle (diet and physical activity). The drug generally gives good results when used for a long time. The optimal appetite suppressant effect can occur at a dose of 3 mg, which is usually used on the 5th week of treatment. Good luck!
Hi, I have been on Saxenda for 7 weeks, I am so unhappy because I have only lost a kilo, I’ve changed my diet and work as a cleaner so I am active, when do you think I will see some bigger results. Please help , I don’t want to give up.
Hello, Tilly! You should in no way be discouraged by the result – as we say: weight loss is weight loss, even if it’s just 1 kg! I understand your desire to see greater results, but we are all different, so please don’t watch others’ records, you have your individual journey. A couple of suggestions right away for you: exclude any concomitant weight gain-related diseases, salty foods, and monitor your sleep hours (good sleep is always a weight loss helper). Good that you watch your diet and physical activity, keep up the good work!
I recommend you measure yourself instead of weigh-ins. For example, use your measuring tape once weekly. I heard a lot of stories when people had little changes in their weight but noticeable loss of centimeters of their bodies.
Saxenda for weight loss will help you get a beautiful figure and a healthy body. Reduces the feeling of hunger almost to zero. It works gently – no pronounced side effects. It’s easy to use a pen; it is applied once a day – very convenient.
Been on saxenda for 3 weeks and lost 5 kilos, so happy with this medication! I have hypothyroidism and have gained about 10 kilos since being diagnosed (2 years) , I have a physical job, work out 2 or 3 days a week and watch what I eat with no weight loss…. Until 3 weeks ago and I am losing weight, it’s taking away my end of day cravings for food and wine yay!!!
The fact that Saxenda actually allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms in 30 days is not empty words but facts supported by various experiments involving real people. I don’t feel them very much if we talk about side effects. Sometimes there’s bloating and burping.
Hello, I am a girl. I am 22 years old. For many years I suffered from excess weight. I have faced many challenges and have often compensated for my stress by eating an enormous amount of food. Thanks to Saxenda, I was able to keep on a diet, and I managed to lose extra pounds. I lost up to 68 kg, but I could not reach my ideal weight of 64 kg. The last kilograms do not want to burn. So I would like to get some tips on how to overcome this. Thank you for any support!
Hello, Eva! It is a very common problem, but you have definitely succeeded. The more weight you lose, the longer the plateau and the harder it is to overcome. It’s hard to give any specific advice. If you want to achieve long-term and successful weight control, lifestyle changes must be rooted and permanent. Remember that you plan to change your life. It does not always happen immediately.
First of all, let me introduce myself, I’m 33 years old, and I weigh 120 kilos. I’ve been stable at that weight for six years. My height is 189 cm, and there is muscle mass, but the size of my abdomen is alarming. My main problem is that I have a very strong appetite. I eat fast, am not necessarily hungry and can eat much more than I need to. I am desperate now. I have a very clear interest in weight loss. I have an elevated load on my spine, and I have reason to believe that being overweight is causing spinal osteoarthrosis. Thanks to those who have read it to the end, and thanks in advance to those who can help in my situation. I feel stuck.
Hello, Gabriel! Saxenda is not contraindicated for osteoarthrosis of the spine. In fact, slimming injections help to lose extra pounds, but combining it with exercise is very beneficial. Physical activity is considered an effective non-medicamental remedy for reducing pain and improving movement in people with osteoarthritis. However, exercise choice depends on the group of affected joints and the degree of disease. Ideally, you can lose weight under the supervision of a nutritionist, a trainer and an orthopedist.
PS. Your BMI is 33.6. You may have a lot of muscle mass, but it is usually no longer considered overweight; it is generally classified as obesity.
Hi I was like you I
Could sit down devour a meal and my brain didn’t register the fact that I had eaten
Only 1 week in but so far so good
This modern, powerful drug, in my humble opinion, is a breakthrough in obesity treatments. Easy to use, painless injection once a day, prescribed if there are indications.
Hello, I want to ask, has anyone tried to start the treatment with a dose of 1.2 mg or 1.8 mg?
Good afternoon Mary! Changing the dosage yourself is not the best idea. Saxenda is certainly a good drug for weight loss, but it should be taken cautiously. It would be a shame if you refused treatment because of adverse reactions.
Hi, my doctor prescribed Saxenda with a low-carbohydrate diet; I’m so interested in whether the drug actually works and whether it causes any negative effects.
Hi Eleanor! Saxenda definitely works. But you need to understand that proper nutrition is the basis of healthy life and the secret of weight loss. If a diet is disciplined, the results will be noticeable!
I had my first injection 10 days ago now at 1.2 mg, so there are no negative effects. Here are the positive aspects – no appetite; it appears once a day, only at lunchtime.
I like to eat very much. I did not limit myself to food in my youth, but everything changed. In the last 2 years, I gained 12 kg. I tried a low-carb diet, but it didn’t work. I tried to change the metabolism with the Ducane diet – the effect was the same. At some point, my doctor advised me to try Saxenda. A professional doctor does not advise anything bad. I’ve lost so much weight, and I’m so happy!
When I started the treatment, I noticed some side effects, such as insomnia and anxiety. Then the situation improved. Apparently, my body adapted to the drug’s effect. It was an innovative injection that helped me say goodbye to my weight gain and realise my dream.
Dear participants, we are all interested in your experience! Feel free to share your comments with others. Thank you in advance for your contribution!
Last year, I got to 94 kilograms, which is a lot for a 1.64 cm height. I began to limit myself to fats, sweets and sodas, but I ate everything I wanted every Sunday. In two months, I lost 4 kg. Then my friend offered me Saxenda. I began to do injections and sat on a bike. With the food restrictions, I lost 4 kg in a month, and I could not believe it. I have to lose another 11 kg. I hope I can get in shape!
Hi Ruby! We have similar stories. Like many here, I worry about being overweight. I tried fitness, diets, intermittent fasting, and sports, but I lost only 3 kg in a month! Then I found a blog about Saxenda and decided to try to lose weight with the same means. At a dose of 3 mg, I lost 12 kg in 3 months. I advise everyone to try. It’s a miracle. I’m very happy!!!
I’ve been overweight for years, too, and I’ve tried everything. Finally, quite by accident, I came across Saxenda, and the effect was just amazing! I lost 12 kg in 4 weeks.
Agree with Ruby! Efforts and time should be spent wisely. Without Saxenda, I had disappointing results. All people are different, and each person will lose weight at different rates because their physiology is not the same.
These are all posative posts. Not one negative comment.
No mention of the class actions for the pancreatic cancer found in the dead patients ?
I have just lowered my dose as the constipatiin is getting to me. And on researching it I find all this talk of cancer of the pancreas and thyroid wich was unknown to me.
It’s definitely working I’m down 8 kg in 4 weeks. Cannot eat at all today. Not sure if I can continue on learning of the risks involved. No good being thin if your dead
The risk is real. The heart palpitations, shortness of breath. Saxenda comes with a black box warning for pancreatic cancer. I would stop now if I were you.
In a month, I lost 8 kg, but I wanted more. It was 87, and now 79. I feel good. No side effects. The pressure doesn’t jump; my head isn’t pounding in the morning, and my shortness of breath goes away. My craving for sweets is gone.
Good results can always be achieved. Don’t give up; you will get the desired effect.
All my life, I was a bit plump. I was not born for sports. Of course, I tried to run and do fitness, but all this led me to depression. I can’t refuse to eat because I like to eat well, and I don’t see how I can limit myself. I would never take that medicine, but I looked up to my sister. After pregnancy, her weight increased, and with the help of this drug, she returned to shape. I am now undergoing treatment and already see the change.
I couldn’t lose weight in years. When I read the reviews about Saxenda, I thought I had finally found a drug that would make me slim without much effort. The weight went away, but not as quickly as others said. I lost 10 kg in two months. This caused some disappointment.
Hi Grace. It also took me two months to lose 10 kg. Every week I lost 1-1.5 kg; it was very stimulating. I never thought these injections would be so helpful to my body, very pleased with the result! I’m in a good mood. I’m sure I’ll see this program through.
By the second day of using Saxenda, I felt pain in the upper abdomen and severe fatigue. The side effects were unpleasant but not too disturbing. I think it’s just the price to pay to part with the body fat.
Every woman wants to look attractive. To achieve this, they make a lot of effort: sports, visiting a beautician and dieting. Keeping yourself in great shape requires great self-discipline, and only some have it. I decided to buy Saxenda for weight loss after reading good reviews on the Internet. And I am pleased with the result. For four weeks of use, I lost 5 kg. The main thing is to do injections every day and not quit. Now I recommend this medication to everyone; it really works!
Finally, I found the right remedy for obesity. Now Saxenda is number 1 in my medicine box. It does not cause side effects or addiction. It works efficiently, quickly and reliably; I have seen it firsthand. After treatment, I lost weight, my blood sugar normalised, my working capacity improved, and I started playing sports! I feel much better now.
My original weight was105 kg, my blood pressure often jumped, and I could suffocate. One day I got an appointment with a nutritionist, where I was advised to take Saxenda. I injected for 4 months and lost almost 20 kg. My blood pressure normalised, and when I took my cholesterol test, it turned out to be almost normal. There’s no limit to my happiness!
Very motivating feedback thread! Your experience is a great example for those who feel a lack of motivation. Super result! We can do anything!
My nutritionist told me to rest more. Lack of time for rest can lead to the fact that a person feels tired and does not want to engage in sports. Lack of sleep can also induce the production of ghrelin, a hormone that causes hunger. Therefore, if you are losing weight, it is strongly recommended to sleep well, which is 7-8 hours a day.
I usually ate four times a day, morning, afternoon, evening and late at night. Now I have three main meals, no snacks at night. I stopped eating while watching my favourite movies or series. In fact, this is a very bad habit; it’s hard for the brain to know how much food enters the body! So pay more attention to the food you eat to maintain your weight. Reduce your consumption of sugar and junk food. Sugar is very high-calorie, so it can not be used during weight loss. Excessive consumption of sugar can negatively affect health. You should also reduce the amount of junk food because it contains saturated fats.
I am confident in this drug. Passed a 2-month course Saxenda with diet and sports and quite quickly lost weight (9 kg). Good results for eight weeks of treatment. I eat less, have no headache, no dizziness, and my digestive system is fine. So far, the only side effect has been dry mouth, but I just drink more water.
I have a problem with obesity. I am 55 years old, I’m 5’5, I weighed 97 kg, and it caused so many emotional problems. My diet and sports were completely ineffective until I started doing these injections. Now I have lost weight, but I realise that it can not last forever. I will tell you about the result later.
Personally, I decided to lose weight gradually. I eat various products in the right amount for all 5 groups. The body receives enough nutrients to meet its needs. I’m avoiding starchy foods, sugar, high-fat foods and other products that can make me fat. If you have additional tips on diet and exercise, please write to me. Thank you!
Hi Daisy! As far as dieting choices are concerned, it is ultimately up to you. Exercise will help the body burn excess fat and not gain it again. It can be cardio exercises such as running, swimming, cycling, aerobics or even walking. Strength training to increase muscle mass will help the body burn many calories.
Hello. I used to take Orlistat – a drug to reduce fat absorption. When fat is not digested, it is not absorbed by the body and is eventually excreted. However, this type of medication causes side effects. The intestine is full of gases, flatulence, oily defecation, frequent stool or urine incontinence etc. Probably many have heard of Saxenda, but I did not know what it is. The medication should be administered at the same time every day, and then you will feel less hungry. I have taken this medication for 3 months, really no side effects, and I lost about 9 kilograms. Try and see the results yourself.
I highly recommend Saxenda. Injections cause stable weight loss with no yo-yo effect. The drug helps to control hunger without much trouble and without starving at all. Do some exercises several times a week, and drink lots of water. No real difficulties; injections are very easy to do. If you have weight problems, let Saxenda be your assistant.
Hi, I’m in the fifth week of treatment. Personally, I do not expect to lose much weight. I want to lose 7 kg from 82 to 75. There’s one thing I’m looking forward to from Saxenda, and I want the injections to help change my attitude toward food.
hi there ive just read your post and wonder did you lose the 7kg and did it change your attitude to food? I love food too and am in week 4
Hello, I am 55 years old, a mother of 2 children, and I had a lot of extra pounds. At this age, losing weight seems difficult and impossible. My doctor offered me Saxenda. At first, I thought about trying it or not, I never liked taking medication, much less injecting it, but then I decided it was worth it. It took me less than three months to lose a lot of weight. My waist shrank, and my face got fresh and nice shape! I feel fine; my friends are very jealous.
I used to think I couldn’t lose weight because I didn’t have time for exercise. Then I found out about Saxenda, got interested and tried. No, I never started sports, but I started eating less. At first, I did not see the results. After I began a dose of 2.4 mg, I lost 3 kg in just two weeks.
Hi, I can hardly believe it! This is a fantastic result!
After the birth of the second child, there was no trace of the previous proportions of the body. To get back in shape, a good friend-dietician advised me to use Saxenda. He said it was a very good medicine specially designed for weight loss. Being in the second month of treatment, I really started to lose weight. During the course, I lost 8 kilograms. I just love this medication.
I was never skinny, but I didn’t have much fat either. And after 47 years, I started to gain weight, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was in gym class, trying to eat less and count calories – lost a few pounds, and then I gained more. Recently I stumbled upon Saxenda reviews; people told me how they lose weight and how much kg. I tried, nothing difficult, and the result is amazing. Dropped 9 kg in a month! I have lightness in my whole body and an excellent mood.
Hello everyone. I gained weight after the pregnancy. I don’t know what it was … At the beginning of my pregnancy, I did eat a lot and treated myself with extra calories. I moved little because of a combination of factors: most of the pregnancy fell in the autumn and winter, and it did not cause a desire to walk much. Losing weight is extremely difficult for me, despite the diet and daily jogs. I do not like my figure. Help, I do not want and cannot do this anymore!
Hi, Evie! Like many other women, you gained weight after pregnancy. Kilograms don’t want to get lost, despite daily jogging and nutritional adjustment. My advice – seriously think about taking Saxenda. I tried and did not regret it. While studying information on the Internet, I saw many positive reviews on Saxenda. Unlike other products, this medication can be taken for a long time. I’m glad that after I finished the injection, the weight did not return!
Get yourself together and take care of yourself (diet, fitness, etc.), and I will not believe that nothing helps. Get determined and go. If there are many extra pounds and you can’t control your hunger, Saxenda can help you.
During menopause, my figure underwent terrible changes – I gained 23 kilograms. Always being slim, I began to feel disgusting. I went to a doctor. He advised me to try the drug Saxenda. What the doctor said about these injections gave me confidence, and he thought it was the only drug with real results and increased safety. In total, I’ve been taking it for 22 weeks, and during this time, I’ve lost half my previous weight. I do all the «right» things to lose weight, including physical activity and a low-calorie diet. I’m sure I will achieve my goal; it is already close!
Until recently, I’ve been snooping around for information about healthy eating without medication, starting with famous authors, looking on YouTube, and even buying diet books at bookstores to find healthy-eating information that suits my body. I tried intermittent fasting and a protein diet, but not a month later, I finished them. Because of my age and hypertension issues, I didn’t dare try Saxenda for a long time. It turned out that I was worried about nothing. Saxenda has no negative effect on blood pressure. On the contrary, I have lost 15 kg, and my blood pressure has normalised. Fortunately, so far, everything is fine. It is a reliable ally to fight obesity if you do everything correctly. I wish I had started treatment earlier!
Obesity causes premature ageing of the body and disruption of all organs and systems. No one likes to take medication, let alone inject, but if treatment is necessary, it should begin as soon as possible.
Living with excess weight is very disturbing and challenging. It is difficult to move, and health problems often worsen self-esteem. If the stubborn fat does not go away, you need to take Saxenda or other drugs for obesity. Do not wait for the deterioration of the problems.
I married in 2019 and had a child in 2021. Before giving birth, my weight remained at 66 kg. After I started breastfeeding, I started eating more. I started eating all the time, I felt hungry in the middle of the night and went to eat. It didn’t take me long to get my weight up to 100 pounds. With a tremendous weight increase, I was shocked to learn that my weight had increased by almost 18 kg. When I decided to stop this madness, my weight increased even more. I had a friend who managed to lose weight on Saxenda, and I also decided to try. Saxenda restrains my appetite like nothing else, I no longer want sweets or snacks. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night to get a bite. It’s minus 12 kilos, and it’s fantastic!
I like your serious attitude. I wish you luck!
A wish to be skinny is my deepest dream. When I was a teenager, my weight was never perfect. At the height of 159 cm, my weight was about 68 to 73 kilos. One could say I was overweight, even though I wasn’t obese yet. Since I was a teenager, I tried to eat less, sometimes I even starved to lose weight. At the time, I used to do some fitness and aerobics and even run in the morning, but I never got to my desired weight. I felt that what I was doing was completely useless. In the end, I decided to stop torturing myself, I stopped dieting. When I started injecting Saxenda, my weight was 89 kg. I didn’t really believe in success, but Saxenda proved that I had a chance to become slim. Following a new diet for a year I lost almost 20 kg, I returned to the weight that was in my youth, but I want more. This is absolutely the best medication I have ever taken. I am very pleased, and I recommend to everyone!
Hello Ellie! Thanks for your comment. Such messages are very motivating.
Good afternoon. I am interested in the topic; and will use the provided info. Thank you very much!
Hello everyone, I am Emilia. What I can say is that I have long tried to lose weight. I’ve always been a little overweight, but my weight went up to almost 100 kilos two years ago. I’ve had many health problems, some of which are still with me. I am proud that I moved from 100 kg to 91 kg, but my weight has stalled. Before that, I was afraid to take pharmaceutical products, but apparently, the time has come. Can I take Saxenda? Anyone wants to share their experience and help Emilia? Thanks in advance, have a nice day!
Saxenda is a strong thing. For six months, I lost weight, but I was stuck on the weight of 85 kg. Thanks to Saxenda, I finally overcame the plateau. I advise anyone who wants to use these injections or any other medication always consult a doctor or pharmacist first. My doctor and I chose Saxenda because it can be used for a long time. I also want to say that the pen is easy to use, do not be afraid of injections – it is safe and not painful.
Hello!! I’d like to talk to people who have just started injecting. I want to know what to do to succeed and improve my situation. I am 29 years old I am 1 m 65 and 87 kg. I know I have to do sports, but I don’t like it. I’d like to get some good advice. Thank you, Petra.
You probably know it yourself, but I’ll say it. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits if you haven’t already. Probably, counting the consumed calories may help. Reduce your consumption of simple carbohydrates and alcohol. Refuse or minimise your consumption of highly processed products. Also, make sure you sleep well! These are simple recommendations, but they work.
Hi, Petra. My advice is to walk more and try the diet from a dietician, not the one you find in a Google search.
Hello! My story is rather banal. After my son turned one, my weight increased dramatically to 89 kg. I already felt shortness of breath; maybe you can say it was because of obesity. After about 6 months, my weight reached 95 kg, and I struggled with the usual business. Even after only 10 minutes on foot, I was already suffocated. I started to fall ill more and felt my legs weren’t strong enough to hold my weight. On the doctor’s advice, I started injecting Saxenda. It’s been five weeks, but I have seen some results. I’ve lost four and a half kilograms. I want to say thank you to Saxenda. Overall, this is one of the best tools for weight loss.
Hi, everyone. I’m new to this group. I’m 36 years old; my original weight is 102 kg. I’m desperate because I can’t keep losing weight. My weight has decreased to 93 kg, but apparently, I have reached the plateau. Who faced a similar effect, please tell me what to do. I’d really appreciate it!
It’s hard to recommend anything specific to you, let me tell you what helped me. Maybe try for 7-14 days to relax the diet a little and increase the number of calories consumed. Then bring it back, and see if it makes a difference. I know it sounds against my better judgment, but it helped me get over the plateau
The other people and I were in the same condition as you; maybe someone was in an even worse condition and couldn’t start losing weight. Read more comments; you will surely find the right answers. The only thing is…. NEVER give up, be firm and strict with yourself. That logic worked for me, and it will work for you!
Hi, I agree with Henry. Perseverance, desire and determination should never be absent. Those who struggle can sometimes lose; those who do not struggle have already lost. Learn the available information; there is a lot. Start doing what needs to be done, and then do more, and suddenly you find yourself doing the impossible.
Hello everyone. Many people are talking about gastrointestinal side effects, and I want to say a few words. I didn’t pay much attention to the side effects because I saw that Saxenda works.
Hi, my name is Owen; I am 35 years old and have a damaged knee (complication due to obesity). From Saxenda, I have almost no side effects, but the weight is dropped slowly. I can not be very active in sports, only walking on the treadmill. If this happened to one of you, share your experience. Thank you for answering me!
Load your upper body. Lifting weights is a miracle that can make you strong and healthy. Muscle building means that the body literally burns a huge amount of calories, even if you are asleep or at rest. I want to give women the same advice – do not be afraid to lift weights. If you do everything correctly, you will become slim, not pumped
Maybe try a rowing machine? I heard that rowing is a great exercise for the upper body. I wish you health.
The fight against obesity is important because it helps prevent diseases primarily related to the cardiovascular system. Of course, in addition to the medication, it is necessary to observe a special diet to make the treatment even more effective. I’ve been taking Saxenda for five months, and I have to say I’ve already seen the first results: minus 17 kg, reduced waist circumference, and sharper shape of the face. And I want to add something about the price. Considering that health is priceless, I firmly believe that Saxenda has great value for money! It is really effective!
Hello. At 17, I had a weight problem. At 25, I weighed 87 kg at 165 cm. My life was full of tension because of various things, but above all, because of the weight. So I bought Saxenda to try. This medication has changed my life. Only 12 weeks, and I lost 14 kg. I was very worried about Saxenda’s side effects, but it turned out that it was in vain. The only side effect I had was fatigue. I don’t know exactly what caused it, probably the medication or maybe the low-carb diet I was on.
I’ve never had to take weight-loss medication, but a very close friend of mine decided it was time. We both really have extra weight, and we wanted to lose 20- 25 kilos. We consulted a nutritionist, looked at the information on various websites and realised that Saxenda is what we need to block hunger. Now, after three months, I can say that the drug works perfectly. I have a more modest weight loss of 9 kg, and my friend lost 12 kg. We are very pleased with the injections; now, our goal seems achievable.
Amazing results out there!
A balanced diet for life is what I want to achieve.
Currently, I am 27 years old. I work freelance and, most of the time, stay at home. I had a problem, and this problem weighed 135 kg. Went through many weight management programs, but they didn’t help. I wanted to lose weight but didn’t know how to do it until I learned about Saxenda. After consulting a nutritionist and talking online with Saxenda users, I realised that this could work and started injecting. I’m more focused on food than sports, but I try to walk more. Gave up instant noodles and snacks in front of the computer. I now eat at the dinner table and refrain from eating while watching TV shows. In the first week, I lost 2.5 kg at a dose of 3 mg. The following weeks showed similar results. It’s too early to say my problem’s solved, but I’m going for it
Hello Alyssa. I had a similar problem. Looking back, I can say that I also was shocked. My advice to everyone is as follows. Stop eating in front of the computer. Sometimes I ate four packs of appetisers in the evening without really noticing it. Eat more food made by yourself.
Stable action throughout the day and no side effects. Superior to all the other medications I tried and used.
I want to share my experience with the Ducane diet. It mainly involves taking proteins, and when carbohydrates reappear in the diet, the body immediately begins accumulating them. That is, once you stop the high-protein diet, you immediately begin to gain weight. I ran into the yo-yo effect but quickly figured out the problem. I switched to a new diet, it is not as strict as the Ducane diet, but my weight has stabilised. Be careful with any diet! It’s a shame to put on weight again.
It’s often said that Ducane’s diet will make you lose weight for life – very dubious, but it sounds good.
To lose weight, you need to really want it. Whatever diet you choose, you should know that getting a good result will be difficult without physical activity. Lots of fruit and vegetables, lots of water and any activity – banal, but it works. You can apply the Ducane diet, but I am personally against it. All I’m good for is “separate food”. This concept reduces weight slowly but leads to lasting results over time. It has no yo-yo effect like most diets. Engage in active and regular sports and change your diet; it can’t but give results.
Hello, I am slowly but steadily winning this race. I lost a total of about 44 pounds. Judging by the forum, not everyone can get this prescription drug. Does anyone have the same problem?
Thank you, Saxenda, for your help. At first, I was wondering if I should go on a diet at all. And yes, I was stopped by complications; I have no willpower not to eat high-calorie food. On my previous diet, I barely survived 16 weeks. I lost a little weight and then gained weight so quickly that the question arose – WHY WAS ALL THIS NECESSARY? After the doctor told me about the consequences of obesity, I decided that I needed to make a difference in my life and my eating habits. I started taking Saxenda and gradually increased the dose. My stomach ached at a dose of 1.8 mg, but the thought of a slender body stimulated me greatly. I was afraid to go to the next dosage level, but I did it, and my stomach was fine. It’s my third month on a dose of 3 mg, my appetite is significantly reduced, and I don’t actually have a stomach problem. I started at 130 kg, today is 105, and I want to continue.
This is the end of my third week. I lost about eight pounds and am quite satisfied with these results. That’s how I tried to lose weight, based on dietitian recommendations: sports, eating fruits and vegetables, drinking 12 glasses of water a day, sleeping eight hours, and dinner before seven.
Hello everyone. I want to share my results with Saxenda before and after 1 month. The feeling of satiety comes quickly; the appetite is really less. My weight has been reduced by 15 pounds. Of course, it has not been long, but I expect a good effect.
I am new to all this and have been on this drug for only one week. Saxenda gives a feeling of satiety. Unfortunately, my snacks haven’t stopped yet, and I confess that food is still the most beautiful vice.
My acquaintance with Saxenda began 2 months ago. I noticed positive changes in the reduction of appetite almost immediately, and after another two weeks, the scales moved in the right direction, and I began to feel much better. Of the side effects – I sometimes have nausea and headache. Overall satisfaction is about 95%. Try and have fun!
Tell me, please, how long is the Saxenda needle?
The standard needle length is 8 mm. Always change the needle before each injection. See the patient information sheet for instructions and diagrams on using pens and sterile needles.
Combining exercise, regular eating of vegetables and fruits and low-calorie meals is the best way to lose weight. The problem is that not everyone has the time and the desire to do the above. Without additional assistance, not everyone can reduce the number of calories consumed. Saxenda is a practical and suitable solution for anyone who wants to lose weight by reducing appetite. You consume fewer calories than you need, so the body begins to use (burn) accumulated energy – fats. It seems this is simple, and everyone knows how it happens, but without Saxenda, it is difficult to succeed for a long time
Hello everyone, can anyone tell me about your experience with Saxenda? I read that it has many pros and cons.
In my opinion, do not rush to start Saxenda without consulting a doctor or a nutritionist. After consultation, you will be able to better define your goal. It is also important to understand the causes of obesity and how the medication works. High appetite is one of the main causes of obesity. The main pole of Saxenda is that it reduces appetite, helps to observe a diet and lose weight. Maybe the downside is that some people have side effects; I don’t know about other cons
There are no magic pills. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat properly and exercise. How many pounds can you lose on Saxenda? The answer to this question depends only on you! Good luck!
Hey, a year ago, I felt terrible because I weighed over 100 pounds when I was 40, and there was nothing I could do about it. Diet and sports were completely ineffective for me and very tiring. The only thing I could do was try some pharmacological slimming stuff. I found a drug called Saxenda and talked to a nutritionist about a new diet. I inject for six months, and I still carry it well. So far, I’ve lost 18 kilos. I’m still far from my goal, but overall, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me lately .
Hello, I want to share my experience. I have reduced my weight by only 13 kilograms, but I did not need more. I’ve been dieting, but I haven’t changed my lifestyle. You don’t have to go to the gym to do really boring things on the treadmill; I don’t know how you put up with that. It is enough to go to NATURE, the coast, the park, the mountains or the forest. WALK as much as possible in the fresh air. If you can walk fast and much on the street or in the store – do it. A GOOD DAILY WALK is a real panacea for health. It burns fats and helps to reduce the numbers on the scales
This is wonderful; I lost 30 kg!!! I used to take capsules of Orlistat, but Saxenda injection had a completely different effect. I was very lucky because I didn’t have any side effects
Agree with you, Stephania. It is difficult to tell how much this drug has improved the quality of my life!!! I wish everyone success!
Wow! Over what period of time? My 1-week Saxenda results – 3 kg
It took me 4.5 months on a Saxenda dose of 3 mg. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit by eating less than your body burns. This is how the process of burning fat starts. Do not believe in promises and miracles; it is impossible to bypass this rule. If you’re not losing weight, you’re consuming more than you think. This is elementary physics, Saxenda can not change anything in this, but thanks to it is much easier not to consume extra calories. Good luck!
I’ll start my Saxenda review by telling you that May was the month that I began taking Saxenda. It’s been a huge success. The only adverse effect I’ve had is extreme dehydration, which I manage by drinking plenty of water and chewing gum. I’ve shed 20 pounds so far by skipping the dose one day a week. 20 pounds in 35 days is an incredible achievement. I work out every day. Also, I walk three kilometers daily. I’m bursting with vitality. I had to remind myself to eat when I initially began taking the tablets since I’m not hungry. I had some difficulty falling asleep. All in all, this has been a wonderful experience, and I can’t wait to finally reach my desired weight.
I had side effects, too; I didn’t sleep well. I can tell you that if you can hold out for the first 1 or 2 months, everything will be fine.
On the first of June, I started taking Saxenda, and I went to visit my primary care physician yesterday. More than two weeks have passed since I started taking the medication, and I have shed 15 pounds in that time. I started with 250 pounds and got down to 235 pounds. I couldn’t be happier with how things turned out, guys! Every day, I try to do my favorite 90s workout with Sidney Crawford and eat only healthy food. And efforts are bearing fruit. Additionally, I exercise for thirty-five minutes. And I won’t stop working until I attain my objective of weighing 150 pounds. Hope, you enjoyed my Saxenda weight loss review. Good luck!
Hi Brittany. These are good results!!! Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us!
I also have started to lose weight since the first weeks. The best month of my life. My first achieved goal was to minus 18 pounds. On Saxenda, I could do it without much problem
I have never written reviews before, and it’s my first Saxenda review. The drug is worth it. I have always been a loser when it goes to maintaining a stable weight and being in shape. To no avail, despite my best efforts, I was unable to lose weight no matter what I did. I’ve tried just about everything! I started taking Saxenda six weeks ago, and so far, I’m satisfied. I’ve shed 26 pounds in the last month. It’s hard for me to put into words how wonderful it feels… IT WORKS! I dropped 8 pounds in the first week, even though I did not exercise at all. Aside from dry mouth, the only adverse effect I experienced was that it encouraged me to drink more water. I’m going to continue my treatment! Wish me luck!
In addition to following the diet plan, I have been taking this medicine for the last seven weeks. I go to the gym three times a week, and on days I don’t work out, I go for a mile walk. To lose weight successfully, you need to pay attention to the amount of food you consume. Seven weeks ago, my weight was 160 pounds, and today, it’s just 143. It has been quite helpful to me in terms of having better control over my appetite. I have exhausted every possible course of action, but this one seems to be producing the desired results, and I see a significant improvement in my overall health. I must say most reviews on Saxenda for weight loss are true, and the drug really works!
I am in seventh heaven. Highly recommend Saxenda in all respects. Appetite is suppressed, weight is reduced, what else to desire!
It’s already my second Saxenda review. The drug worked well for me years earlier. Now I need to lose weight and get my health back on track as soon as possible! Having just turned 53 a few weeks ago, I’m unhappy with my weight (220 pounds). I’ve made up my decision to come back to the Saxenda, which helped me before. I want to go down to 130 pounds to keep up with my kids and everyday routine. I gave it a perfect 10 because of the prior outcomes and my optimistic outlook.
It’s been a year since I started using Saxenda, and I really like this medication. It helped me to drop more than 20 kg. It eliminates the urge you have for eating while also providing you with energy. I have no reservations whatsoever in advising anybody to use this medication. I have to mention that I have observed one adverse effect. It made me quite moody. But I guess it’s because I have such tendencies originally, and the frug enhances them. I hope this review will help someone like saxenda reviews of other people helped me in due time.
I also am very pleased and can not understand why I have not used Saxenda before
The first thing I want to say in my Saxenda review is the following. This drug is very effective. I weighed 297 pounds when I initially took it. It took me ten weeks to lose 26 pounds, and I didn’t do any exercise. I ate three modest meals and two snacks every day. I drank a protein shake in the morning and six glasses of water daily. My stamina had never been higher. However, I regained some weight after I was taken off the medicine. Maintaining the weight loss achieved while using the medication requires regular exercise and reduced caloric intake. While you’re on the drug, I recommend making an effort to make habits healthier. In the long term, it will be beneficial.
Hi Frankie. These are good results!!! Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us!
My nutritionist and I chose Saxenda because it can be used for a long time. Yes, you have to make an effort to make your habits healthier, but most importantly, the drug has lived up to expectations. Minus 5 kg without exhausting sports, and just in 1 month. Try and good luck!
I’m a girl that stands at 5’7 and weighs 220 pounds. I took this drug with a green smoothie yesterday and noticed an immediate boost in energy. I went to the gym that day and worked out for an hour. It’s an unusually long time for me! I’ve read about extra energy in saxenda weight loss reviews but didn’t expect this anyway. I really felt like I could run a marathon when I got home. That day, I consumed 116 ounces of water. I literally force myself to eat regularly because I don’t feel like eating. My doctor prescribed Saxenda for three months, and I aim to lose 30 pounds by the end. I’ve dropped 5 pounds in a few days, so I think my goal is attainable.
So here is my Saxenda review. As of today, I weighed 200 pounds and have lost 10 pounds, taking a pill each day. Bread, spaghetti, tortilla, and sugar are all off the table for me since they’re all simple carbohydrates. I’m not experiencing cravings anymore! I limit my daily calorie intake to 1200 and drink 1 gallon of water daily. The only adverse effect I’ve experienced is a dry mouth; my heart rate has been as high as 198 when I’ve worked out very hard. I used to work out five days a week. It’s been a good investment so far!
Saxenda works perfectly every time. Certain side effects are worth overcoming this insatiable desire to eat!
When a buddy told me about it, I decided to give it a try. Also, I’ve read hundreds of saxenda reviews in Australia before taking the drug. Even though my friend said this drug works great, I had some doubts. I went to see my doctor and explained why I wanted to take the tablets. She cautioned me that everyone’s situation is unique and explained the risks. I decided to start the treatment. My goal was to lose weight after giving birth to my third child. Some of the pre-pregnancy clothing I haven’t worn in a long time fit within the first two weeks of using the medication. Now, after just two weeks on Saxenda, I lost 10 kg. It’s amazing!